Speaking as someone who does a bit with Win32 scripting (and used to do much more with
it on Unix in college) you know of course
that you are working with implements "poorly suited for their intended purpose".
:) - of course, your options are limited...
I tried the script you showed on
yes. You're going to hate yourself when you hear this, too :).
You can see the command line options available by running "vncviewer /?".
One of them is - "/viewonly".
- Original Message -
From: "Christophe Vial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday/2001 December 31
As I understand it, the 98 box is the client and the NT systems are the hosts. Here
are some "crosschecks" to try.
(1) Try using the Java applet instead of vncviewer just to compare what they do.
Here's how you do that. If you have a VNC server
at IP using Display 1, t
l Message -
From: "Christophe Vial" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday/2001 December 31 20:59
Subject: Re: Is there a "view only" mode?
: You're right... ;-(
: but how to activate it when using the web interface?
: Thanks,
: kifo
Welcome to the lovely world of Windows scripting, Fred :).
Actually, it is more straightforward than I made it sound. You already have a
VBScript interpreter on your system since it ships
with it.
All you need to do is save the script as a file with a .vbs extension and strip out
the line num
y to switch in read/write to fix be able to fix the
: hang...
: Hope it is more clear now.
: Thanks for the help!
: kifof
: Alex Angelopoulos wrote:
: >
: > That *does* change things a bit. Let me make sure I know what you're doing,
:though - here are my assumptions.
: >
: &g
ginal Message -
From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday/2002 January 01 14:33
Subject: Re: Is there a "view only" mode?
: from there. The problem is I have no clue how to modify the Java to make this
:happen -
I assume you mean (1280x768) possibly... Not that it matters for this. I also assume
you are using Windows as your laptop platform
for Method (1); for Method (2), you could have a Unix platform but the description is
for a Windows host.
There are two ways to do this; one is experimental, the o
I assume your main issue is passwords not showing up appropriately. I haven't sat down
to determine the best procedure for making
things uniform. Here is what I *believe* happens - please, someone correct the
First, remember that VNC wants to be multi-user in an inherently single-us
I have no "magic bullet" answers, but since you have had no other replies yet let me
suggest some things. Also, please post a reply
detailing what did work when it finally does ;).
(1) Try checking and updating the video drivers. I have had particular issues with
ATI cards in various
Not very easily, unfortunately - In fact, if I'm not mistaken it would take a
recompile, and most likely would not work anyway
since you probably have fake internal addresses...
Your best bet would likely be to talk to your local admins about it - and you can use
any port from 5900-5999 specif
duh - I didn't even think about tunnelling.
As a matter of fact, the beauty of what Micahel says is that you also (of course) get
significantly improved security since you
would be using ssh.
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Ossmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
About the only way you could get that kind of boot time now is to use a PalmPilot.
This has reminded me of something I've noticed which may be of interest to other heavy
VNC users on Win32. I use a mix of VNC,
pcAnywhere, and Windows Terminal Services for remote control on Win32 platform
I think this depends on the version of Linux/Unix to a great extent (I assume you are
referring to a *nix VNC server).
If that is the case - have you rebooted the system yet? If I recall correctly, the
password is normally cached by inetd or whatever
process starts VNC; a reboot or service rest
A couple of things to check here...
(1) Does this occur immediately after a windows logon? IN other words, is this the
sequence -
(a) log on via VNC
(b) enter your Windows machine/network password
(c) you get disconnected/reconnected
(2) if (1) is the case - it is quite possible that the "defau
east on win2k, which I
: use).
: Therefore, to my knowledge it is not possible to use VNC to log into your
: machine AND use the same VNC session to use the machine once you've logged
: in. That's certainly my experience with VNC anyway.
: regards,
: Martin Kemp
: > --
think that Phil's problem is a different
"default" resolution on his machine. WIll be
interesting to see what actually happens when he checks it out.
- Original Message -
From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday/20
Sent: Tuesday/2002 January 08 06:42
Subject: Re: Throwout when logging in - Win98SE
: On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 09:32:04PM -0500, Alex Angelopoulos wrote:
: > (a) Log on to VNC as normal
: > (b) hit "cancel" at your Windows logon; this will log you on with the
I don't think I saw your original post, Floyd. Would you resubmit it?
- Original Message -
From: "Floyd Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday/2002 January 09 10:41
Subject: Send Keystrokes with VNC
: Ok, so yet again I will ask this question. Does anyone
In the 2001-09 VNC archives, there is a reference to TridiaVNC being able to do this -
If your real concern is preventing people from messing with the properties via the
tray icon, look at this item in the archives:
What are you trying to do?
