PocketPC development

2001-01-25 Thread Mac Reiter
By the way, if anyone wants to develop for PocketPC (CE 3.0) or CE 2.12 devices, but thought the tools were too expensive, check out: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/embedded/ce/tools/emvt30order.asp The tools are free, but they charge $7.50 for shipping. You get CE versions of Visual C and Vi

Re: PocketPC development

2001-01-25 Thread Mac Reiter
). Mac At 04:13 PM 1/25/01 -0700, you wrote: >Is this just the 30-day trial version, or the real package? >Are there any catches like upgrade requirements? > >Also, can it generate binaries for any WinCE platform >(specifically, I'm interested in SH (Hitachi SuperH))? > >Thank

Re: persistent connection drops

2001-02-01 Thread Mac Reiter
>>Are the logged-in / logged-out display resolutions the same? > >No. Both clients are running at 1280x1024, server at 800x600. I've got An explanation for why the question was asked would probably help... Any time the Windows machine running the VNC server changes its resolution, the server

Re: persistent connection drops

2001-02-01 Thread Mac Reiter
The only time I have seen a remote login/logoff cause a VNC drop is when the server has different screen resolutions for login than it has for normal use. That is why I gave the extended explanation that I did. When you log in LOCALLY, does the monitor click or do anything to suggest that it is

Re: Newbie questions

2001-02-07 Thread Mac Reiter
Screen comes from Server, so server would have to be on user's machine. WinVNC can be installed as a service, so it is always running on user's machine, though I would find that offensive as a user. The server can also be run as a normal program, which allows the user to know when their machine i

RE: 5800/5900 question

2001-02-09 Thread Mac Reiter
That is mostly correct. 80 is not used for anything. WinVNC places its HTTP server at port 58xx. An important note, however, is that if you use the vncviewer.exe client rather than the Java applet, the only port that is needed is the 59xx port. 58xx is only needed for people wishing to control

Re: Keyboard shortcut for scrolling large screen?

2001-02-09 Thread Mac Reiter
>I realize I could just run CDE and get the same >effect, but I like my twm window manager which >I have customized quite extensively and CDE does >not use twm. Alternatively, check out tvtwm, which apparently uses the same config files as twm, but provides a virtual screen on the X side. This

Re: Exporting sound with VNC

2001-02-13 Thread Mac Reiter
Sick and Painful Though-Of-The-Day: If you can guarantee that the Win32 based server has it's audio recording system set up to Record from all output channels, including "Wave Out", I have a class that will call a function of your choosing for every N samples of audio data. You could then transm

Re: Exporting sound with VNC

2001-02-13 Thread Mac Reiter
>Sick and Painful Though-Of-The-Day: Sorry, make that "Thought-Of-The-Day"... Mac - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html

Re: For best screen responsiveness?...

2001-02-14 Thread Mac Reiter
[Original] >>I'm using VNC/MacOS Viewer and a Windows server under Win2000. We've [Reply] >Under a *nix server and Windows client, I've found the best combo is using [Please note, I am not the original poster, so if the following offends, please don't blame him...] Ummm, solutions for *nix se

Re: Problem in using VNC on Linux

2001-02-14 Thread Mac Reiter
What I finally learned to do was replace the twm line with /etc/X11R6/xinit/Xclients or ~/.Xclients or something like that. You can find where Xclients exists with: find / -name Xclients If your machine is single user, you may only have the global one like the first path I gave. If you ha

Single App Share patches

2001-02-15 Thread Mac Reiter
I am trying to use Celine Fage's Single App sharing modifications from the Contribs pages. I have applied all the code to the 3.3.3r7 src, and removed the Corba stuff from my project so it will compile, and am now down to a problem with the following function: HWND fenetre = m_client->m_buffer->

Re: mapping a remote drive

2001-02-16 Thread Mac Reiter
>yes..clearly it means opening a port, but with a smart >password, is it any different that opening a port for VNC or >ftp for that matter? > >in fact, if u only open one drive or one directory to the >world, might it not be even safer? Well, it would be, except that Microsoft has demonstrably pa

Re: VNC perf issues

2001-02-19 Thread Mac Reiter
One alternative suggestion - if X windows works well, you could try the port of XFree86 to Win32 DirectX that was done with CygWin. This is developer code, and I haven't tested it, so I will simply leave you with the link and let you check it out for yourself. In theory, as an X server sitting o

Re: Drive mapping?

