What about a plate that remembers a police officer that was killed in 2002?
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 3:28 PM Paul Allen wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 at 08:11, Martin Koppenhoefer
> wrote:
>> you are raising the bar higher than it is. Every memorial is tagged as
>> historic
but oneway:bicycle=no is understood. I would simply add that as well.
So a router can use that for navigation(but it will not tell you on which
side of the road you have to drive because that is hidden in the other tags
you mention)
On Wed, Sep 18, 2019 at 3:10 PM Volker Schmidt wrote:
> Maybe
>> A "find a pint of beer near me" app which does a proximity search
>> for amenity=pub won't work very well if some of those pubs... aren't pubs.
>> amenity=pub means "actually a pub", not "thing that looks like a pub".
> Which is why, for this one, I used disused:amenity=pub. Which (curre
Does this include places like the one see in the images here [1]
Those depict what we call ligweide or zonneweide in Dutch. Those are
grass areas typically next to a open-air swimming pool.
AFAIK, VW does not sell lorries/hgv/trucks. Their commercial vehicles
are pick ups and vans (caddy/transporter/crafter) The largest, has a
GVW of 5t.
Which tags do we have to use in case the shop only sells those vehicles?
On Sun, Nov 17, 2019 at 12:11 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
Typically, the websites of the vendors use "Commercial Vehicles"
some examples:
http://www.usedvans.mercedes-benz.co.uk/ (window title)
Tagging mailing list
On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 9:36 PM Markus wrote:
> In my opinion, footway[:left/right]=lane isn't a good idea for the
> following reasons: 1. footway=lane is a contradiction, as a lane (part
> of a road/path) isn't a footway (separate path).
But isn't this exactly the same as we do for cycleway=lan
4. Dez. 2019 um 13:06 Uhr schrieb Marc Gemis :
>> I would love to see consistency between cycleway and footway mapping.
> IMHO these are quite different, bicycles are generally considered vehicles by
> the law and pedestrians are not. It doesn't seem to mak
> That said, on the ALDI UK website, only the logo depicts "ALDI." Everywhere
> else on the page that the company name is rendered as ordinary text it is
> "Aldi."
But the German sites (https://aldi.de/ and
https://www.aldi-nord.de/unternehmen/verantwortung.html) seem to use
ALDI (or ALDI Nord)
This depends on the country.
It is "forbidden" to put the address on the building in Denmark,
It is not typical to do so in The Netherlands.
In Italy, the address belongs to a door, not to a building.
On Sun, Jan 5, 2020 at 7:24 PM Rob Savoye wrote:
> I assume the right place for
On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 7:21 PM Markus wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2020 at 19:39, Marc Gemis wrote:
> >
> > This depends on the country.
> > It is "forbidden" to put the address on the building in Denmark,
> Says who? And why?
The Danish community, as the a
On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 1:32 AM Jarek Piórkowski wrote:
> On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 at 18:23, Dave F via Tagging
> wrote:
> > On 05/01/2020 18:37, Marc Gemis wrote:
> > > This depends on the country.
> > > It is "forbidden" to put the address on the buildin
AFAIK, routes such as the Krekenroute in Belgium as signposted with
https://images.app.goo.gl/bFnEWw7FVoyfq83x8 (although I thought at on
some signs there is also the silhouette of a car)
On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 8:39 PM Peter Elderson wrote:
> joost schouppe :
> > Especially for car routes, I
On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 10:30 PM marc marc wrote:
> Le 06.01.20 à 04:19, Jarek Piórkowski a écrit :
> > Comments most welcome!
> keep it simple !
> advanced stop box only use a cycleway=asl without relation
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:cycleway%3Dasl
> a single node is not enought
I assume those characteristics are mapped on the OSM-ways representing
the roads, not on the relation.
As far as I understand Peter's arguments, the fact that a bicycle
route is suitable for recreation, commuting, skilled MTB'ers and so
on, should be determined from the characteristics of the roads
Recently someone told me that addresses are not important for POIs,
and perhaps he was right.