You can only run one instance of the VNC server locally. It may be automatically
starting up.
If you are trying to connect to a VNC server, you use the vncviewer applet,
vncviewer.exe on Win32... It comes in a separate folder
with the full Windows VNC install, and d
It depends on what you're using.
When you have a VNC server running on a system which support Java, it will actually
run on 2 ports.
The Java/web browser accessible service is running on 5800+ your display number, the
"WinVNC" service is running on 5900+ the
display number. So if you left the
The problem here is that you actually have two different scripting issues, it looks
On the one hand, you have the connection to the server via VNC from your client. As
soon as you log in to the server, you need to
"find" the error dialog which is not identifiable as any separate object by
That's weird, but there might be a problem with some files used by the VNC server. It
could also be an issue with the handling for
that port.
As a test, try telnetting to port 5900 of the VNC server BOTH locally and remotely.
You should see this echoed back when you
"RFB 003.003"
Good luck. Another thing you might try which I mentioned in another post this morning
You can telnet to port 590x of a VNC server (where x is the display number it uses) ,
and it should give you back this on at least
3.3.3r9 :
"RFB 003.003"
If it doesn't, then you aren't seeing the port f
problem. The problem
: is when the machine is locked and I need to click that button. The easiest
: resolution to me was to just have VNC send a return blindly. I have
: strong reservations about installing ActiveX controls.
: |> -Original Message-----
: |&
It does work a bit faster over low bandwidth connections. Interestingly enough, it
does seem to also take less memory. I had been
using it to connect to an underpowered NT4SP6a server (P200, 48MB RAM) and noticed a
somewhat peppier response on the LAN even.
My general rule of thumb has been th
A semi-topical clarification question...
Is this the standard method for settting apps up to use SSH? "relay" through a
loopback to a local SSH service?
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Ossmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday/2002 January 08 19:56
Well... yes and no.
You can install either Microsoft's Java VM or the Sun one and have it work fine; it
doesn't ship with it installed, though. You may
also see XP claiming that your Java installation is damaged if you examine downloaded
program files in IE. Ignore that; I believe
it's a sympto
One direct variation on the viewer which I have not seen documented on the VNC site is
VNCX, a VNC ActiveX control - allows you to
run VNC from Internet Explorer or MSHTA.EXE, no Java; you can also do standard
embedding of the viewer this way.
The url for it is
- Original Message -
From: "Kurt P. Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday/2002 January 11 22:27
Subject: Re: New tech from Micro$oft
: If I hear M$ spew the word "experience" one more
: time I'm going to puke!
: -Kurt
You mean eXPerience..
Also check under these two keys: -
for users who already have it set up:
And for generic setup on future users
Notice that for the user keys you do not have a finaly subkey of "Default".
The SecureVNC notes at SourceForge mention targeting both Win32 and POSIX systems..
In any case, the protocol issues are platform-independent - or should be ;).
- Original Message -
From: "Illtud Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday/2002 January 14 11:30
This problem is a very interesting commentary on the issue of "responsibilities" in
software development.
IMO also it is a classic (and well-known) WIn95 bug; on the other hand, the "fix" from
VNC is what I perceive as a classic Unixish
apporach where a component takes on more thanit's share of
: How do I know if someone has placed a copy of VNC on my computer to help
: them hack it? I suspect someone is getting access to my computer and have
: messed with it some.
: Thanks in advance,
: Dick Monical
Assuming a Win32 platform,
Look in the registry under the keys
Also, you may want to check the open Microsoft news server ( and
take a look at the various terminal services
newsgroups. If you do a search at Google in the microsoft.public.* hierarchy on
relevant terms, you will find some info about other
I don't really k
This is very nice Andrew...
Regrettably, as someone whose skills lie in the area of IT support, my contributions
will be limited to Monday-morning
quarterbacking (and probably answering Win32 VNC questions while people are away from
this list mulling the draft). Let me know if
anyone needs dry
For anyone interested, I have a crude ActiveX-based HTA front end for VNCViewer (as
well as pcAnywhere, Windows Terminal Services,
and Citrix Metaframe) available for download from
It's the file You *do* have to manuall
This is a mess. Here's your problem: you need a password set under HKLM as well as
HKU. Furthermore (and this is the most confusing
aspect of it IMHO) the key is NOT the same subpath.
