Re: [SAtalk] Re: procmail programming keyword sorting

2003-03-17 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 17 Mar 2003 the voices made LuKreme write: L> Actually,never having used exitcode I really had no idea even what he L> was trying to do. We... the blind leading the blind... *grabs a bowl of popcorn* When does the next show start? Sowwy... I'm not really a mean person... ;-) --

[SAtalk] the increase in spam traffic

2003-03-07 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
For the past cpl of weeks my personal e-mailaccounts' daily been getting 150- 200% of the number of UBE I used to get on a very bad day about 3-4 months ago; and although I'm pretty sure part of that is me pissing people off with that speciel kind of charm that's part of my lovely personality, I s

Re: [SAtalk] Comments on 2.50

2003-02-24 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 24 Feb 2003 the voices made [EMAIL PROTECTED] write: > Young whipper-snappers. When I started coding we had to enter code through > front panel switches, and read our output on the console lights - and we > had to replace at least three vacuum tubes per run. On the newest > machines, we c

[SAtalk] Is a BondedSender-user here?

2003-02-22 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
If there is a bondedsender on this list, please send me an e-mail... I'm testing a rewritten client, and although everything seems to be ok it'd be nice to get it verified in a non-test environment. =) -- /\___/\ /\___/\ \_@ @_/

Re: [SAtalk] Removing SpamAssassin

2003-02-18 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 18 Feb 2003 the voices made Susan Civil-Brown write: SC> I never downloaded SpamAssassin, so I don't know what it's doing on my SC> computer. I certainly don't need it as I have a good spam program, and SC> SpamAssassin tends to screw up messages that have to do with putting things SC> on

Re: *SPAM* Re: [SAtalk] GRRR!! - Family H-core party (fwd)

2003-02-14 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 the voices made LuKreme write: L> have they done se>< and secs and sekz already? Number of hits in the db, and spampoints (0-1): "sekz" 1 0.000415 "secs" 117 0.092999 "seks" 21 0.511654

Re: [SAtalk] 'Norton Antivirus' hoax?

2003-02-14 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 14 Feb 2003 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> I keep getting these alert messages that Norton Anitvirus has detected and ML> qiarantined various viruses. Has anyone else seen these, if so, whats the ML> best way of blocking them? There doesn't seem to be any common them other ML>

[SAtalk] HTML-comment as BayesBuster?

2003-02-14 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
Interest r= ates are at their lowest point in over 40 years! Find out how much money you could = be saving by visiting";>this Website!= -- /\___/\ /\___/\ \_@ @_/

Re: [SAtalk] GRRR!! - Family H-core party (fwd)

2003-02-14 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 the voices made Michael Moncur write: MM> Tony L. Svanstrom wrote: MM> MM> > "seks" is now getting 0.807152 on a "1 = spam and 0 = ham"-scale here, so MM> > before your e-mail starting messing it up it was a perfect MM> > spa

Re: [SAtalk] False positive in RCVD_IN_RFCI test

2003-02-10 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
BA> On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 11:24:51 - Kevin Anthoney BA> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: BA> > Apologies for top posting, BTW. I'm at work, hence $£@@@#!! Outlook. > -- /\___/\ /\___/\ \_@ @_/

[SAtalk] Independent Customer Services (subscriber offers) (fwd)

2003-02-07 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
Since this seems to be the show-n-tell week I thought I'd share this beauty... -- Forwarded message -- Received: from ( []) by (8.12.6/8.12.6) with ESMTP id h17FfUxh015410 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Fri, 7 Feb

Re: [SAtalk] Does anyone know how to setup Spam Assassin toautomatically count all messages over a certain size as spam so they can bebounced back?

2003-02-04 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 the voices made Jess Anderson write: JA> Tony Earnshaw: JA> >Kelly Annette Jameson: JA> > JA> > > Does anyone know how to setup Spam Assassin to automatically count all JA> > > messages over a certain size as spam so they can be bounced back? JA> > JA> > Isn't this something you

Re: [SAtalk] Posting spam here

2003-02-03 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 3 Feb 2003 the voices made Jeremy Turner write: JT> On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 13:42, Lance W. Haverkamp wrote: JT> > I don't think I'll be using Spamassassin any longer. I can't imagine ANY JT> > spam filter program not catching that email. JT> JT> >From what I've read on this list and on spa

Re: [SAtalk] Received: from bowser ( [])

2003-01-31 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 31 Jan 2003 the voices made Tony Earnshaw write: TE> If there had been a you-must-expect-spam-from-our-posters warning on TE> this list, I would have expected it as something natural. As it was, it TE> took me by surprise. In future it won't :-) This is a list about a product that battle

Re: [SAtalk] False positive for foreign language

2003-01-27 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 27 Jan 2003 the voices made Matt Kettler write: MK> (hmm, I see this tempting Tony and several others to send me a bunch of MK> non-spam emails in a language I don't speak... hmm) Vad får dig att tro det? ;-) Honestly, I don't have much non-english e-mails that either aren't personal o

Re: [SAtalk] spam arrival time?

