At 06:48 PM 10/15/99 -0700, Vinnie Surmonde wrote:
>On Fri, 15 Oct 1999, Vinnie Surmonde wrote:
>> Probably not that much..If you want to go intel and by new, I'd spec out
>> something like a pII whatever (doesn't matter that much) with 64 or 128 MB
>> ram (depends on how price sensitive you are, obviously) and a few gigs for
>> hard drive space and a decent nic
>I should amend that some -- if you're going to be doing involved database
>stuff or anything that will eat significant amounts of processor or
>memory (or any resource) beyond the OS and apache, you'll want to spec
>based on that, rather than the web server :)

Thanks Vinnie!

There may be some slight database overhead (i.e., time users
spend logged-in must be kept track of for monthly billing.)

>From the sound of it, I'll be able to keep my initial investment
low. Which is exactly what I'm aiming for. When I outgrow my
bandwidth and need to buy better stuff, I'll have the money to
handle it then.



    How wonderful that we have met with a paradox.  Now we have
    hope of making progress.
                              Niels Bohr


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