2001-02-20 Thread Mac Reiter
Drive letters are single characters, so you can extend somewhat further into the ASCII character set, but you quickly run into a problem... The next "letter" after Z is [, which just looks funny ( [:\config.sys ), but probably works. The second character after Z is \, which will confuse the file

Re: Drive mapping?

2001-02-20 Thread Mac Reiter
>I've just this minute joined this mailing list. > >I thought it was to discuss VNC. > >Am I in the wrong place? You are in the right place, but things sometimes take considerable side roads. Having remote control of a computer raises the issue of file transfer to remote machines, which spawned

Re: Firewall problem solved

2001-02-20 Thread Mac Reiter
>The ONLY other change I made is that I have VNC running as an app instead >of a service on Windows ME, but I can't imagine that made much of a difference. Windows ME has the stupidest networking option I have ever seen -- if it can't detect a functioning network connection, it disables the ENTI


2001-02-23 Thread Mac Reiter
At 10:34 AM 2/23/01 -, you wrote: >Being the non-programming sort of person I am, is there anyone out there >working on a version of VNC for ARM processor powered machines like the >iPaq? > >~Shaun R. The PocketPC development tools are free from Microsoft. You can either download the two CD

Re: VNC Ports

2001-02-26 Thread Mac Reiter
>Hi Brett, > >VNC requires two ports to go in and out 5800 and 5900. Will not work any other way. > >Mario Sorry, but if you don't know what you're talking about, PLEASE don't send in answers. People get confused enough without deliberately presenting false information. 5900 + (or 59xx in shor

Bad naming convention

2001-02-26 Thread Mac Reiter
Just as a note from someone who has been working to port the VNCviewer code to new platforms: The use of "log" as a global variable name was and is amazingly poorly thought out. "log()" is a standard math library function, and many compilers (the ones I keep having to use, in particular) are not

PocketPC virtual keyboard

2001-02-26 Thread Mac Reiter
For those of you who may find yourself needing to program a Windows CE 3.0 / PocketPC device, it can be very helpful to your users if you ALWAYS ensure that the virtual keyboard is available before asking them for any textual input. Here is the code necessary for doing so: #include #include v

Re: how can i install vnc server as remote and giving the password an d settings?

2001-02-28 Thread Mac Reiter
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >How can i disable or hide the remote screen for my users?. I need the remote >users can't see what i doing with their computers. and >how can i install vnc server as remote and giving the password and settings? >thanks. Maybe I'm paranoid, but a remote installation sp


2001-03-01 Thread Mac Reiter
Just curious... Why does VNC have a function called Swap16IfLE()? Why not use ntohs()? Or is ntohs equivalent to a Swap16IfBE()? Host computer byte ordering vs canonical network byte ordering is something that the earliest TCP/IP stacks solved and provided routines for... Of course, standard

Re: Failed to find 8-plane PseudoColor visual

2001-03-02 Thread Mac Reiter
>> Does anyone know what the warning message mean when I ran an >> application with in the VNC desktop. I tried to start the VNC server >> in 8, 16 and 24, I still got the warning. >> >> *WARNING: Atr: Failed to find 8-plane PseudoColor visual >> >> My Desktop color depth is set to 24 on my

Re: VNC as only display on Sol 2.6 for CDE login??

