Programming Perl and I know Java.
Thanks much in advance,
There are two insults no human will endure; the assertion that
he has no sense of humour and the double impertinent assertion
that he has never known trouble.
Sinclair Lewis
to keep my initial investment
low. Which is exactly what I'm aiming for. When I outgrow my
bandwidth and need to buy better stuff, I'll have the money to
handle it then.
How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have
hope of making progress.
Niels Bohr
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
At 07:13 PM 10/15/99 -0700, you wrote:
>On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Walt wrote:
>> There may be some slight database overhead (i.e., time users
>> spend logged-in must be kept track of for monthly billing.)
>logged into the box, logged into the website, or logged into a na
t sure yet)
I'm just endeavoring to learn it so that when the time comes,
I'll know. :-)
Those who uphold the law must be wiser and calmer than those
who seek to repudiate it.
John Lindsay
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
average desktop user (both business and home) is going to want to be
compatible with his/her friends/coworkers/clientele. And this just ain't
happening yet.
The path to success is paved with good intentions that were
carried out.
Bob Edwards
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
entirely different tool-sets.
(interesting possibilities here. . .)
People should be taught what is, not what should be. All my
humor is based on destruction and despair. If the whole world
were tranquil, I'd be standing in the bread line--right bac
Ultra SCSI hard drive with HP FastRAID hardware acceleration
10/100BaseT Ethernet LAN
Matrox Millennium II graphics with 4MB video RAM
Sound Blaster Pro-compatible audio
Windows NT Workstation 4.0
for $861(+ shipping).
Obviously the processor is a downs
At 05:50 PM 10/19/99 -0500, you wrote:
>On Tue, 19 Oct 1999 18:04:12 -0400, Walt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>>True. However, Photoshop has supported them for as long as I can
>>remember (since ver 3.0, at least) without taking them any farther
>>into Illustrator
modem, btw)
is to be hooked up to the internet, the system doesn't
seem to find it.
My question is: How do I find out stuff like the IRQ
and I/O address information for the card from the
Failure is not our only punishment for laziness; there is
also the
Serena Del Bianco wrote:
>>On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Walt wrote:
>> My question is: How do I find out stuff like the IRQ
>> and I/O address information for the card from the
> >system?
>cat /proc/ioports
>cat /proc/interrupts
None of the things in ioports seem to
At 07:56 PM 10/25/99 +0200, Nils Philippsen wrote:
>On Sat, 23 Oct 1999, Walt wrote:
>It only gets shown if the driver for it is installed correctly (it shows
>the resources the kernel assigned to the various devices).
>What type of card is yours?
I have an ISA 10mb
that are always fast are still fast.) Of course, we're in a fairly rural
area that probably isn't real connected yet, so I don't know what
the future may bring. . .
I've no personal experience with DSL :-) you'll have to get info on
that from somebody else on. . .
$200 install, $600 modem (not that that's cheap!)
Also, I've gotten speeds (twice (jk) :-) of 70-80k per sec. 60k is
not at all uncommon.
Upload speed is very nice! (and important as we do some off-site
websites and currently host a test site)
An unlimited power to t
At 03:10 PM 10/28/99 -0700, Lighthouse Keeper in the Desert Sun wrote:
>On Oct 28, Walt conjectured:
>> At 03:44 PM 10/28/99 -0500, you wrote:
>> >Holy moly, $800 for setup... I guess if that's what it takes to get cable
>> >in a rural area. I also
. Also, I have the directories chowned
to the the client's group, but ownership changes as soon as I mount
the drive.
Can anyone help me out here?
If you would hit the mark, you must aim a little above it:
Every arrow that flies feels the attraction of the
I would like to preserve as is, as much as possible.
Will I have to actually reinstall Linux onto the 4.5 gb
drive or can I just copy everything over or something?
If I have to install it, is there anyway to keep all my
configuration settings?
Thanks in advance,
We know our wi
ould rather reinstall than spend $63,
esp. since I'll probably only use it once :-)
Thanks though!
Man is an animal that makes bargains.