Suppose I want to navigate to a particular shop in that mall. I tell
the router I need to go to that shop. If the point of that shop is
properly mapped and all footways from the parking and indoor corridor
separate node next to the POI, which does not work if you
only see a list of nearby Foobar POIs. In that list you want to see
addresses as well.
On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 6:40 AM Shawn K. Quinn wrote:
> On 1/9/20 22:54, Marc Gemis wrote:
> > Recently someone told me that addre
> amenity=reverse_vending_machine
> reverse_vending=bottle_return
> Machines may take more than one type of item. Some here take bottles and
> bottle creates. Some take metal cans.
> Reverse vending machines are not the only vending machine type that’s not
> technically a vending machine, alt
> OTOH in the dense urban areas you have the problem of Address for road A
> nearer to Road B. So you get navigated to the wrong spot on the road
> network.
I don't understand what this has to do with addresses on buildings vs.
nodes. I would expect that an address is converted to coordina
On Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 11:58 AM Florian Lohoff wrote:
> Footways are not part of the by car routeable network. And
> access=no/access=private or highway=track and neither.
This depends on the router, AFAIK Magic Earth navigates over private
roads. It even combines it with access=destination
> > Is the different between recycling and reusing important for the average
> > consumer who a) wants to claim their deposit and b) doesn’t want to put
> > the item into landfill?
> first of all it is indicating the (rough) typology of container that is
> accepted, secondly it would seem s
> Starobrno
> Starobrno
> Zlatý Bažant
> Zlatý Bažant
> Zlatý Bažant
> Steiger
> Steiger
> Budiš
> Fatra
> Gambrinus
> Gemer
On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 5:16 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And that raises another point, how would you render disused physical
> objects???
> They should not be the same as a physical object that is 'in use', and some
> think they should be rendered, but how is that rendering to be d
What about disused bunkers? I would expect them to follow the same
rules as "buildings" and other physical objects
The wiki page https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:military%3Dbunker
says you can combine military=bunker with building=bunker. This makes
sense to me.
but also adds
could this be solved with highway=crossing and a new, dedicated value
for crossing?
And you could map the kerbs before and after that crossing.
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 7:29 AM Peter Elderson wrote:
> YM like here?
> https://www.google.nl/maps/@52.0817214,4.3213884,3a,48.3y,87.48h,9
for the cars.
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 7:49 AM Peter Elderson wrote:
> Op vr 24 jan. 2020 om 07:38 schreef Marc Gemis :
>> could this be solved with highway=crossing and a new, dedicated value
>> for crossing?
>> And you could map the kerbs before and a
take this info into account. If you want that, you will have
to draw the cycleway as a separate OSM way.
On Fri, Jan 24, 2020 at 10:37 AM Marc Gemis wrote:
> Add a node where the way, which represents the road for the cars,
> crosses the cycleway. There does not have to be a way represe
> So for pedestrians, you would add a node on the blue line where it crosses
> the centerline of the sidewalk tagged highway=crossing,
> crossing=?
yes (or combine the crossing for pedestrians and cyclists into one node)
and you can add a highway=give_way (or stop) near the node for the
kerb as
Hello Volker,
you seem to have a typo in the "foot:lanes=no|dsgnated"
But when I look at the Mapillary photo's I think there are 2 bicycle
lanes (one for each direction) and a sidewalk (there is a kerb) for
On Mon, Feb 3, 2020 at 11:02 PM Volker Schmidt wrote:
> Please
My interpretation is the same as Paul's. Including the not thought
through part, as I never needed that.
On Wed, Feb 5, 2020 at 10:24 PM Paul Allen wrote:
> On Wed, 5 Feb 2020 at 21:09, Christoph Hormann wrote:
>> closed way, barrier=fence
> Linear fence
>> closed way, barrier=fenc
> And please keep in mind that - as i mentioned - barrier=hedge is not the
> dominant tag for mapping hedges with polygons in the first place - as i
> have shown with various links earlier.