2001-03-02 Thread Mac Reiter
At 03:13 PM 3/2/01 -0600, you wrote: >Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong??? I've searched all the online >resources to no avail... > >I have been using VNC for some time on my local LAN between my NT machine >and Solaris workstations. I now also admin our company mail server which is >also

RE: WinVNCServer Thought

2001-03-05 Thread Mac Reiter
>intercepted very differently. One way to do what you are asking for would >be to write your own video driver. My understanding is that Windows 2000 >allows for multiple video drivers to exist at once yet obtain the same >screen information, however I might be wrong on that count. Regardless, >

RE: WinVNCServer Thought

2001-03-05 Thread Mac Reiter
>through. Doing so to GDI32 would be perfect. Unfortunately, Microsoft >appears to have pulled said article. I know that it was from some Ouch... I found the listing. It's pretty hairy, and it is in VB code, which is not the way I would want to do this, but that's life, I guess... The extrem

Re: Re: SSH and VNC

2001-03-06 Thread Mac Reiter
At 01:28 PM 3/6/01 -0500, you wrote: >Then double check to make sure that you added the registry value correctly >(it does NOT go in the "Default" key). I don't think you have to, but try >stopping and re-starting the WinVNC Service. (to original poster) Also, make sure that you are in the right

RE: complete crash of windows 2000 using vncviewer (fwd)

2001-03-08 Thread Mac Reiter
t explain the Java problems. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ - To unsubscri

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-08 Thread Mac Reiter
cations. I'm ecstatic to hear someone willing to write the GDI wrapper, and hope that someone takes up the banner on the WinVNC side (I'd like to, but have nowhere near enough time now or in the next few months). _________ /"\ Mac Reiter

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-08 Thread Mac Reiter
want to see effort that could be spent getting a working GDI wrapper spent on DirectX stuff. Get the biggest payoff with the least effort whenever possible, right? _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-08 Thread Mac Reiter
e >display bitmap has been written to (we can leave CopyRect for later). But if you caught BitBlt and StretchBlt, CopyRect encoding that would be comparatively easy. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, I


2001-03-09 Thread Mac Reiter
ld take around a minute, even on fast CPUs, and worse on a 486 or Pentium 75. Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ ---

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-09 Thread Mac Reiter
Has anyone looked into SetDDIHook? It is part of the Active Accessibility system, and allows you to route ALL GDI->device driver calls through a 16-bit DLL of your choice. The 16 bit part annoys me, but it would give you all the information you could hope to need, and you could simply pass on an

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-10 Thread Mac Reiter
>> Has anyone looked into SetDDIHook? It is part of the Active Accessibility > >I asked Microsoft about why a header file for this was missing and they >said that it is a mistake in the SDK docs - there is no such API. It isn't part of the Win32 API. It is part of the Active Accessibility SDK,

Re: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-13 Thread Mac Reiter
_ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: unsubscribe vnc

Re: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-13 Thread Mac Reiter
ev/downloads.htm Just trying to diseminate as much info as I can find in the hopes that someone will find the magic clue that lets RAdmin and Remote-Anything run so fast, so that it can be placed in VNC... _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /

Re: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
>RAdmin just uses the DDML system, which just passes all graphics calls to >multiple graphics drivers, one of which is a hooking one. Any ideas how RAdmin works under 95/98? _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign No


2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
operating systems (OK, at least 95/98/ME/NT4/2000. It probably wasn't around in NT3.51 or earlier...) Enjoy. _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, I

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
rable work to me, and apologize again for my highly inappropriate response. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against H

Re: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
ct requires remote control of a 98 machine -- the remote controlled machine will be running various hardware devices, whose drivers will be 95/98 based, not NT/2000 based. If DDML existed under ME, I might be able to use ME instead of 98. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter


2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
even purchase something from TridiaVNC, thus encouraging them to given credence to your needs. _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

RE: File Transfer

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
er in VNC. Let VNC get better at what it was designed to do, and let file transfer programs get better at what they were designed to do. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against