2003-01-19 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 19 Jan 2003 the voices made Michael Moncur write: MM> For what it's worth, Joshua Goodman from Microsoft Research mentioned this ^ Need I say more? ;-) MM> technique in the Spam conference and said it was "one of his favorites". I MM>

Re: [SAtalk] success stories with SA ?

2003-01-16 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 the voices made Martin Schroeder write: MS> [Please limit your line length to <=70 chars/line] MS> MS> On 2003-01-15 22:42:07 -, Stephane wrote: MS> > exists today disappears ? With opensource you cannot have a MS> > contractual engagement to provide support or updates, nor

Re: [SAtalk] My posting

2003-01-12 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 the voices made Nick Marino write: NM> So for that I appologize. But when someone is learning and trying to NM> understand new things please don't be so rude when you respond to them you NM> are more than likely to get a rude response back. Just take a look at what you've wri

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassasin corupting email. This is directed

2003-01-12 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 the voices made Nick Marino write: NM> I asked for help not your opinion on my posting methods. > # Description # # OE-QuoteFix will extend the functionality of MS Outlook Express in numerous # ways! Its main purpose is to modify message compositio

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassasin corupting email.

2003-01-12 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 the voices made Nick Marino write: NM> It is only doing it to some HTML messages other come out fine. and I told you that with this problem with the server that I mentioned it would only do this to _some_ HTML-messages! Some, not all, only some. Did you bother to check if t

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassasin corupting email.

2003-01-12 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 the voices made Nick Marino write: NM> From: "Tony L. Svanstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> NM> > It could be the server... I've had some problem with servers doing NM> > base64-decoding, problems which could maybe result in problems like you

Re: [SAtalk] Spamassasin corupting email.

2003-01-11 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 the voices made Nick Marino write: NM> I have been having problems with SA stripping CRLF and just putting in LF in NM> some not all email going through my server. NM> NM> It seems to only do it to mail that is in HTML format but it doesn't do it NM> to all HTML emails. It co

Re: [SAtalk] Guidelines for Mass Mailings

2003-01-09 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 the voices made Vivek Khera write: VK> > "JM" == Justin Mason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: VK> VK> >> Well written, good content, and industry specific. Also simply having a real VK> >> email address to reply back is good. VK> VK> JM> Actually -- that's a very good point -- r

Re: [SAtalk] RE: OT: Dynamically updating /etc/mail/access

2003-01-09 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 the voices made Andrew M. Hoying write: AMH> > The spamlist (, 3,5 MB) AMH> > is updated every hour. If you like, you can just use the domain names AMH> > by grepping "JUNK$" from I did a quick

Re: [SAtalk] NAI did not buy SpamAssassin!

2003-01-09 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 the voices made Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder write: ADvB> They probably signed any number of NDAs during the negotiation, so ADvB> warning the community before the deal was complete was obviously not ADvB> possible. A short explanation to the list at the time when the de

Re: [SAtalk] Did the acquisition kill the lists?

2003-01-09 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 9 Jan 2003 the voices made Jason Levine write: JL> Where else are the lists archived online? I've always just read the list JL> on the SourceForge archives, which truly don't have any messages to any of JL> the SA lists since 1/7/03 in the morning; I just signed up for sa-talk JL> today s

Re: [SAtalk] Did the acquisition kill the lists?

2003-01-08 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 the voices made Jason Levine write: JL> I'm just wondering if the NAI acquisition of Deersoft killed the mailing JL> lists; there hasn't been a post to any of the lists mirrored on JL> SourceForge since 9:34 AM on 1/7/2003. Nope, it's business as usual nowadays. =) --

Re: [SAtalk] NAI did not buy SpamAssassin!

2003-01-07 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 the voices made Copeland, Mary R write: CMR> But I still have my question about how the addresses I've added to my CMR> "blacklist" can contribute to updating the spam filters database. They can't; SA doesn't focus on blacklisted addresses, instead it works by looking at

Re: [SAtalk] Deersoft acquisition (thumbs down)

2003-01-07 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 the voices made Malte S. Stretz write: MSS> On Tuesday 07 January 2003 20:16 CET Tony L. Svanstrom wrote: MSS> >[...] MSS> > What NetAss can do, via their employees running this project, is to MSS> > change the license somewhat... which won't hurt a

Re: [SAtalk] Deersoft acquisition (thumbs down)

2003-01-07 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 the voices made Theo Van Dinter write: TVD> On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 05:23:44PM +0100, Malte S. Stretz wrote: TVD> > continues. Nobody can buy an open source project and make it closed source TVD> > without _all_ it's contributors agreeing on a license change. I for my own TVD> >