Adam Smith
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Thank you all! :-)
I know am completely unsure of what to do! (jk!)
Actually, I can't do anything until the 18 gb drive I ordered
arrives in a day or two.
I'll let you know how it goes!
At 11:28 AM 11/9/99 -0500, Jeff Dike wrote:
>> I always wonder why people use ta
ecause I
asked the same question a few weeks ago :-)
Everyone tells me Ghostscript (which is free and comes with Redhat)
creates PDF from PostScript files.
I'm not sure exactly how anymore, but the man page should be able
to tell you something. (and other people on this list...)
>I can't just plug the cable modem into the other one.
I have a virtuallly IDENTICAL setup. :-) RH 6.0, one PCI one ISA nic.
All I had to do to get it to find the card was enable isapnp. (and
read the isapnptools man page...)
Security is merely a superstition. It doe
eemed to be the only way I could get a workable
XF86Config file...
For the skeptic there remains only one consolation; if there
should be such a thing as superhuman law, it is administered
with subhuman efficiency.
Eric Ambler
Another question for anybody with Samba experience...
I'm having trouble getting symbolic links to show up
on my windows machines accessing my Samba shares.
I'm also running netatalk+asun and the links show up
fine on my mac as directories and seem to work perfectly.
Any help?
He who hates vice, hates men.
John, Viscount Morley
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
ooking for sleep or spin
or power (even 'down') and nothing apropriate
came up. Is it possible to setup up apmd to
shut down a drive at a specific time?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
>Maybe this would help?
Thank you Jen! :-)
Appears to be 'xactly what I need.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Just a note in the fray:
My cable modem has no MAC address.
It is bound (via something the cable
company set up on installation) to my
specific network card's mac address.
The size of one's feet bears no relationship to the ease
with which they can be inserted in
sses on
my network to get 'out'? or, better yet,
allow activity on only certain ports to have
outside access?
Thanks in advance,
Materialists and madmen never have doubts.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
Thanks Richard!
I'm already a FrameMaker user and eagerly
await the time when I can run a lot more
of my business apps on my linux box instead
of NT.
Now my only concern is getting all my fonts
working :-)
Today's public opinion, though it may appear as light as ai
Sorry Robert!
That's what happens when my plum-sized bran
tries to read/write two emails at once!
Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.
Will Rogers
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linuxchix.org
While we're on the topic of ipchains, I have
a question.
I've been using ip masquerading successfully
for quite a while now, but I now need to be
able to use active ftp from one of the clients.
Can I do this through ip masq? if not, can I
do it at all?
As the
At 10:49 AM 2/28/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey Walt,
> If you are ftp'ing out then yes. Make to to insert the ftp_mask module.
Is the ftp_mask module something I need to
enable on the server?
My client systems are windows nt and 98, btw.
Millions saw the apple f
Thanks much Harry (sp?:-)
That's all I needed!
At 01:59 PM 2/28/00 -0800, you wrote:
>Hey Walt,
> In /etc/rc.d/rc.local add these lines at the end
>That'll do it for you.
People who are brutally honest get more satisfactio
n afford the other support option,
though I'm about to resort to it!
Money won't buy happiness, but it will pay the salaries of a large
research staff to study the problem.
Bill Vaughan
file, as they've always
been my stuff starts to download to the web
server for like 10 seconds and then just sits and
nothing more gets sent.
any clues? or more information needed?
The most tyrannical governments are those which make
crimes of opinions, for everyon
any clues? or more information needed?
Laurel Fan wrote:
>Is the module loaded?
>Is it still loaded when it stops working?
>Does passive ftp work?
yes, I think so but how do I check for sure?
yes (same as above :-)
and no, it makes no difference at all.
Hope this is helpful...
The other printers I have are probably out
of your price range and beyond your need :-)
(an ECRM Mako imagesetter ($23k plus stand-
alone WinNT RIPstation (software alone was
around $7k.)
All my printers are PostScript, however. This
may be why I have little or trouble.
n transferring
to the server I get 2.5MB. Is this fast? Slow? etc...
And why the massive difference in speed?
