Has anyone looked into SetDDIHook? It is part of the Active Accessibility
system, and allows you to route ALL GDI->device driver calls through a
16-bit DLL of your choice. The 16 bit part annoys me, but it would give
you all the information you could hope to need, and you could simply pass
on any call you didn't want to handle.
At 10:38 PM 3/9/01 +0000, you wrote:
>On Thu, 8 Mar 2001, Sharma, Shashi wrote:
>> So, if I just send the drawing request(like drawline, BitBlt etc) with the
>> bounding rectangle then WinVNC would be able to do the rest.
>> I am intersted to know what would be the performance gains.
>Considerable. WinVNC could completely avoid checking the supplied update
>rectangles for changes - it could assume that they had definitely changed.
>It would also catch more display updates, producing fewer graphical
>glitches. It would involve a suitable GDI32.DLL patch (assuming that this
>approach will work without breaking things) and a new VNCHooks.dll to use
>the new hooks.
>James "Wez" Weatherall
>Laboratory for Communications Engineering, Cambridge - Tel : 766513
>AT&T Labs Cambridge, UK - Tel : 343000
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