<Taking notes so far :->

Esther wrote:
>It might be fun to let them eventually build their own computer
>from scratch and get it to run (having to conquer all kinds of
>weird stuff, including bios-features).

Oh, we'll definitely be building computers
from scratch. The school doesn't have many
resources of its own, mostly 286 and 386
computers so I'm taking in a few 486's and
spare parts that I own. I told them at the
first class that it would probably about 10%
me-blabbing-them-taking-notes and about 90%
hands-on working with stuff. In light of
Stephanie(1200)'s comments I may want to
alter that ratio somewhat... (Having before
wiped my own drive, without backups, and not
for a demonstration! :-)

>Anyway, I don't know what age they are and how far their interest
>goes. I know from experience that not everyone thinks dealing with
>computerparts and screwdrivers means having fun ;-)

They're all between 9th and 12th grades and
it is an opt-in class and they knew beforehand
that it would be low-level focused, not a bunch
of application stuff.

I really intend to devote as much (and hopefully
more) time to Linux as Windows, when we
get to that point, because it seems that when
one learns a more complex system it is easier
to learn and comprehend a new but simpler
system. Like your mind has been expanded or
something.. :-)



     Those carried away by power are soon carried away.
                         Malcolm S. Forbes

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