Thanks Tobias and Graeme before for your views on trails.

I first try to understand what a trail/trailhead is in the USA and
Australia, before deciding on how to apply it locally.
Of course, it would be different in Europe, especially in a small
country like Belgium with not a lot of open space.

I understand that in areas with a low density of footpaths, any
junction of a trail and a road can be a trailhead.
However, there are many such junctions in Flanders, as there are many
short stretches of paths and tracks. Those short stretches are usually
connect, but you often have to cross a road.

So limiting it to named trails would be an option, however, the
tourist agencies seem to replace all such named walks with walking
node networks, so "trails" are now everywhere.
This means that you can start almost anywhere on a signposted walk.
Just take a look at!50.9966!4.9715 and see how
fine mazed the orange networks are in Flanders and The Netherlands.
Note that not all network routes are mapped in Flanders yet and they
also rolled out a virtual network, which is no longer marked along the
way, but for which you need an app or GPS. So some holes will have to
be filled on the waymarkedtrails map.

So I wonder whether we should map all trial x road junctions as
trailheads or limit them to places with more facilities (just to be
clear, locally, in Flanders). I don't know.


On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 9:25 AM Tobias Wrede <> wrote:
> Am 17.01.2019 um 08:32 schrieb Marc Gemis:
> > A trailhead is the start of a trail, but I haven't seen the definition
> > of a trail yet.
> >
> > An American trail seems like a long distance walking route in the
> > wilderness. It's probably the same in Australia, Is that
> > interpretation correct ? Is that a requirement for a trail ? If so,
> > you will be disappointed by what there trails are behind the
> > trailheads in The Netherlands (or Belgium).
>  From my European view I would exclude the wilderness bit. A lot of
> marked trails here path trough built-up area. There are even specific
> trails mostly through very urban area. I would say a trail is anything
> that would qualify for a route=hiking/bicycle/mtb/horse (possibly ski,
> snowmobile, inline_skates,... , I've never dealt with the latter ones).
> I would also encourage including the trailhead in the respective route
> relation(s) with role=trailhead.
> Tobias
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