RE: GDI DLL Wrapper

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
s technique to be released under the GPL, since people have to be able to recompile all the code. If such a compiler is not available, then the SetDDIHook technique cannot be used (since it requires a 16bit DLL to hold the hook), which would really depress me. I really wi


2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
s that normally can only be controlled by physical access to the machine, but that's just from reading their press release... _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: file xfer

2001-03-14 Thread Mac Reiter
(binary) items, but I'm not sure what X Windows does. _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL

Re: VNC & MSDOS Prompt/Setup

2001-03-15 Thread Mac Reiter
it used to be a big problem on the older CE units. _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTM

RE: Windows VNC package updated to 3.3.3r8

2001-03-16 Thread Mac Reiter
n an 8bit boundary. _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ - To unsubscribe, send

Re: VNC to 3.3.3r8 WEZ

2001-03-19 Thread Mac Reiter
used are F1, ESC, CTRL-ALT-ESC, and just about anything imaginable. DEL, F2, and F1 are the most common, though. If you can get to your bios, you may be able to tell it to boot up in external monitor mode (or whichever mode you want). You will have to do this locally. If you actually need to chang

RE: Some CPU ideas

2001-03-19 Thread Mac Reiter
viewer would have to recognize that it was receiving an XOR Delta packet, and would need to use the XOR RasterOp as well when adding it to the screen. Does WinVNC already do some or all of this? _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign N

Re: Windows CE client very slow

2001-03-20 Thread Mac Reiter
theoretical bandwidth for the serial link (actually better than full, because PPP compresses). _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

GDI Wrapper DLL

2001-03-21 Thread Mac Reiter
I have no idea how nasty it will be getting it into VC... _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [

Re: VNC freezes and then disappears

2001-03-21 Thread Mac Reiter
xperience with. Does this occur both with the Java/WebBrowser based viewer and with the native viewer? Just trying to localize if it is an issue in the server or in the viewer. _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadic

Re: Bandwidth requirements

2001-03-23 Thread Mac Reiter
tten such a broadcast tunnel or not. It would be less useful (and very confusing) if 100 different people were all trying to control the mouse pointer... _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: VNC for Pocket PC

2001-03-28 Thread Mac Reiter
mbridge, UK - Tel : 343000 > >- Original Message - >From: "Steven Caesare" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 9:47 PM >Subject: Re: VNC for Pocket PC > > >> http://www

Re: VNC for Pocket PC

2001-03-28 Thread Mac Reiter
At 12:05 PM 3/28/01 -0800, you wrote: >Is there any port for PalmOS? (I'm sure this has been >asked already) http://www.btinternet.com/~harakan/PalmVNC/ _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: Clarification - pcanywhere functionality

2001-04-02 Thread Mac Reiter
the x0rfbserver) have options for disabling remote keyboard and mouse, so that the VNC viewer people can only watch, not control. I have not actually used the x0rfbserver system myself, so if you have a problem, someone else on the list will have to help... _______

RE: Clarification - pcanywhere functionality

2001-04-02 Thread Mac Reiter
your desktop. Run the Unix application in the VNC desktop, which >is within both of your desktops. Ouch... It works, but it's a little contorted and potentially confusing for the guy at the Solaris box... _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /

Re: Setting up win32 vncserver completely from command line?

2001-04-02 Thread Mac Reiter
..), and other people who tried to use VNC would get a "Unable to connect to server" when IIS jumped in and handed out "HTTP 1.0"... _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaig

Re: Setting up win32 vncserver completely from command line?

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
bly right here in the mailing list. If we ask nicely, Wez might tell us how to do it ;-) Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: Setting up win32 vncserver completely from command line?

