On Wed, May 6, 2020 at 6:05 PM Florimond Berthoux <florimond.berth...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Hazard tag seems to be used when there is a sign, so I'm not confident to use > it for doorzone. > > There is two choices : > 1. describe the layout of the street lanes + cyclelanes + : parking lane + > sidewalk > then add the widt of the cycle lane. > Data consumer can deduce if the lane is dangerous or not > + objective > + complete without feature tagged twice > - harder to compute doorzone state > - harder to tag (a cyclist willing to tag doorzone has to tag parking lanes > and width) > > example : > cycleway=lane > cycleway:width=1m > parking:lane=parallel > > => doorzone > > (I could add more tags, for buffer, but I keep simple as possible.) > > 2. just tag doorzone feature > (opposite arguments +/-) > > example : > cycleway=lane > cycleway:left:doorzone=yes >
but in the end, someone will probably have to add parking:lane=parallel as well, not? The second style of mapping nothing says nothing about the parking lane. Or does cycleway:left:doorzone=yes implies parking:lane:left=parallel? m. _______________________________________________ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/tagging