At 03:04 PM 4/9/01 -0600, you wrote:
>I know that display no's/ports above 99 must be a complete number (ie:
>5265, not just 65). But I must be missing something because I would like
>to use ports 6000 - 7000, so I assigned 6000 as a display number, and so
>on. However, after doing a netstat, VNC seems to be listening on ports
>in the 11,000 range. Does someone now the algorithm for display no. to
>port mappings above 99?
If you are under Windows, please ignore this message...
You're going to have problems with ports in the 6000-7000 range, because
those are the X server ports. Technically, a VNC server is two servers in
one -- it is a VNC server at port 59xx and an X server at port 60xx. X
applications look to the 60xx ports to find their servers. So a VNC server
at display :101 would have both its X server on port 6101 and its VNC
server ports open on port 6001, which will conflict with any X server at
display :1.
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