Hi Timo,

Couple comments:

1.  I really like the way that the global profile and project profile are 
linked together.  But it also introduce an out of sync issue.  Say I use a 
profile compiled my project with one set of toolchain and sysroot setup.  Then 
I change the  toolchain and sysroot settings for the profile.  But unless we 
inform/enforce the user to rebuild the project with the new profile settings.  
The built out in the project directory is using one set of setting, but by 
looking at the project profile setting is another set.  So, I think we need to 
add a notification to user like we're doing for "remove".  When user change a 
profile and if there're projects using the profile, we need to prompt the user  
with something like: "The profile settings have been changed and there're 
projects using this profile which will be impacted.  If you want to pursue the 
changes, please rebuild those projects with the new profile settings".  And in 
those projects, we need a sign the inform the user that the un
 derline profile has changed, they need to rebuild to resync.  Make sense?

2. Seems we only allow user to choose profiles in project settings, can 
eliminate those grayed out "save as...", "remove", etc buttons?

3.  Also since the profile are really cross development setting profiles.  Can 
we change "Target profile" to "Cross development profile"?


-----Original Message-----
From: yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproject.org] On 
Behalf Of Timo Mueller
Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 5:28 AM
To: yocto@yoctoproject.org
Cc: Timo Mueller
Subject: [yocto] [RFC v1 0/5][eclipse-poky] Enable target profiles for projects

From: Timo Mueller <timo.muel...@bmw-carit.de>


this patch set enables projects to make use of the target profiles proposed in 
"[RFC v4 00/17][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles".

Currently the target profiles are only used to determine the default settings 
when creating a new project. Changing the used profile on an already created 
projects is not possible, also if the target profile is changed the projects 
are not affected.
This patch set enables the use of target profiles in the projects. You can 
select the used global profile within the projet properties or use a project 
specific configuration. If a global target profile is used and its values are 
changed in the eclipse preferences, the projects using this profile are updated 

Best regards

Timo Mueller (5):
  plugins/sdk.ide: Allow storage of yocto settings in project
  plugins/sdk.ide: Store profile configuration on project setup
  plugins/sdk.ide: Enable project specific yocto settings
  plugins/sdk.ide: Update projects affected by changes of a target
  plugins/sdk.ide: Enable the usage of profiles in the project

 .../src/org/yocto/sdk/ide/YoctoProfileSetting.java |   3 +
 .../yocto/sdk/ide/YoctoProjectSpecificSetting.java |  89 ++++++++++++
 .../org/yocto/sdk/ide/YoctoSDKMessages.properties  |   5 +-
 .../org/yocto/sdk/ide/YoctoSDKProjectNature.java   |   1 +
 .../src/org/yocto/sdk/ide/YoctoSDKUtils.java       | 149 +++++++++++++++++++++
 .../sdk/ide/preferences/PreferenceConstants.java   |   2 +
 .../ide/preferences/YoctoSDKPreferencePage.java    |  91 ++++++++++++-
 .../preferences/YoctoSDKProjectPropertyPage.java   |  94 ++++++++++---
 8 files changed, 410 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)  create mode 100644 


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