Hi Patrick,

Since you're able to add the dev packages to images, just do bitbake 
yourimagewithALSA -c populate_sdk, that should generate a SDK contains ALSA.  
By default, meta-toolchain-sdk is predefined unless you use "-c populate_sdk" 
to enforce the SDK sysroot to match your rootfs.


-----Original Message-----
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Patrick Turley
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2013 1:27 PM
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Subject: [yocto] Adding ALSA to the Yocto SDK

I've been working on re-targeting some code from a vendor's board to our own 

For libraries and other low-level code, everything's been fine. For test 
applications, I'm running into a dependency on the header file 
alsa/asoundlib.h, which is obviously part of ALSA.

I've been building our SDK with:

    bitbake meta-toolchain-sdk

This gives us most everything we need, but it does *not* include header files 
and libraries for ALSA. That actually seems perfectly reasonable to me -- not 
everyone needs ALSA support in their applications, so the *default* SDK 
shouldn't be burdened with that.

We *do* need it. As I see it, there are two possibilities:

1) There's something I can do that will cause OE/Yocto to include ALSA header 
files in the SDK I produce. If that's the case, can you tell me what I need to 

2) The ALSA header files aren't *supposed* to be in the SDK -- I'm supposed to 
be delivering them to the compilation process in another way. If that's the 
case, can you tell me what I need to do?

Other items of note...

-- Executing "bitbake alsa-lib" *did* put the expected files within our sysroot 
(under tmp/sysroots). Even so (as we intuitively expected) executing "bitbake 
meta-toolchain-sdk" afterward did *not* put them into the SDK. We conclude that 
having a package built and available for the SDK doesn't necessarily get it 
into the SDK.

-- Adding ALSA to our image also caused the correct files to end up in our 
sysroot but, again, nothing appeared in the SDK. We conclude that the contents 
of the image do *not* dictate the contents of the SDK.

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