>% netscape
>Error: Can't open display: jgarrett:0.0

I don't think that xhost is going to help.  xhost affects authorization to
use an X display, but the error message does not indicate an authentication
error.  It appears to indicate that Display :0 simply does not exist.

Some questions:

1. Is jgarrett the name of the Linux machine on which Xvnc (vncserver) is

2. When you ran vncserver, it should have told you something like "VNC
server running on desktop :1"  (at least, that's what I always get)  The
":1" (or whatever number it reports) is vitally important.  That is your
Display number.  If vncserver did report that it was running on :1, then
the problem you are having is that netscape, for whatever reason, is trying
to run on Display :0 instead of on Display :1.

If #2 sounds like your problem, you *can* temporarily fix this by executing
the following command some time after you start an xterm and before you try
to run any X applications (I am assuming sh/bash syntax -- you need to set
an environment variable and make it visible to your child processes, so if
your shell is not sh/bash, you may need a different command):

"export DISPLAY=:1"

Once that is done, any program executed by that xterm will understand that
it should be displaying on your vncserver.

Since xterms work, and nothing else works, I can only assume that one of
your shell setup scripts (.profile, .bashrc, .cshrc, or something like
that) that executes each time an xterm starts (well, technically, each time
a shell starts) contains a line that says "export DISPLAY=:0.0".  If you
find such a line, I strongly suggest just commenting it out.  Since the
xterms know where to show themselves, your DISPLAY variable was set
properly before these scripts ran.

Oh, for what it's worth -- I keep flipping between :0 and :0.0 -- For
almost all users it doesn't matter.  The first number indicates the
Display.  :0 is usually the local hardware display circuitry.  :1 and
higher are usually secondary displays started by users for their own needs.
 The "fractional" part of the display is the Screen number.  If you had a
video card with two monitor outputs, it could be configured as :0.0 and :0.1

Hope that helps.
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