Also, what does the load average under uptime signify?
In America, any boy may become president and I suppose that's just one
of the risks he ta
up. So, is
my config messed up, my hardware cheaper, or just
the hub vs. switch issue?
*Sigh* Sorry I'm such a newbie at all this!
Thanks for your time,
If you don't care where you are, then you ain't lost.
a properly.
I have contacted Seagate, Adaptec, and HP all of
whom point to the OS and say they don't know
much about it.
Any clues?
(I'm running RHL 6.0 2.2.5-15smp. The SCSI is an
onboard Adaptec 2940 U2W.)
Thanks in advance,
The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts workin
Is it dangerous to "upgrade" part of my system's
RPM's (i.e., esp the kernel) to rhl v. 6.2 while the
rest of the system is still running 6.0 stuff?
Newton's Little-Known Seventh Law:
A bird in the hand i
Thanks Glen, I installed the rhl 6.2 kernel
(2.2.14-5.0) and VOILA my scsi issue disappeared.
That was my first new kernel too, btw...
All I can say is "awesome" :-)
(Still wondering if q2 is available for freebsd though :-)
Anthony's Law of the Works
times the q2 server just shuts down without
warning. At first I thought it was under high
traffic loads, but that isn't the case since it does
it sometimes when there's only one person
If anyone has some experience or suggestions,
I would greatly appreciate them!
g RPM to
rpm-3.0.4-0.48, and that made no difference.
I attempted to upgrade to rpm-r.0-7x from the
rpm.org website, but it gives me the same "major
numbers" problem as above.
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good; and
when it is ba
Thanks Telsa and Caitlyn! I hope that
wasn't too obvious a question, because
I spent over an hour perusing redhat's site
and rpm.org attempting to find the answer,
but they didn't seem to be mentioned, but
that could just mean my search skills are
worthless... hrrm..
ead of standard time)
Any clues what is causing this?
A jury consists of twelve people chosen to decide who has
the better lawyer.
Robert Frost
techtalk mailing list
e members of this list... I feel a little out of
place as guy, but at the least I try to be grateful!
Monarchs ought to put to death the authors and instigators of
war, as their sworn enemies and as dangers to the state.
rms, the linux seems very fast and
stable. Extremely easy to configure and
simple to use. (and of course, free. :-)
I know that doesn't answer your question,
quite, but it is a nice alternative!
Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it
>What is your timezone set to?
>(for debian, look at the /etc/localtime symlink (ls -l /etc/localtime))
/etc/localtime is a file on my system and it contains
non-ASCII umm stuff that I can't read.
I am in Eastern time now, EST should be, but it
keeps reverting to EDT...
the entire directory was deleted, other
than that my computer was hacked?
When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that
virtue is not hereditary.
Thomas Paine
techtalk ma
At 12:52 PM 2/21/01 -0600, you wrote:
>My initial thought is "subnet mask"... have you verified that this is set
My netmask is currenlty
This is perhaps incorrect?
You can never hope to become a skilled conversati
Ack! Ok, played with netmask a little bit, set
it at and everything seems
to be working like a charm..
LOL unbelievable. Should've asked 'em that first thing...
Thanks James & Kristin!
At 12:52 PM 2/21/01 -0600, you wrote:
>My initial though
I need help with this... I recently was assigned a
static IP by my cable modem ISP. However,
shortly thereafter I was no longer able to ping
a very few internet addresses that are on their
network. i.e. other IPs on the 24.137.x.x network.
Some of them are my biggest customers and
need to be
! Just
not this one... Any ideas?
Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word
is never thrown away.
Sir Arthur Helps
techtalk mailing list
Thanks! That was it exactly...
>#! /usr/bin/perl
Wise sayings often fall on barren ground, but a kind word
is never thrown away.
Sir Arthur Helps
techtalk mailing list
want to try just renaming
awstats.cgi.conf to awstats.conf. That's
basically the only wierd thing I can see with
your setup.
Feel free to email me your config files if
you like!
The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence
that it is not utterly absurd;
have better trouble-free uptime
than they do...
