Sent from my mobile device.
> On 23 May 2015, at 5:36 pm, toki wrote:
>> On 23/05/2015 05:25, Doug wrote:
>> One would think that with the constant problem this causes almost everybody
>> who uses that software, that the developers would fix it, but for some
>> reason they don't.
On 24-May-15 17:40, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Martin Groenescheij wrote:
On 23 May 2015, at 5:36 pm, toki wrote:
The major reason for not fixing it, is that it is _not_ a reproducable
bug. There is no sequence of steps I can take, that produces the bug.
Exactly. We had a variant of the bug
Before you try to use a complicated program like a word processor, you should
learn to communicate, it will help to get some help.
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 28 May 2015, at 12:13 am, Robert Radzikowski wrote:
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 25 Jun 2015, at 8:10 am, Dale Erwin wrote:
>> On 6/23/2015 10:53 PM, Anthony J. Rudgers wrote:
>> As to word processors suitable for the general user, my vote is for
>> Microsoft Word. While, like most everyone on our Planet, I'd like the
>> proverbial "fr
> Specific examples of typing whatever you want where you want would a
> great help. Without specifics, there can be no solution to the problem. Then
> it becomes like a man telling a doctor, "I don't feel good" over the
> telephone. The doctor is not likely to tell the man what he needs
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 29 Jun 2015, at 9:37 am, Horace Greeley wrote:
> Hello,
> Repeated attempts to download OpenOffice from the SourceForge site fail with
> the same issues: gradually decreasing download speed, followed by a network
> time out. Multiple browsers. Multiple
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 30 Jun 2015, at 5:38 am, wrote:
> It's happened several times before but I don't remember how I corrected it.
> In My Documents folder where I store EVERYTHING I can't open ALL of my
> files but a very few will open when I click on them.
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 30 Jun 2015, at 6:45 am, Julian Thomas wrote:
>> On Jun 28, 2015, at 01:19, Rory O'Farrell wrote:
>> Any Style, even built in styles, can usually be Modified. Do this by
>> /Format /Styles and Formatting. Across the top of that window will be f
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 30 Jun 2015, at 7:01 am, Julian Thomas wrote:
> Impress is driving me crazy trying to select stuff and move the text cursor.
> OS X Yosemite, OO 4.1.1.
> I see 3 different cursor shapes: Black arrow, IBeam, and hand.
> Trying to select a text box - e
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 4 Jul 2015, at 10:26 am, Peter Hall wrote:
> Guys,
> A totally irritating aspect of MS Powerpoint is that the CONTROL FREAKS who
> write the software for Powerpoint are adamant that they know more than me
> about font size.
OK, tell us what you know about
There is probably a lock file left.
Quick workaround is to save it with an other name or save in an other directory.
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 6 Jul 2015, at 7:42 am, Barber Ron wrote:
> I have this one file in Word 97-2003 format. Repeated attempts at opening it
> just create locked
There is probably a lock file left.
Quick workaround is to save it with an other name or save in an other directory.
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 6 Jul 2015, at 7:42 am, Barber Ron wrote:
> I have this one file in Word 97-2003 format. Repeated attempts at opening it
> just create locked
On 08-Jul-15 02:24, Julian Thomas wrote:
I want to create a template similar to the default black on white, but using a
font different from the Arial default. Is there an easy way to make a global
font change for all text (titles, list entries, normal paragraphs)?
Create a new Presentation
On 14-Jul-15 11:54, Mel COZZENS wrote:
I’m new to Open Office Writer and am trying to set the paper size to something
besides the default size. But, I can’t find any place where I can change paper
sizes. I’ve done online searching and followed instructions, but to no avail. I’ve
tried going
On 14-Jul-15 12:17, D P wrote:
To Whom This Concerns;
Thank you for reviewing my email today. I am looking to find out how to
turn-off the “insert” or “overwrite” action that has been activated on Open
Office through a quick link. A little over an hour ago this happened and I am
having much
There is temporary a problem with the server.