Re: [SAtalk] Deersoft acquisition

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Duncan Findlay write: DF> On Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 09:32:57PM -0500, Diffenderfer, Randy wrote: DF> > Did anyone see in the NAI announcement that its first product (due in Q2) DF> > will be named... DF> > DF> > McAfee SpamKiller(TM) Enterprise DF> > DF> > And they

Re: [SAtalk] Deersoft acquisition

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Diffenderfer, Randy write: DR> Did anyone see in the NAI announcement that its first product (due in Q2) DR> will be named... DR> DR> McAfee SpamKiller(TM) Enterprise DR> DR> And they had the "nerve" to trademark that! :-))) Don't even have to get my DR> thesaur

Re: [SAtalk] ha

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Justin Mason write: JM> well, looks like someone's updated their scanner already ;) Too bad they could code quicker than they could think. =/ -- /\___/\ /\___/\ \_@ @_/

Re: [SAtalk] Return Spam to Sender

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Jerry Rasmussen write: JR> How do you configure SpamAssassin to return spam to the sender? Impossible, both the returning and the configuring SA to do it part. -- /\___/\ /\___/\ \_@ @_/

Re: [SAtalk] MIME-headers with comments in them

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Ray Dzek write: RD> Umm...Since this thread started on another list, could somebody please RD> explain, in english, the significance of the munged header? Just reread the first one to this list, it was by me and it included the URL to the story. The significa

Re: [SAtalk] NAI buys Deersoft

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Tobias von Koch write: TvK> It makes sense; it's a positive thing for both NetAss and Deersoft... the community OTOH... who knows; most likely a lot of PR resulting in "how can I use t

[SAtalk] [±¤°í]

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
These "HTML-comment in spam sign"-thingies are spreading... =( Received: from ([]) Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] From: ±èÈ£Áø<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 03:38:25 +0900 Content-Type: text/html; charset="euc-kr" Subject:

Re: [SAdev] RE: [SAtalk] MIME-headers with comments in them

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Tony Hoyle write: TH> I'm more worried about what happens when a virus starts using this - how TH> many mailers TH> are able to block executable attachments when the mime data is munged this TH> badly? What really worries me is what happens when people start re

Re: [SAtalk] RBLS w/ known spam sources, Theo, and I'm starting to see the lig ht!

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 the voices made Justin Mason write: JM> (Open proxies are easy to test for automatically upon mail receipt, JM> you see. Might even make a good SpamAssassin test some day, as long JM> as we could rig up some kind of online test-result collator so each JM> site only gets tested

[SAtalk] MIME-headers with comments in them

2003-01-06 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
(Somewhat stolen from a posting by [EMAIL PROTECTED] to the procmail-list) > a header like that: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=TFICLMGJ could be altered to that: -

Re: [SAtalk] Bayes: compared to bogofilter

2003-01-04 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 the voices made Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder write: ADvB> I find bogofilter does a very good job currently, no false positives at ADvB> all; and most false negatives get caught by sa and are fed back to ADvB> bogofilter so it can learn... Take a closer look at those fa

Re: [SAtalk] RBLS w/ known spam sources, Theo, and I'm starting tosee the lig ht!

2003-01-03 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 3 Jan 2003 the voices made Chris Santerre write: CS> Blocking spam goes like so CS> CS> -SMTP(access bd, RBLS, simple header checks, ect) CS> -Procmail CS> -SA CS> -MUA filter CS> -Delete key :-) One mustn't forget that one must apply the same kind of logic when one is writing its pr

RE: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-28 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> I deleted the exit code for now, but I'm interested in fixing the ML> permission denied message so it doesn't bounce back. Would you have any ML> ideas about how to do this? I guess that's a question for the Procmail ML> mailing list,

Re: [SAtalk] Any spam using In-Reply-To/References-headers?

2002-12-28 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sat, 28 Dec 2002 the voices made Daniel Quinlan write: DQ> "Tony L. Svanstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: DQ> DQ> > Has there been any confirmed cases of spammers using DQ> > In-Reply-To/References-headers (to avoid spamfilters)? DQ> > DQ> > I

RE: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-28 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 27 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> On Wednesday, December 25, 2002 1:54 PM Tony L. Svanstrom <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: ML> >> 0 ML> > * ^X-Rot-Version: ML> > { ML> > EXITCODE=77 ML> > :0 ML> >

Re: [SAtalk] Spam Conference.

