Hi Ioana,

OK, then can you resend the patch set and drop the first patch so that the 
patch set is clearer on what they're meant to be? E.g. in this case, cleanup 
the remote tools function usage.  Btw,  will the 3 patches all you'll need for 
cleanup or there'll be more?  If there'll be more, probably send them all at 
the same time.

The other thing is your patches, each one only has a very brief commit subject, 
can you add a little bit more in the commit content for the change context or 


-----Original Message-----
From: Grigoropol, IoanaX
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:40 AM
To: Zhang, Jessica; yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote 

Hi Jessica,

Yes it makes sense.
The reason why I started refactoring the code in the remote tools is to try and 
isolate the functionality we need to move to the separate plugin.  Instead of 
moving everything in the first place, I am trying to reduce the code to single 
points of control without modifying the actual functionalities of the Helpers.
I can do the refactoring the other way around, but I think this way is cleaner 
because I would be clear what we need to keep in the helpers and what to drop.


-----Original Message-----
From: Zhang, Jessica
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 9:31 PM
To: Grigoropol, IoanaX; yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote 

Hi Ioana,

I thought we're going to create a common remote util plugin first then modify 
the remotetools and bc.ui to use this new remote util plugin.  From your patch 
series, the 1st path seems you're doing that but the following 3 you are making 
changes to remote tools files.  I'd like us to focus on creating this common 
util first then switch to modify the other plug-ins by using this common util.  
I'd expect this common util will contain classes that host all the functions 
that currently exist in RemoteHelper.java in bc.ui jzhang/windows-build and 
RSEHelper.java in remotetools.  There are many duplicate codes in these classes 
that we should abstract them out to put in this common util plug-in.  Does this 
make sense?

Also, please add License header in new files if you are going to introduce any.


-----Original Message-----
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2013 7:32 AM
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote 

- create a separate plugin in which to drop all tools needed for remote support
  - will leave it empty until all functionalilty is properly separated & the 
util remote code is clearly distinguised
- code refactoring for remote tools plugin in order to simplify code and create 
single point of control over commands stages

[Yocto #4362]
Ioana Grigoropol (4):
  Initial commit for remote separate plugin
  Refactor Model(s) to display customized messages
  Unify preProcess for all commands models
  Add default behaviour for commands for post processing
    Signed-off-by: Ioana Grigoropol <ioanax.grigoro...@intel.com>

 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/.classpath          |    7 ++
 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/.project            |   28 ++++++
 .../.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs           |    7 ++
 .../org.yocto.remote.utils/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF    |   10 +++
 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/build.properties    |    4 +
 .../src/org/yocto/remote/utils/Activator.java      |   50 +++++++++++
 .../yocto/sdk/remotetools/actions/BaseModel.java   |   89 +++++++++++++-------
 .../sdk/remotetools/actions/OprofileModel.java     |   53 ++++--------
 .../sdk/remotetools/actions/PowertopModel.java     |   47 ++++-------
 .../sdk/remotetools/actions/SystemtapModel.java    |   34 ++++----
 .../yocto/sdk/remotetools/actions/Ust2Model.java   |   63 ++++----------
 .../sdk/remotetools/actions/UstModelLegacy.java    |   54 ++++--------
 12 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 203 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/.project
 create mode 100644 
 create mode 100644 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
 create mode 100644 plugins/org.yocto.remote.utils/build.properties
 create mode 100644 


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