Please check later.
On 18-Jul-15 07:26, Marc Muncke wrote:
Hello users list,
I wanted to checkout the website for the extensions:
The link is on the page:
The document contains
On 17-Jul-15 22:52, R & B wrote:
Recently, for no apparent reason, the British dictionary disappeared.
While trying to install a new one I have encountered two problems.
Firstly, whichever way I try to install the downloaded dictionary it
fails. If I try to install by clicking on the downloade
On 24-Jul-15 08:24, wrote:
Hello: I appreciate your program recently I had to install OpenOffice
because my MS Office would not reload. After many grooling hours I got
MS Office to install how ever when I removed OpenOffice the word icons
did not change back to my word ico
On 28-Jul-15 07:26, Brian Barker wrote:
At 11:35 27/07/2015 -0700, Fred Char wrote:
I use Open Office Calc 3.4.1 with Win 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I have a
very simple one-page spreadsheet, but the software wants to print out
this sheet plus a second sheet which is blank. I know I can set the
On 29-Jul-15 11:24, lwhet@ wrote:
I simply cannot get started.
Step by step please,
Where do I go to download “openoffice.apache”? That is, what website?
What steps do I take next? Please do not say “just follow the instruct
On 30-Jul-15 11:26, Linda wrote:
i would like to know, if we can print labels from within this program. like
printing labels on avery labels? there software from avery has messed up my
computer big time. I need to print labels. can i do this in this program.
thanks, lynn
Yes you can print
On 31-Jul-15 00:19, wrote:
How do I change my read only files into read write files.I am using
open office 4.1.1.
Would be nice if you give a bit more information.
What Operating System and version do you use.
How do you open the files.
Where are the files st
On 01-Aug-15 14:34, Avinash Kumar wrote:
Dear Team,
How can I access a password protected shared excel file from open office ?
Whenever I open password protected excel file from open office from open
office, it will directly open without asking for password and locked for
editing i.e. restr
Forgot to Cc poster
Forwarded Message
Subject:Re: Restrict other users to edit
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 10:42:07 +1000
From: Martin Groenescheij
On 01-Aug
On 01-Aug-15 02:12, Cheryl Alexander wrote:
Please respond. Thanks.
*CELL: 239.222.3322*
-- Forwarded message --
From: Cheryl Alexander
Date: Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Apache Office org
To: community
On 07-Aug-15 06:02, Mary Alyce Langer wrote:
I can no longer open my Lotus WordPro documents because an ASK screen appears
which I cannot delete and with it open my document cannot be opened or revised.
If you can no longer implies that you were able to open them before.
If ASK is blocking t
Sent from my iPhone
> On 11 Aug 2015, at 12:20 am, wrote:
> I have two read-only sections in a Writer document with a new line character
> in between, and the program will not let me remove that new line character!
> How can I make this happen?
As far as I know you can make a document r
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 11 Aug 2015, at 7:09 am, Brian Barker wrote:
> At 07:04 11/08/2015 +1000, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
>> As far as I know you can make a document read only by password protection. I
>> never seen the possibility to do this for sections.
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 13 Aug 2015, at 1:53 am, Chiel Platier wrote:
> L.S.
> Als ik een bijlage wil opslaan zie ik het volgende:
> U hebt niet de juiste machtiging om bestanden op deze locatie op te slaan.
First question is where do you try to save the documents.
You should have
I haven't received any email for the Open Office users list since 31 August.
Are all problems solved or is there a problem with the email server?
On 02-Sep-15 21:20, James Knott wrote:
On 09/02/2015 06:57 AM, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
I haven't received any email for the Open Office users list since 31
Are all problems solved or is there a problem with the email server?
I didn't even see yo
On 07-Sep-15 01:49, None wrote:
Thank you for the wonderful product. Can you please let us know how we can
create different types of quizzes and tests, using OpenOffice?
Well, OpenOffice consist of a Word Processor, a Spreadsheet, a Database,
a Presentation and Drawing Tool.