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
nore that... Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ - To unsubscribe, send a message with the line: un

Re: running linux apps (other than xterm) on windows client

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
by users for their own needs. The "fractional" part of the display is the Screen number. If you had a video card with two monitor outputs, it could be configured as :0.0 and :0.1 Hope that helps. Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /

Re: Memory prb with NT4

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
ld suggest that SP6a is probably pretty clean (since there is no SP6b or SP6aa or SP6a1 or anything) _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

RE: Memory prb with NT4

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
etail than my normal paranoid fear that if Microsoft touches anything it'll break unrecoverably. Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Again

Re: Win32 - 3.3.3r9 - password exploit?

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
e last two weeks), is not currently on the FAQ, so I answered... Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ -

Re: VNC on machine with 2 adapters

2001-04-03 Thread Mac Reiter
rts on all available adapters (requires separate connection listening for each adapter) Dunno if that helps... Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, In

Re: Setting up win32 vncserver completely from command line?

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
in the painful throes of fighting with VNC via command line. But it might be useful in the future. _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ ---

Re: Win32 - 3.3.3r9 - password exploit?

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
ement. It doesn't use crypt(). The limitation is to maintain compatibility with getpass(), which only returns 8 characters on some systems. The actual encryption/authentication is VNC specific. Dunno anything past that. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter

Re: Multiple KDE sessions

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
td working, but on RH7, so I couldn't be exact enough... _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \

Re: Can Not Delete VNC files

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
nstall it. VNC has to hook into various pieces of the operating system, and sometimes those hooks aren't unhookable... (or at least, not easily unhookable) _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

RE: Can Not Delete VNC files

2001-04-05 Thread Mac Reiter
you're done, you just terminate it. _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ - To unsubscribe, send a m

RE: Limiting Connections to the vnc server

2001-04-05 Thread Mac Reiter
ou might be able to filter in "sub CheckDisplayNumber") or directly to Xvnc (which requires a source patch and rebuild) Hope that helps, Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

PocketVNC from TridiaVNC

2001-04-06 Thread Mac Reiter
team : Is there any of this that you would be interested in having? (Crud, just remembered that my exception handling usage comments are out of date...) Please advise. Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, I

Re: Ports above 99

2001-04-09 Thread Mac Reiter
pen on port 6001, which will conflict with any X server at display :1. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Ag

Re: Palmtop or Palmpilot

2001-04-11 Thread Mac Reiter
s a *lot* better to use. On the downside, your battery life won't be as good, either... My view from the trenches, Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: Palmtop or Palmpilot

2001-04-11 Thread Mac Reiter
nect, and I couldn't get a TCP/IP connection over that cradle. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML M

Re: Palmtop or Palmpilot

2001-04-11 Thread Mac Reiter
k traffic is going to occur anyway. (Palm would have the advantage of not downloading updates that are occurring off-screen, I suppose) _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Aga

Re: Palmtop or Palmpilot

2001-04-12 Thread Mac Reiter
rnada already supports Landscape rotation from the factory (though it doesn't offer the higher virtual resolutions...) _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: Have someone implement shared session for the inetd-option?

2001-04-16 Thread Mac Reiter
ine: unsubscribe vnc-list >to [EMAIL PROTECTED] >See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html >----- > _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: VNC versus Citrix ICA

2001-04-23 Thread Mac Reiter
n the screen updates can be sent, which is probably the source of the problem. Hope that others can benefit from my results, Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HT

RE: VNC versus Citrix ICA

2001-04-23 Thread Mac Reiter
tems have clean hooks into the video stream (which VNC could use, and may already be using). Win98 and the other "personal" systems have rather hackish, undocumented methods of doing similar work. I continue to hold out hope for a breakthrough. Mac _ /&q

RE: VNC versus Citrix ICA

2001-04-23 Thread Mac Reiter
n go to the Settings Tab). You can change color depth from there. Your VNC group in the Start menu should have a submenu for "Administrative Tools", which should have an entry for "Install WinVNC Service" Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter

Re: Maximum packet size

2001-04-25 Thread Mac Reiter
n the compressibility of the screen. VNC just uses a TCP stream and leaves segmentation into actual physical packets up to the TCP/IP stack (which is exactly what I would do, as well, given a transport that guarantees correct delivery). ________

Re: best performance with dialup 56kbps connections

2001-04-25 Thread Mac Reiter
ot;-cc 3" option after setting the depth so that it uses a palettized 8bit display, which more applications understand. _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail

RE: KDE on Redhat 7.1

2001-05-02 Thread Mac Reiter
but I can't remember where. It may have just been related to the -cc 3 thing... Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: AllowLoopbackdocumentation

2001-05-08 Thread Mac Reiter
very sensitive to heat ;-) Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ (To join the campaign, simply use

Re: Problem/bug: tight encoding with 24bit slow

2001-05-08 Thread Mac Reiter
processor can be considered a valid expense for heavily used WinVNC servers. Just suggestions. _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Colour Maps

2001-05-08 Thread Mac Reiter
oad on viewer, since the only alternative is a full screen download. Seems doable. Anybody feel like taking the lead, making the patch, and submitting it? _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X

RE: comparison

2001-05-08 Thread Mac Reiter
C. If you already have NetMeeting running for videoconferencing and don't want to install any other services, NetMeeting will also provide the occasional remote control service. I have used it to debug machines remotely, when necessary. On the whole, I've been much happier with VNC, thou

Re: vnc intermittently slow

2001-05-09 Thread Mac Reiter
might be worthwhile to have a more extensive project) Sorry for the rambling. Hope someone sends me an overview. Thanks, Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EM

Re: current display

2001-05-09 Thread Mac Reiter
ver works, look on the VNC Contrib page for x0rfbserver. That is a Linux/UNIX Xvnc that pulls its image from an already existing X server (ie, the one you get at the local monitor, which is display 0) Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII R

Re: Win32 - 3.3.3r9 - password exploit?

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
At 06:52 PM 4/3/01 -0400, you wrote: >from the secret journal of Mac Reiter ([EMAIL PROTECTED]): > > VNC only uses the first 8 characters of the password, to maintain >> compatibility with some old pathetic implementation of a password routine >> on one of the hundreds

RE: Memory prb with NT4

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
d I hadn't seen any flames, so I gave it a shot. But you're very right in not upgrading unless you have to... _____ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc.

Re: VNC on machine with 2 adapters

2001-04-04 Thread Mac Reiter
terface, and I guess it pushed the "normal" server binding method out of the cache... _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X

Re: Help! BsoD with Win98 and WinVNC

2001-05-15 Thread Mac Reiter
Once the system is as Voodoo-free as you think you can possible get it, re-install from the newest drivers you can find. Won't guarantee that it will solve your problem, but it has solved several video-related bugs for me. _________ /"\ Mac Reiter

Re: VNC being sold for profit...........?

2001-05-15 Thread Mac Reiter
could buy or download. Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] / \ (To join the campaign, simply use

Re: VNC vs Tridia

2001-05-17 Thread Mac Reiter
Tridia Client can also be "installed" by simply copying the executable, but some people prefer to have a "real" install program... That's about the only thing I can think of. Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribb

Windows XP issues (reality check)

2001-05-22 Thread Mac Reiter
C, AT&T, anyone else in the project, or my company, so if you feel like flaming, it's just me... Mac _ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: VNC Connection Freezes / Drops

2001-05-23 Thread Mac Reiter
o it would seem that there are places in WinVNC that do not gracefully handle severing of the connection. Mac _________ /"\ Mac Reiter\ /ASCII Ribbon Campaign Nomadics, Inc. X Against HTML Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Null-Modem PPP

2001-05-24 Thread Mac Reiter
blow out one or more of your computer USB controllers, and possibly damage the motherboard. Sorry, but my company develops USB devices (and many other things), and it mildly irritates me that other companies call these things crossover cables. Mac _________

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