>I'm running vncserver on Linux Mandrake 7.2 and am trying to open multiple
>sessions of KDE from a Win 2k computer. I can get the first session to run
>but any other sessions just show a purple screen. Any help will be
I have heard (and seen some evidence) that KDE doesn't understand running
on multiple displays -- apparently they store global info instead of
Display-centric information. KDE2 might be better about this.
>In addition, if anyone has any fool proof instructions on setting up the
>inetd in this same configuration I'd appreciate a copy of such instructions.
I believe that this was covered in the last month or so, if you can search
the mailing list archives. Something about "powertools" and "vnc rpms"
that would start up VNC at boot as a service. I have gotten xinetd
working, but on RH7, so I couldn't be exact enough...
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