I only clicked on a few of your examples and had to figure out which
areas you meant. But they were outside
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 12:16 AM Lionel Giard wrote:
> In my usage, i always thought that using a barrier=* + any other main tag was
> wrong and widely accepted (as i saw that it was separated in most examples
> when i started mapping). Thus my method has always been to map them
> separately (
On Thu, Feb 6, 2020 at 5:27 PM Christoph Hormann wrote:
> On Thursday 06 February 2020, Marc Gemis wrote:
> > And I want to end with a quote from {1]
> >
> > "My approach to this matter has been – from the beginning of my
> > contributions to OSM-Cart
for me, this discussion can be closed if you start rendering
natural=hedge in the same colour as barrier=hedge.
I would have been nice that we just had such an alternative the moment
you changed the rendering.
Tagging mailing list
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 3:26 PM Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 3:36 AM Florimond Berthoux
> wrote:
>> Le lun. 10 févr. 2020 à 09:49, AndreasTUHU a écrit :
>>> I agree that 'surface' tag should be mandatory but in Hungary 54 percent of
>>> the mixed foot-cycle-ways misse
would it be OK to use photo_stand_in as value for the playground key?
Or is there a better British English word to describe:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photo_stand-in ?
Or do you think it does not belong under playground?
Tagging maili
What about music festivals? I live close to the area that hosts one of
the biggest festivals in the world: Tomorrowland. [1]
The festival takes place in a former quarry, which is a park for the
rest of the year, although it hosts some smaller yearly events as
The festival started as a one-day
Please note the existence of
man_made=water_well + pump=manual
(search for Handschwengelpumpe)
This might have to be mentioned in your proposal.
On Sat, Feb 29, 2020 at 5:11 PM François Lacombe
AFAIK in Belgium, you can get all medicins for your pets from any pharmacy.
In addition, some vets have a small supply of often used medicins that
they can sell.
Perhaps some of the larger veterinary clinics have a separate counter
where you can only get medicins for animals. If you want to map th
I created the preset as we needed something to map offices of
* Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM) https://www.cm.be/ - on Wikipedia:
* Socialistische Mutualiteit https://www.socmut.be/
* Liberale Mutualiteit https://www.lm.
I think so, yes.
On Thu, Apr 16, 2020 at 4:12 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> sent from a phone
> > On 16. Apr 2020, at 11:41, Marc Gemis wrote:
> >
> > It's a health fund, and every adult Belgian needs to have one
> judging by their
Are you planning on repeating this request every 5 months?
I thought
Wasn't the outcome about 50-50? How will you ever convince half of the
voters to accepts the other scheme?
On Mon, May 4, 2020
On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 7:54 PM Paul Allen wrote:
> I'm not sure we need to tag the carillon. The ones in churches I've
> encountered or read about aren't operated as attractions.
Not important for tagging, but perhaps worth mentioning.
Normally, in summer there are concerts in 3 Flemish towns
On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:05 PM Florimond Berthoux
> Hazard tag seems to be used when there is a sign, so I'm not confident to use
> it for doorzone.
> There is two choices :
> 1. describe the layout of the street lanes + cyclelanes + : parking lane +
> sidewalk
> then add the widt of
> 2) Use ele:datum=unknown as a clue that the data is not that high
> quality.
or make that the default, so that when there is no ele:datum data
consumers have to consider it as unknown .
Any ordinary mapper, including myself, just wants to put the number
they see on a sign into the database.
Can you point to some examples?
In Belgium and The Netherlands we have node-networks. and some of the
routes that are mapped in those networks can be pretty short. The
shortest I know is only a few meters long:
I'm trying to understand how the current situation in Crimea has to be
mapped with your proposal.
The Ukranian community wants the old border (before the Russian
invasion) to be the de-facto border.
I assume that the Russian community wants the border elsewhere, so
Crimea becomes Russian territory.
On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 10:06 AM Johnparis wrote:\
> The question of "physical control" is, I believe, not at issue. The fact that
> Russia exercises physical control is precisely what Ukraine objects to. So
> both sides agree that Russia has physical control of Ukraine. But if there
> were a
> Another solution is to always put category name into "name" field. "Paris"
> would become "City of Paris" or "Paris city".
> And the renderers will need to decide how to cut the category word from some
> names in order not to display then on the map or another ready-to-use tag
> will need to b
Alsmost any proper name can be used without it's common name depending
on the context, e.g. if you are discussing "Atlantic ocean" with your
friend you can say just "Atlantic".