Password, etc is set under the user key HKCU\Software\ORL\WinVNC3 when you get the VNC
server running. Since
You may have a problem with no password set under HKLM - an easy way to check is to
look in the registry under
and make certain you have that subkey. If not, you can follow the instructions I just
sent out on the thread "VNC as windows
I assume you made the changes only in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (since that is what the docs
seem to say).
You need to make the changes also in the user key. When logged on as the user you
normally connect as, go to
and create the ConnectPriority key there as we
oblem with this, that's why i am sure, that a
: simple interface for defining the settings before starting the service will
: surely be apriciated
: Alex.
: - Original Message -
: From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: Sen
mber difference and an AutoPortSelect difference
: - Original Message -
: From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <>
: Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 3:19 PM
: Subject: Re: Server2000 login connection problem - help!
: > You may
Took me a while to figure that one out first time. It works with the VNCViewer, the
Java web interface, and the ActiveX control.
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 17 03:17
Subject: WinVNC and CTRL+
Not sure about this - it sounds like it accepts your password, then sees another
Could you please post the following two registry keys from the Win2K server which
disconnects you?
They will both be
2 January 17 07:56
Subject: RE : WinVNC and CTRL+ALT+DEL can't view active remote process ?
: Thank you i tried this but unfortunately it doesn't display anything on
: remote vnc server and on vnc viewer client.
: Have you another idea ?
: -Message d'origine-
: De : A
The thanks is a bit premature... Your settings are identical to mine, which works
Two other things to check at this point. They are longer shots but are more likely
since we've eliminated a few things by verifying
that your config is plain vanilla.
(1) Are you using the default Win
Reposting this - I didn't see it pop up and I posted a couple of hours ago-
Barring a quick answer from anyone else -
Export the following two registry keys and send them to the list. This is where
everything VNCish live
n my device
: manager because I can't find a driver that will work. Anyone know of a
: generic driver that I could use that would work with VNC???
: -Original Message-
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Alex
: Angelopoulos
: Sent: Thursday, J
I would expect you might see some security concerns about doing that.
(That's the way it works - useful usually translates into "insecure" in the Microsoft
In any case, although there is a port of the viewer to DOS, there is no VNC server.
You might want to look at either Carbon Copy
riginal Text ------
: From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 2002/01/23 1:23 PM:
: To: iSMTP@HQNT11@Servers[<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>],Tracy
: (SUMMARY NOTE: Tracy is having an issue with having a VNC se
lly made the changes on my server to reflect what Alex has and
: the same results, the VNC server connection gets dumped when a second
: connection is attempted.
: Tracy
: -- Original Text --
: From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 2002/01/23 1
I wasn't using the term loopback formally. It sounded like you went out
to the machine in your test, then "looped back" into your network.
Re-reading your message, I'm not sure you did that exact test - namely,
connecting to her machine then trying an outbound connection to
somewhere else. Is th
Just wanted some clarification: every single one of those tests was done
with the Java viewer? Including the successful one?
- Original Message -
From: "W T Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 24 11:48
Subject: Connection refused
: When I try
I found a link for it right away, too - this one is still good.
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Milette" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 24 12:08
Subject: Re: DOS VNC
: Hi there,
I say a news server. Makes community continuity much betterallows
for such traditions of Usenet as 3-year wandering threads, gratuitous
crossposting and multiposting...spammage...
Never mind, I think I just talked myself back out of it.
- Original Message -
From: "Richard Harris" <[
Do you have ports forwarded to the target machine?
If you mean you can't telnet to 5900 on the VNC server and get any
response, it means that VNC is either not running or you aren't getting
to the actual VNC server port.
- Original Message -
- Original Message -
From: "Illtud Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday/2002 January 25 12:03
Subject: Sending ALT-TAB (was Re: how do I get VNC to recognize
: Is ` above TAB on all keyboards (not dvorak, I guess)? I could
: submit a patch for
A couple notes on similar things I've done...
(1) "Chaining" with VNC is a dog as Wayne notes - you'd want at least
ISDN speeds and you won't be happy.
(2) Netgears will allow forwarding, but you are typically limited to a
total of 8 ports.
(3) You *have* to have the 59xx port even with the Jav
I've had VNC and XP's remote desktop working together with no problem.
As far aspcAnywhere goes - that isn't from Microsoft, it's from
Symantec. Also, I've only seen it *warn* you that you shoudln't use VNC
with it - it offers to take it off, but you can tell it "no".
I think you are right abou
There is no functionality like this in any current VNC distributions; in
fact, the RFB 3.3 protocol won't even support it I don't believe.
