Ugh. I hate to ask this question on here, since
it's really not production-related/serious but I
don't have a clue what to do/try so I'm desperate.

I run a Quake II server over my cable modem
on my RHL (6.0, + a lot of 6.2 upgrades, and
the 2.2.16-3 i686 kernel) server. However, at
times the q2 server just shuts down without
warning. At first I thought it was under high
traffic loads, but that isn't the case since it does
it sometimes when there's only one person

If anyone has some experience or suggestions,
I would greatly appreciate them!


          Another Glitch in the Call
           ------- ------ -- --- ----
      (Sung to the tune of a recent Pink Floyd song.)

We don't need no indirection
We don't need no flow control
No data typing or declarations
Did you leave the lists alone?

      Hey!  Hacker!  Leave those lists alone!

      All in all, it's just a pure-LISP function call.
      All in all, it's just a pure-LISP function call.

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