Just wondering if someone else there has
comparative experience on Netware.
I never work better than when I am inspired by anger; for when I
am angry, I can write, pray, and preach well, for then my whole
No! I actually am interested in mentioning
to them that a better alternative exists,
but since I have virtually no experience with
NetWare, I was wondering what, if any,
evidence there is to support that.
Does Netware offer anything that Linux or
even windows does not have or support?
s to be relatiely trouble-free.
I was kind of lumping GroupWise in with Netware,
but I see from the responses that the
performance of the two differs vastly.
I really appreciate this info! Helps expand my
thinking. :-)
Thank you,
Physical concepts are free creations of the hum
0.0.1] 683 (?) open
gandalf [] 678 (?) open
gandalf [] 659 (?) open
Does anyone know of a resource for
matching ports with the protocol/software
using it?
Genius is one per cent inspiration and 99 per cent
tcat it is different but usually in the
2000-4500 range. Could it be netcat
Thanks for the info thus far!
The burning of an author's books, imprisonment for opinion's
sake, has always been the tribute that an ignorant age pays
to th
Installed lsof; lsof | grep LISTEN and it
shows that ports 659, 678, 683, and
688 belong to incarnations of nfs. Neato,
gotta say that was exactly the type of
thing I was looking for!
Thanks much all, esp. Laurel!
A man about to speak the truth should keep one foot in
I am trying to get MacNFS ( www.thursby.com )
working but it keeps asking for PCNFSD support
from the server before it will try to connect.
I can find absolutely no reference to PCNFSD
on Redhat after version 5.0. Am I missing
something or are they?
Open and obvious devotion
idn't seem to
on the secondary.
The path to success is paved with good intentions that were
carried out.
Bob Edwards
techtalk mailing list
At 10:37 PM 4/10/01 +1000, Mary wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 06:21:26AM -0400, Walt wrote:
> > Also, InterNIC doesn't check for
> > authoritativeness, in my experience... Not
> > 100% sure about that, maybe it does only
> > on the primary DNS but it didn't
te any input on this...
Hold always the sign of blood in horror. Take care not to shed
or stain thyself with it, for the mark is never washed away.
techtalk mailing list
because it seems that when
one learns a more complex system it is easier
to learn and comprehend a new but simpler
system. Like your mind has been expanded or
something.. :-)
Those carried away by power are soon carried away.
Malcolm S. Forbes
Can you setup your firewall to be a DNS
server and handle pointing to the devices on
your network as a domain?
Dont' know how this sort of thing works
through a router and all, so just a thought!
The meek shall inherit the earth, but having inherited the
earth, shall
What distribution are you running?
Given a thimbleful of facts we rush to make generalizations
as large as a tub.
Gordon W. Allport
techtalk mailing list
ntion upgrading
existing files, etc...
Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.
Theodore Roosevelt
techtalk mailing list
s enough to make me
switch to Debian on my next install or not. :-)
The unfortunate thing about this world is that good habits are
so much easier to give up than bad habits.
Somerset Maugham
techtalk mailin
Conor wrote:
>I don't know *how* many times I've read through rpm --help without
>spotting that!
>Thanks Telsa.
Dittos, indeed: that really is a useful tip!
The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised
over any member of a civilized
erver-end to reside on a linux box...
What (if any) are the advantages of Delphi
over C++? Vice-a-versa? I understand
Borland's Kylix product is a Delphi development
environment for Linux. Does anyone have
experience with both languages to offer a
Appreciate any input!
Mine is as follows (minus the header stuff..)
xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid blue
sawfish &
panel &
gnome-terminal -title "Walt's Command Centre" &
Also, I don't run the server as root (since I
can always su root from a term window).
Does X start and run proper
I'm the new, proud owner of an unusual
little beast: a sco unix box.
Unfortunately, I have no information about
the previous logins. (I bought this at a
bankruptcy sale for $100)
My question is what is the sco unix equiv
of 'linux single' so I can get into this thing
archives here
if that would be helpful...
You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach
him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning
process as long as he
75 matches
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