- Original Message -
From: "mohamed mohideen u" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday/2002 January 26 09:05
: hi,
You have to manually tell Windows to open .vnc files with VNCViewer; it
doesn't automatically register itself.
Alternatively, you can do one of the following:
(1) Auto-register the VNCViewer by running "vncviewer -register".
(2) Use the config switch when running VNCViewer from the command line
Note that the Java viewer uses both the 58xx and 59xx ports - are both
- Original Message -
From: "Lonnie Cumberland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday/2002 January 27 01:49
Subject: Java VNC gets browser connection refused
: He
(1) Kaboodle Gateway
The "gateway" concept is a superb idea. One of my prior annoyances with
almost every remote control app out there has been the klunkiness of
associated with accessing multiple machines using the app behind 1
public IP.
(2) Yes, Netgear IS unenthusiastic
No frills on any of
It should listen on any IP - perhaps it has a routing problem?
Try telneting to port 5900 (for display 0) on that system from a remote
location and see if you get the RFB 003.003 response. If you don't get
any answer back, you are not routing to it or the sever is not running.
- Original Me
That;s handy to know, actually -
You've given me clear confirmation that the error
" Connection refused"
*can* be caused by not having the corresponding 59xx port forwarded. I
suppose it's in the docs or the archives somewhere, but it's nicer to
have someone "volun
it's under EVERY user's Reg key.
Best thing to do would probably be to run a Change User /install and
try uninstalling it so it gets removed from the default keys.
When you are logged on as a user, here's the key:
It is also under HKLM\software\ORL if you didn't get that cl
Wht are the color levels set to on each machine, Louise?
And on the Win2K server - which video driver is installed? That can
affect it sometimes.
- Original Message -
From: "Louise Gerhart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday/2002 January 27 22:30
Subject: Re: color
Create this registry key:
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday/2002 January 28 15:34
Subject: Rif. : RE: Hide icon task bar
: I have searching first in this way but I
56 colors but the colors were so bad on the
windows 2000
: machine with that setting, that I did not test VNC with that setting.
: The video device/driver on the windows 2000 machine is NVidia Riva
: Model 64.
: Does that help any?
: - Original Message -
: From: "Alex Angelopoul
This is unfortunately one of the useful items which you cannot do
programmatically on Windows. You *can* actually script a resolution
change using WSH; it has to actually "call" the control panel applet for
display control, then do a "sendkeys" to change it.
You can also use a third-party tool,
sing; something may have gotten bollixed up
in what VNCViewer calls to do registration.
: Hehe, you gave me three ways of doing things, and I couldn't get one.
: you give me a little more help?
: Thanks
: - Original Message -
: From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL
On what OS?
If you have remote administrative rights to the system, there should be
no problem, but the method will depend on what OS you use.
- Original Message -
From: "Andrew Cornish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Vnc-List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday/2002 January 29 12:10
Subject: Pa
On Windows, unfortunately, it is embedded within winvnc.exe.
I did not aee anything in the Windows VNC server documentation that
mentioned how to point it somewhere else. You *may* be able to run the
applet directly from a client, telling it to access port 5900+Display
number (since that is what
Michael - correct me if I'm wrong - it sounds like you're saying that in
neither case was the Tier3 system a Windows box running WinVNC and
simply exporting to the Tier 2 system.
I am curious about how such a system could improve performance. The
only way I could see it doing it for a Windows T
No file transfers. This is a hot request, though; more than once
pcAnywhere has been primarily useful to me because of that built-in
: By the way, do you know if there is a way to do file transfers through
: VNC?
: Randy
: --
has actually gotten their arms bloody to the shoulders in a
tool.. :)
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Ossmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday/2002 January 30 19:08
Subject: Re: Dedicated VNC server for another server
: On Wed, Jan 30,
A couple of questions on this (if you can verify the answers very
(1) What version of client and server?
(2) Java viewer or Windows VNCViewer?
(3) What do you have "Preferred encoding" set to (hit the "Options"
button in either the java viewer or vncviewer.exe)?
(4) What is the display
I may be misinterpreting what you said, but it appears you're saying
that the VNC client connections drop as soon as you stop the VNC
service. That's expected; they are no longer connected to anything.
Does NetxXray show you the connected ports?
If not, you can go to the server and issue this c
I recently put together a tool for allowing "all in one" remote control
of various systems in an IT support environment. The basic concept is
to make a single, miniature applet window that allows IT staff to
quickly connect to a remote system by simply typing in an IP address -
no connectoid conf
Funny - I find my answers within half an hour of hitting "send", too.