I don't think this is true in all languages. We never do this e.g. for
the North Sea, which is Noordzee in Dutch. We neve
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 2:44 AM Sergio Manzi wrote:
> Wow! Either those things are high enough that a would be suicide could make
> good use of them, or sooner or later a kid will loose an eye on one of those
> hooks... :-/
So we should stop mapping railways because people commit suicide b
'craft' typically indicates small, artisanal.
I would rather go for man_made=works+product=newspaper
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 11:13 AM dktue wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to tag a company where newspapers are being printed, but I
> feel that shop=copyshop doesn't fit well.
> My suggestion w
and you forget the digital sign printers that use inktjet printers.
Don't try to compare them to the printer on your desk though.
On Fri, Dec 14, 2018 at 4:45 PM Colin Smale wrote:
> On 2018-12-14 15:23, Paul Allen wrote:
> Even so, the primary distinction between a jobbing printer and a
> n
I think the parking place for the Precipice walk in Wales
(https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/394294583) which also has a toilet
and a picnic table would be considered a trailhead.
There is also a nice sign
https://xian.smugmug.com/Vacation/Wales-2018/i-hC7kWcK/A to tell you
that you are at the righ
I wonder why it is under "highway", it seems more related to "tourism"
/ "information".
Another problem I see is that there is no other definition for
trailheads in The Netherlands than "location being picked by the
tourist agency as trailhead" or better "location being designated by
the tourist a
On Fri, Jan 4, 2019 at 1:10 PM Peter Elderson wrote:
> Op do 3 jan. 2019 om 13:22 schreef Marc Gemis :
>> I wonder why it is under "highway", it seems more related to "tourism"
>> / "information".
> Current usage:
But are you adding
to all national parks (because that is what Peter's link is doing).
On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 8:49 PM Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2019 at 21:15, Tobias Wrede
You might have to change the picture and the rendering icon in the
right "summary" bar.
On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 8:22 AM Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
> & here we go: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Shop%3Dcaravan :-)
> Known problems
> Languages - how do I edit them all out?
> ser
While I was first thinking of brand like Warin, I think this is the
better solution. Just as, we do not map the share holders of companies
(even when they are other companies) on shops, man_made=works object
etc., we typically do not map properties of the operator (besides
On Tue, Jan
I was referring to the 'organisation'.
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 2:40 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> Am Mi., 9. Jan. 2019 um 05:17 Uhr schrieb Marc Gemis :
>> While I was first thinking of brand like Warin, I think this is the
>> better solution.
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 8:04 PM Bryan Housel wrote:
> It’s not documentation. It’s just a bunch of prescriptive advice by random
> people. Most of the people involved don’t even work on software. They’re
> just really into tagging and arguing, and I don’t have time for it.
Wow, you leave me
On Wed, Jan 9, 2019 at 4:20 PM Peter Elderson wrote:
> The wikipedia page is not a list, it is a description of what a TOP is in
> Nederland. A wiki page about trailhead tagging is not the right place for
> that. I think this is within the scope of the wikipedia key.
Just as it was discourage
So we are back to what I wrote a couple of days ago, after I saw that
Peter was struggling to come up with a trailhead definition that fits
all the "TOP"s.
We have on one hand trailheads (for which we seem to have a consensus)
and on the other hand TOPs, which sometimes fit the definition of
[2] https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk/2016-January/075432.html
On Thu, Jan 10, 2019 at 11:14 AM Peter Elderson wrote:
> Where can I find that discussion / decision?
> Op do 10 jan. 2019 om 10:16 schreef Marc Gemis :
>> On Wed, Jan 9, 201
g for all
> designated/customary trailheads, including all TOPs en Natuurpoorten, for
> existing and future mappers who find these worth mapping.
> Op do 10 jan. 2019 om 10:19 schreef Marc Gemis :
>> So we are back to what I wrote a couple of days ago, after I saw that
On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 12:40 AM Eugene Podshivalov wrote:
> Hi all,
> Can anyone please explain the difference between waterway=ditch and drain?
> As far as I understand the description on the English wiki they differ in
> usage:
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:waterway
> drain - u
On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 8:45 AM Peter Elderson wrote:
> highway=trailhead on a node at a (visibly) designated or customary location
> for starting one or more trails.
