>I already tried "regedit newkeysforVNC.reg" and it didn't appear to work,
>regedit gui and pops up a dialog box. I had to kill it with my CGItools,
>and wasn't sure if the values went in.

Glad you got everything else working.  Here's a Stupid Windows Trick that
isn't particularly obvious:
The normal way to "install" a .reg file into the registry is to
Double-Click it in Explorer.  But how do you Double-Click from a command
line?  With the "start" command, thusly:

start newkeysforVNC.reg

"start" is an interesting command.  It does whatever the default Explorer
action is for that type of file (based on extension).  So you can "start
preview.avi" and it will fire up the Media Player, or you can "start
localcache.htm" and it will fire up Internet Explorer (or Netscape, if that
is your default).  You can use it anywhere the normal instructions say to
Double-Click on something.  I'm not sure if there are any command line
arguments to start to allow using any of the alternative actions...

Sorry I didn't think of suggesting this while you were deep in the painful
throes of fighting with VNC via command line.  But it might be useful in
the future.

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