File --> Send and select the output format
On 07-Sep-15 11:42, Leonora wrote:
Leonora Morrison
On 09-Sep-15 07:18, Susan Wilgus wrote:
You evidently do not know what I am talking about. The term on the Open
Office Text Document page is TEXTSHAPES, all one word. They appear to be
shapes that cannot have text inserted, which is what I was trying to do. I
don't know what their function
Sorry, I don't know the address of your office, there are a few options
you could try.
1. Call a collogue who has a key.
2. Call a locksmith.
3. Depending on which level your office is located, smash the window and
clime trough it.
On 12-Sep-15 12:09, wrote:
On 18-Sep-15 05:54, Barbara Petersen wrote:
1) I am not computer savvy
2) I've looked at the website and read thru the suggestions given for this
That's a good start
3) I do not know how to so some of the things suggested. Others did not
Which suggested things do you
Forwarded as OP is not subscribed
--- Begin Message ---
1) I am not computer savvy
2) I've looked at the website and read thru the suggestions given for this
3) I do not know how to so some of the things suggested. Others did not
4) Can someone email me and actually offer to call m
And now the answer forwarded (makes more sense)
--- Begin Message ---
On 18-Sep-15 05:54, Barbara Petersen wrote:
1) I am not computer savvy
2) I've looked at the website and read thru the suggestions given for this
That's a good start
3) I do not know how to so some of the
;ve left me stranded here..! I don't even
know what OP means in the first of your 2 emails.
OP stand for Original Poster (that's you in this case)
On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 7:25 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:
And n
On 21-Sep-15 10:54, jimisuz1 . wrote:
I would like to know how to set the "page" settings so I can print,, as an
example,,, pages: 1,3,5,7,9etc. without having to print the even
numbered pages.
There are different options:
1. Use the default page format and modify the Footer tab, tick the
Double spacing is part of the Paragraph Style you use.
If you want all new documents to use double spacing you have to update
the default
Paragraph Style in your default template.
For existing documents you get the Style as used in that document.
On 23-Sep-15 08:49, Tony Tsui wrote:
Is there
ail, please destroy it
Thank you
On Tue, Sep 22, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Martin Groenescheij>> wrote:
Double spacing is part of the Paragraph Style you use.
If you w
On 29-Sep-15 06:49, Thomas Vandor wrote:
I have set up a macro using TextExpander on my mac.
When I export to OO ( I have to because my other colleagues use a PC)
I get these funny vertical lines . Please see attachment.
Is there a way to rid these lines at the time of export, instead
On 29-Sep-15 23:10, Scooter C wrote:
Good Morning, Group and Tom,
I'm running AOO 4.1.1 on Win 10 and see no "funny vertical lines" Or
any lines at all.
First you have to save as to see the funny lines.
Second you only see them when you set View --> Field Shadings
It is just a non printable
On 03-Oct-15 04:11, FitGuy wrote:
Hello, I would like to know how to disable or if I can disable,
Disable what?
I'm working on a HTML but when I go to another URL
Please explain what you working on, HTML is code for the World Wide Web,
what application do you use to generate HTML?
Forwarded to the OP as he is not subscribed
Forwarded Message
Subject:Re: Help the user
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 2015 14:28:58 +1000
From: Martin Groenescheij
On 06-Oct-15 08:02, Sylvia Earnst wrote:
What program should I use to save a file as .pdf? My Adobe doesn't work
with OpenOffice.
Go to File --> Export as PDF
Thanks ever so much!
Sylvia Earnst
To unsubscri
On 07-Oct-15 04:57, Fern Bray wrote:
I have had to download and install your dictionaries(any) many times over
because I cannot understand what you are trying to make me click on. When
Extension Manager opens, the dictionary is highlighted. It shows 2
click-boxes: "Disable" and "Remove" as well
On 12-Oct-15 09:45, Danielle Krupa wrote:
The thing is my office org things have just updated but it seemed now I can
no longer view a slide show on impress of this version.