So how do we translate the American idea of trail (head) to Belgium
and The Netherlands.
Maybe for you it is clear, but I still h
>> sooner or later someone would use it
>> to link "Tree" article from every single natural=tree)
>> Maybe tagging operator (and operator:wikipedia) will be enough?
>> Jan 10, 2019, 5:06 PM by pelder...@gmail.com:
>> No it’s
On Fri, Jan 11, 2019 at 9:03 PM François Lacombe
> Then we'll obtain waterway=canal for artificial waterways whatever their
> usage and waterway=river, stream and ditch for natural or not-lined
> watercourses.
The wiki page for ditch [1] explicitly states that it is an artificial wate
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 2:01 PM Dave Swarthout wrote:
> Round and round we go and ne'er the twain shall meet.
> Mobile home simply will not work in this use case. Nobody camps or travels
> from place to place in a mobile home.
Except when you live in Flanders, as we use "Mobilhome" for mot
On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 1:55 PM Georg Feddern wrote:
> tourism=caravan_site is the one where you (at least in Europe) only can
> stay with motorhomes (selfpropelled) - but not with caravans (towed).
but the wiki states on
"A carav
A trailhead is the start of a trail, but I haven't seen the definition
of a trail yet.
An American trail seems like a long distance walking route in the
wilderness. It's probably the same in Australia, Is that
interpretation correct ? Is that a requirement for a trail ? If so,
you will be disappoi
> Am 17.01.2019 um 08:32 schrieb Marc Gemis:
> > A trailhead is the start of a trail, but I haven't seen the definition
> > of a trail yet.
> >
> > An American trail seems like a long distance walking route in the
> > wilderness. It's probably t
54 AM Tobias Wrede wrote:
> Am 18.01.2019 um 09:48 schrieb Marc Gemis:
> > So limiting it to named trails would be an option, however, the
> > tourist agencies seem to replace all such named walks with walking
> > node networks, so "trails" are now everywhere.
And where do you put the name of the forest/wood ? On the MP or on the
outer way ?
I would think on the outer way, as the scrub is part of the named
area. But then I have an outer way with only a name tag. Is that
correct ?
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 8:51 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
g. to cut out
water areas from landcover=tree
On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 9:08 AM Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Nice question Marc.
> What is this named area?
> Does it have some (taggable) function?
> Is it 'just' a location? place=location?
hills or valley begins?
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 6:12 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> wrote:
>> sent from a phone
>> > On 23. Jan 2019, at 08:55, Marc Gemis wrote:
>> >
>> > And where do you put the name of the forest/wood ? On
I wonder how puzzled someone would be when they look at the original
question "how to map scrub in forests" and then, without going through
the whole thread, sees e.g the following mail in that thread:
p.s. Joseph, please don't take this personally, I could have picked
another mail, but yours was
In Belgium it is the inner diameter of the water main. Lowest value
I've seen is 50, highest 400 or so.
It's nicely explained on
http://brandweerbrasschaat.be/site/content/hydranten (in Dutch) with
pictures of the signs. The small ref number in the upper right corner
is not always there.
If you eve
minal diameter. Steel is
often not specified, but assumed as material.
So perhaps I should have translated binnendiameter to "internaldiameter" ?
On Fri, Jan 25, 2019 at 10:41 AM François Lacombe
> Hi Marc
> Le ven. 25 janv. 2019 à 09:07, Marc Gemis a écrit :
Someone proposed highway=bicycle_crossing [1]. The rationale is to be
able to express crossings that can only be used by cyclist.
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/bicycle_crossing
Tagging mailing list
But often, the cycleway crossing the road is not mapped. How would you
map a bicycle only crossing if the parallel cycleway is mapped as
cycleway=lane on the highway=x ?
Then you need a point, and as you wrote access=bicycle or foot=no do
not work, as pedestrians and cars can follow the highway=x.
