Question 1: (thanks Laurel for reminding me :-)

Is Quake II ported to FreeBSD? I cannot seem to
find it anywhere (I've checked planetquake, fileplanet,
and linuxquake with no success as well as some
searching on altavista and google...)

Question 2:

I just purchased a new Seagate Barracuda 18 gb scsi
drive. However, when I attempt to add it to the
chain inside the computer, along with the 4 gb system
drive and another 18 gb Linux complains early on in
the boot process (when it's detecting the drives)
with something like this:

| scsi: Aborting command due to timeout scsi0 channel0 ID 5 Test
| Unit Ready 00 00 00 00 00

and then it repeats this ad infinitum:

| SCSI host abort timed out resetting.
| SCSI host being reset for host 0 channel 0

The drive has a distinct ID and _seems_ to be
terminated properly as I can go into the SCSI
bios disk utilities and Verify Disk Media properly.

I have contacted Seagate, Adaptec, and HP all of
whom point to the OS and say they don't know
much about it.

Any clues?

(I'm running RHL 6.0 2.2.5-15smp. The SCSI is an
onboard Adaptec 2940 U2W.)

Thanks in advance,



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