- Original Message -
From: "Michael Herron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 31 00:22
Subject: Re: vnc with ssh, viewer behind a router
: Ugh... feel free to ignore this note.
ormal levels...I
guess I
: was wondering if there was some kind of setting that like a "Discover"
: process that VNC uses when it starts or anything else that would cause
: problem.
: -Original Message-
: From: Alex Angelopoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Wednesday,
I think he wanted the archives.
You can go to
and search old listings in the bottom of the page.
If you click on the intouch link at the bottom of this email message,
you'll see links to the documentation, contributed files, and so on.
Assuming y
It came through ok; I don't recall seeing any earlier ones, though.
- Original Message -
From: "Klaas-Jan Doeven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 31 10:50
Subject: help with this maling list, please!!
: I recently joined this mailing list,
: but i
Sounds like you're using the Java applet. I assume you are connecting
to port 5800 (which switches you over to 5900 once you have the applet).
If you try connecting to 5900 with the VNCViewer executable instead,
does it connect? If not, you can verify whether the server is answering
by telneting
connect to the NT 4.0
: workstation just fine. In only fails when trying to connect from the
: 4.0 station.
: - JWT
: -Original Message-
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Alex
: Angelopoulos
: Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 11:11 AM
: To: [EMAI
It could be done with the ActiveX control version, just by having it
reference a table of address/password combinations. There's nothing out
there that I know of right now that will do it though. Sounds like
something to look at for a future mod...
One other thing you might consider, though, is
No - that's the fun part. You have to look - I wasn't even aware about
VNC Commander's ability myself...
- Original Message -
From: "Jae P. Lupo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday/2002 January 31 15:33
Subject: RE: Auto log in.
: That is a great program! Thank
'll keep you posted so others might benefit if this turns
: to be the cure.
: - JWT
: -Original Message-
: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Alex
: Angelopoulos
: Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 12:27 PM
: Subject: Re: L
I found a link at
That details the issues with creating a custom Java server. Here is the
direct page link:
To unsubscribe, mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the
First thing to check is this:
Do you REALLY have connectivity to the required port on each PC?
Obviously, you tried to set it up that way, but one problem that seems
to be pretty common is issues with weird routers that don't do what you
expect - so possibly you are rpevented from contacting thos
You should be able to register the VNCViewer as the application to use
for opening .vnc files by runing it with the switch "-register".
Make sure you have VNCViewer in it's "permanent" location of course;
Windows will save the path in the registry for use when opening the VNC
files. At that poin
Those are good questions to ask at the beginning of the process Sara -
most people wait until after deployment to do so.
The methodology you use for setting up your remote control system is
actually what will determine how easy it is to manage VNC centrally -
which is what it sounds like your cen
specified" but using in a batch file:
: start vncviewer /config server.vnc
: worked out perfectly, Thanks!
: -Original Message-
: From: Alex Angelopoulos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
: Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 9:17 AM
: Subject: Re: Multiple VNC Windo
d this
: association and it then fell back to the above registery entry that
adds the
: -config parameter. Now I can double click and multi select the .VNC
files and
: press ENTER like you told me about earlier and it works great!
: -Original Message-
: From: Alex Angelopoulos
You're actually woefully *overpowered*. There are no native issues that
would affect this, so the bottleneck should not be VNC itself.
Win95 OSR2 with 1999 era apps will be quite peppy with 32 MB RAM. You
should be fine. Here are some things to check, though.
(1) Win95 Issues
-All versions
Looks like I hit send too soon - I was heavily sensitized to the "weird
Win95 net performance" issue.
- Original Message -
From: "Jerry Turnbow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday/2002 February 01 13:51
Subject: RE: Win 98/95 setup - slow access
: Mick - If you have
I *did* remember running across this in a Google newsgroup search; it
references the Mindterm client. In case You have problems demangling
the wrapped URLs, the search I used at was:
(I've run into problems recently with my
The big problems in updates you covered.
Seems interesting that ZoneAlarm chokes things down. I suspect that is
then an issue for *all* sorts of things interacting with ZoneAlarm, so
it may be worth a driveby to their knowledgebase for ways to clean
things up.
There's another option you might t
c control to an external box.
- Original Message -----
From: "Alex Angelopoulos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday/2002 February 01 15:57
Subject: Re: Win 98/95 setup - slow access
: The big problems in updates you covered.
: Seems interesting
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