Things is not part of OpenOffice
I keep getting a
error message 4.1 SPH Aces Violation it say it is a
fatal failure a
Forwarded as the Original Poster is not subscribed
Forwarded Message
Subject:Re: Trouble with a fatal error on Office org-impress.
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2015 13:32:16 +1100
From: Martin Groenescheij
To: users
On 10-Oct-15 09:50, Nelson Suarez wrote:
I'm writing because I have important files that are failing to recover and they
What type of files are we talking about and how do you try to recover them?
I see them attempt to recover but fail immediately. I'm wondering if there's
Read this article:
On 15-Oct-15 13:49, Salah Abdulhadi wrote:
On 20-Oct-15 03:25, Marie wrote:
I've searched your forums but couldn't find what I was looking for. Please
help. My new HP notebook (2 mos old) running Windows 10 needs to have Windows
reinstalled. I tried to save my documents to my flash drive but could not.
What has this with
computer knowledge
to assist you with the back-up and restore.
If you have bought software that has a licence key, make sure you know
the key as you need them
when you reinstall the software.
Your help is very much appreciated!
M-E Wong
Sent from my iPad
On Oct 20, 2015, at 12:40 AM, Marti
Windows 10 is the latest version.
Just wait for the announcement of Windows 11
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 22 Oct 2015, at 4:38 AM, Barbara Rundle wrote:
> Thanksfor your help
> Barbara
> Sent from Mail for Windows 10
On 23-Oct-15 10:46, Essex Felipe Rosas Diaz wrote:
What directory file need use to install "
Whatever directory you like.
Once you have saved it Open the Extension Manager and click on Add
Browse to the directory where you saved the file and double click on it.
On 23-Oct-15 06:48, milan wrote:
I can't open my documents I made on the site. office 4.1 draw . What do I do?
To begin with you could give us some more information.
How did you try to open your documents?
What error message do you see?
What Office package and version do you use?
What Operati
On 22-Oct-15 06:05, JOHN EVERETT wrote:
I purchased a new computer about 2 years ago an HP Pavilion g6 with Win 8. It
did not have a descent word processor so I downloaded your Open Office. When
Win 10 came out I downloaded that . Last week I found that when I click on a
fiie, especially an
On 25-Oct-15 18:38, adam wrote:
your product is open and free but it's by no means mature - it takes me
back to the MS Office 4.2 that I was running under a Win NT on a crappy
386 back in the aerly ninenties - I had a "save after every sentence"
habbit engrained so well that it took yea
On 25-Oct-15 03:27, Ian Gow wrote:
I’ve just spent the last 5 days putting constructing a database for my business
accounts and persevered despite the many problems I’ve had with V4 on my iMac.
The most common is the crashing without reason in various areas. I put up with
this as I could
On 27-Oct-15 10:57, Donald Miller wrote:
Unwanted interference in text formatting.
In plain text editors, I can manually control formatting, spacing,
numbering, indent, et cetera.
For example, it is straightforward
1. to start a number list,
2. and continue
without any unwanted indents or fo
On 30-Oct-15 08:50, wrote:
I am using open office 4.1.1 and using Mozilla for my internet. I am trying to
install the US English spell check extension and I need to know if there is an
extension to make address labels. I am using Windows 8.1.
This functio
On 30-Oct-15 09:56, dennis wrote:
First off I have no idea how I got Open Office on my computer and Microsoft
Office was taken off.
We don't have a clue who did that, have you given anyone access to your
computer while you where away?
But in reality I assume you have upgraded your Operati
Translation by Google:
It is Word Program in the package I purchased?
What package are we talking about?
If you mean OpenOffice you should not pay for it as this is open source
(means free)
Best thing is throw it in the trash bin and download a fresh copy from
What is i
Google Translate:
I have a free Apache OpenOffice 4.1.1., Downloaded from the Apache.
