Hi Ioana,

There's issue as to syntax for YoctoHostShellProcessAdaptor since it's only 
supported by JDK version 1.7 and above.  Also, when I tried the plugin on 
Linux, it still failed for creating a project for an existing metadata 
directory.   With a not very clear error message " Directory /home/jzhang/poky 
contains a repository, please select validate repository" which is what I did.  
It seems we are calling out the git repository for bitbake commander project, 
which I don't think there's the need. I think we should preserve the existing 
interface that only provide user the option to clone a new one if there's the 
need.  Otherwise, we should just validate the project repo behind the scene.  
And we shouldn't make the clone a new one as the default as the current 


-----Original Message-----
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 5:26 AM
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3] [eclipse-poky] Eclipse plugin on Windows - fixes 
for progress update on wizards & input validation

- Resending patches with proper header for eclipse-poky
- Include fixes for showing progress information for long time running tasks on 
wizards for Bitbake Commander project & Bitbake recipe
- Includes validation for the location & name of a new Bitbake Commander in a 
new repo clone or an existing one

Ioana Grigoropol (3):
  Show progress bar for New Bitbake Commander project
  Show progress bar for building new Recipe in Bitbake commander
  Validate project name and location for Bitbake command project

 .../src/org/yocto/bc/bitbake/ShellSession.java     |  116 +++-----
 .../yocto/bc/remote/utils/ProcessStreamBuffer.java |    3 +-
 .../org/yocto/bc/remote/utils/RemoteHelper.java    |  155 +++++------
 .../org/yocto/bc/remote/utils/RemoteMachine.java   |    4 +-
 .../remote/utils/YoctoHostShellProcessAdapter.java |  136 +++++-----  
.../bc/remote/utils/YoctoRunnableWithProgress.java |  106 ++++++++
 .../bc/ui/wizards/NewBitBakeFileRecipeWizard.java  |    2 +-
 .../ui/wizards/NewBitBakeFileRecipeWizardPage.java |  285 ++++++++++---------- 
 .../yocto/bc/ui/wizards/install/InstallWizard.java |  113 ++------
 .../yocto/bc/ui/wizards/install/OptionsPage.java   |  178 ++++++------
 .../BBConfigurationInitializeOperation.java        |    6 +-
 .../newproject/CreateBBCProjectOperation.java      |   31 +--
 12 files changed, 551 insertions(+), 584 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 


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