On Sun, Jan 27, 2019 at 6:30 PM Martin Koppenhoefer
> sent from a phone
> > On 27. Jan 2019, at 12:29, Marc Gemis wrote:
> >
> > But often, the cycleway crossing the road is not mapped. How would you
> > map a bicycle only crossin
Hi Viking,
here is one for Belgium. It's on my photo website and I release it
hereby in Public Domain, feel free to download it and upload it to the
On Thu, Jan 31, 2019 at 7:27 PM Viking wrote:
> I've fixed fire_hy
AFAIK, the limit in Belgium depends on the card. You can within
certain limits set by the issuer, change your limit. Furthermore,
there is a daily and weekly limit as well (see e.g.
in Dutch).
Any tagging p
> emergency=yes is the most common value, it's a modal/class exception.
did you check whether that is on highways or on amenity=hospital ?
Tagging mailing list
On Sat, Mar 2, 2019 at 11:52 AM OSMDoudou
<19b350d2-b1b3-4edb-ad96-288ea1238...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > AFAIK emergency vehicles are exempt from limitations of traffic law
> > (including oneway roads, forbidden access roads, speed limits, red lights,
> > forbidden turns)
> Belgian law requires th
There is a very long thread on the same subject in August/September 2017.
It started here:
The arguments of the emails in this thread regarding
boutique/fashion/clothes stores were given back then as well. So
nothing has cha
Before deprecating the shop=fashion tag, shouldn't we reach out to the
mappers that use shop=fashion ?
Maybe they have a lot more domain knowledge than the people on this
mailing list and can explain why they used shop=fashion and not
shop=clothes; clothes=...
(you know diversity and white privil
What if some friends say we'll meet next year again in front of the Whizzo.
In the meantime, the Whizzo closes and is replaced with a restaurant Eatwell.
If they can then search for the old name it's useful, because they
might not be overly familiar with the area and don't know the place
has change
> > If I decide to meet with a friend AGAIN in front of Whizzo, we both
> > already know where it is.
> congratulations if you ever need gps to go to a place where you have
> already been (I wonder in this case why commercial gps have a "go home"
> shortcut since everyone has already been there)
Which situations can one theoretically have in a oneway street that
allows contraflow for bicycles and moped/mofas?
- no separate lanes (rather typical in Belgium)
- separate lanes, one lane on each side, lanes are 1-way
- separate lane only in contraflow direction, lane is oneway, (e.g.
flow dire
I wonder whether you will ever get the right answers to this type of
questions on this mailing list.
Only if people on this list have used those tags themselves or
interacted with people using the "wrong" tags you might get an idea of
what is going on.
Otherwise, it seems to me that we just might g
> My conclusion is that this is an old shop type, currently getting rare but
> there are still some valid uses
> but many cases would benefit from retagging to more popular shop values
> (where shop=convenience/supermarket/country_store describes it well).
Please add https://wiki.openstreetmap.or
There is the abandoned proposal for temporary:
On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 5:02 PM Mateusz Konieczny
> Sometimes traffic organization changes for some time - road becomes
> temporarily oneway,
> or oneway road becom
For me, a sport means competition, rankings, trophies. Is this the
case here? Otherwise, I think leisure is better.
A pitch a place specially designed for a certain sport. I think this
is not the case here. It's just an open space, which can also serve
other purposes.
I fear that a juggling spot i
Since OSM is used in commercial products, all exceptions you mention
for non-commercial use is not applicable.
The debate of many persons copying 1 fact from another database has
been discussed in the past, but OSM always tries to err on the safe
side. IMHO It would be more damaging to the project
On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 8:50 AM Pee Wee wrote:
> I understand but numbers don't always say much. A great part of this number
> is caused by an (afaik undocumentend and highly arbitrary) import in the
> city of Tilburg
and how many private, residential gardens are mapped (around the
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 2:30 PM Mateusz Konieczny
> I recently edited some of this pages (primarily mentioning that competing tags
> are used 50 to 50 000 times more often).
> I would welcome review of this pages (and edits where necessary).
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:l
Is the second picture a valve ?
https://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-sluice-gate.htm This page calls it
sluice gate. I'm not familiar with the terminology, so perhaps experts
can enlighten me.
On Wed, Jul 17, 2019 at 8:23 PM François Lacombe
> Hi
> Le mer. 17 juil. 2
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