At 10:15 AM 4/11/01 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm basically trying to decide between a palm 500m or a compaq ipac 3635 for
>a few reasons which don't pertain to vnc. But if I understand you correctly
>it seems like the palmvnc might be a little faster or dealable if I decide
>to use vnc.
Sorry - I neglected to mention that PalmVNC is incredibly slow as well.
The processor is slow, and having to do network retrieval and decompression
isn't fast either. If you can accept installing a specialized version of
the VNC server, then it gets better, because you can flip to full screen,
wait for screen to load, select a region of interest, wait for screen to
load. Otherwise you have to scroll and wait for all the intermediate bits
to load.
The CE version is slow to load a screen (it loads the entire screen at
once), but once loaded it can scroll on that screen very quickly.
If you are looking at mostly static screens (so that a few downloads
provide you with the info you want), then I would tend to go with the CE
unit. If your screens change a lot as you run, then just choose whichever
device you like the most for your other reasons, because a lot of network
traffic is going to occur anyway. (Palm would have the advantage of not
downloading updates that are occurring off-screen, I suppose)
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