Windows 8.1 64-bit. Do you before downloading and installing version
4.1.2. I should first uninstall version 4.1.1. ?
On 03-Nov-15 20:39, ik.zubowicz wrote:
Posiadam darmowy apache openoffice 4.1.1., pobrany
On 05-Nov-15 04:59, David .Eidsvaag wrote:
I have an MS Excel form. I want to recreate it in OpenOffice I can send a
picture of the form.
You probably don't need to recreate the form, but there is a change that
the conversion some settings are lost.
Although a picture can tell more than 1000
re talking about this is an English forum
If you want a package for word processing you can either download
OpenOffice or buy MS Office for a lot af norske kroner
2015-10-30 23:11 GMT+01:00 Martin Groenescheij>>:
Translation by Google:
It is Wor
Kjøp Windows 10 (last ned)
- Produktnøkkel:
2015-11-06 11:38 GMT+01:00 Martin Groenescheij :
On 06-Nov-15 19:03, Yngvill Medaas Skogen wrote:
Hei igjen.
Sender deg det som står når jeg kommer inn. Jeg trodde jeg hadde betalt
for et skriveprogram, men
On 10-Nov-15 11:22, Elaine wrote:
I've tried that but not all will be in the list. It's just easier for me to do
this through task manager. I'm still using 4.1.1.
The only reason you have to use the Task Manager is if you have set to
"Load OpenOffice during system start-up" in
On 10-Nov-15 17:03, Dave Barton wrote:
Original Message
From: Martin Groenescheij
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2015 13:23:07 +1100
The only reason you have to use the Task Manager is if you have set to
"Load OpenOffice during system start-up" in
your Tools --> Options -
On 13-Nov-15 03:59, Holly Willis wrote:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have been using open office for a while now, and for some reason it has
stopped saving files as a CSV.
What is the cause of this and how do I fix it?
Could you give us some more information?
E.g. What part of OpenOffice do you use?
On 19-Nov-15 03:05, PMC wrote:
my name is chris.I received word from my webmail company that the PHP 5.3 is
moving to PHP 5.5 and that XP and 2003 (word suite 2003 is no longer in toto
being supported).
Does your latest version of open office resemble 2016's version of MS Word
Suite or doe
On 19-Nov-15 08:05, Charles Ferguson wrote:
I am running a 2 sheet project on Open Office 4.1.2.
When I try to run Page preview for sheet 1 it generates the Page preview for
sheet 2! When I run page preview for page 2 it generates the page preview
for page 2 and can therefore pri
On 22-Nov-15 03:09, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
Dave Barton wrote:
I do not understand, or
find any reasonable explanation, why our download page does not redirect
to the ASF's own mirror network:
where our binaries are already being served by 200+ mirrors around the
On 23-Nov-15 11:35, j-k c-w wrote:
How do I add pages of labels? I am trying to put together and print labels for
a group.
You asked the same question on 30 October and 15 November and you never
responded to the given suggestions.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Sent from my mobile device.
> On 1 Dec 2015, at 8:42 AM, Vicky Neal wrote:
> Hi. In my open office find and replace, recently the “Replace all” button is
> faded and I can’t click on it. I can’t find anything online about that issue
> to try and fix it. I need it working for times when I h
On 01-Dec-15 11:35, Brian Barker wrote:
At 09:35 01/12/2015 +1100, Martin Groenescheij wrote:
On 1 Dec 2015, at 8:42 AM, Vicky Neal wrote:
In my open office find and replace, recently the "Replace all"
button is faded and I can't click on it. I can't find anything
On 09-Dec-15 10:59, Murven Sisson wrote:
With previous version I could access a photo on my camera chip, rotate
it, then move the rotated photo to my engineering report. Why does
this not work with Open Office 4.1.2?
Accessing photos on your camera depends on the type of camera.
On 23-Dec-15 03:36, elderdanlewis wrote:
Is there an equivalent in spreadsheets to relational databases?
You can use lookup values from other tabs in that sense you could
compare both, but the functionality in a spreadsheet is very limited in
comparison with a relational database.
Or, ar
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