2002-12-27 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sat, 27 Dec 2002 the voices made Andrew write: A> This may be a duplicate, but I saw it on Slashdot. MIT is holding a spam A> conference on Jan 17th,2003. Details are at A> Check the speakerlist and you'll see that there are two people that will talk about SpamA

Re: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-26 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 the voices made Vivek Khera write: VK> >>>>> "TLS" == Tony L Svanstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: VK> VK> TLS> I want to add one thing: SA could actually be a weakness... VK> VK> TLS> As one rule among many this sure spamsi

Re: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, Dec 25, 2002 at 11:27:06PM +0100, Tony L. Svanstrom wrote: > It depends on what you want to do; if you want to have hundreds of rules with > different scores, then SA is way superior, but if you've got a simple "hit this > one and die die die"-thing then why

Re: [SAtalk] Re: [elektrosmog] hotspot directory

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
I'm an idiot... just ignore this. =) On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 the voices made Tony L. Svanstrom write: TLS> If it wasn't for me having the attentionspan of an over-caffeinated, sugar- TLS> hyped 3 year-old I might have remembered to make the point that an XML-based TLS> stand

RE: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> Is there an advantage to using one or the other (procmail recipe vs SA ML> rule)? It seems odd to hard code such things into procmail, IMO. Seems ML> like SA rules are easier to implement, change or remove. For now, I'll use ML> this

[SAtalk] Re: [elektrosmog] hotspot directory

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
If it wasn't for me having the attentionspan of an over-caffeinated, sugar- hyped 3 year-old I might have remembered to make the point that an XML-based standard not tied to the firmware of the AP and created by open source-people easier can find its way into APs, then the other way around; and th

RE: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> How would I block it at the MTA? I assume you're talking about Sendmail. ML> What about a concise rule for SA? I'm extremely poor with regexp and any ML> help would be greatly appreciated. Would this do it: ML> ML> ML> X-Rot: =~ /zvx

[SAtalk] Did I not reply yesterday and/or today?

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
I don't really want to admit this, but some time late last night (local time, earlier than late if you're in the US) I managed to seriously screw up my mailfiltering... meaning that if I've ever sent you an e-mail and/or you replied to something I'd written, then late yesterday/today your e-mails

Re: [SAtalk] X-Rot version

2002-12-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Tue, 24 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Loiterman write: ML> X-Rot-Version: zvxr^nfpraqrapl(arg ML> ML> Could this ever be used for legitimate uses? Also - what sort of rule ML> would be best to blacklist an email with this in the header? Should it ML> just be points or should it be blacklisted

[SAtalk] Any spam using In-Reply-To/References-headers?

2002-12-24 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
Has there been any confirmed cases of spammers using In-Reply-To/References-headers (to avoid spamfilters)? Ie, using those headers to make their spam look like a reply to something you've written on some list/news- group. /t -- # Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge tow

[SAtalk] Re: [SAdev] [Bug 177] Daily Dilbert mail gets tagged as SPAM.

2002-12-22 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 22 Dec 2002 the voices made [EMAIL PROTECTED] write: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote > Unitedmedia seems to be a reasonably big syndicate. > The Dilbert Newsletter is opt-in only. > Many people subscribe to it. This is clearly a won't fix, because real geeks either sitescrape or let procmail

Re: [SAtalk] Problem with all_spam_to

2002-12-19 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 19 Dec 2002 the voices made Justin Mason write: JM> If anyone can suggest others added by other MTAs, it'd be much appreciated. With some luck you can get the env-address out of one of the Received-headers. /t -- # Per scientiam ad libertatem! // Through knowledge towards free

Re: [SAtalk] Spam Rejection Message

2002-12-13 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 the voices made James D. Stallings write: > Does anyone know if there is a way that I can have SA send a > message that is detected as spam back to the spammer stating > you are not welcome and this message is blocked...?? 1. SA doesn't send nor delete e-mails, it just tags '

Re: [SAtalk] OT: Reply-To headers (was: No tag?)

2002-12-13 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 13 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Leone write: > However, 90+% of the time, you want the reply to be public; that's why you're > on a public mailing list, no? So why set the defaults to cater to a special > case, in stead of the majority case? Exactly, which is why I, on my own lists, alw

Re: [SAtalk] Re: OT: No tag? (was: sql support)

2002-12-13 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 the voices made Duncan Findlay write: > Funny, I don't want people to CC me on replies (or even address them > To me). That's why I'm not in my Reply-To or Mail-Followup-To: header. > Yet, strangely enough, I do get CC'd most of the time. It's standard behavior when you reply

bayesian vs spamassassin (Was: Re: [SAtalk] Anti-spam-assassination?)

2002-12-12 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 the voices made Justin Mason write: > (a) it lets legit publishers avoid relatively-obvious trouble areas > (like talking about spam laws etc.) Like everyone already could do, but only spammers bothered to do. > (b) it lures spammers into a false sense of security, as

Re: [SAtalk] Hi-Speed-Mail and its ilk

2002-12-08 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 8 Dec 2002 the voices made Mike Burger write: > Out of curiosity..I've been rejecting with a code of 550...what's the > difference between 550 and 553? > #4.2.2: # 550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable # (e.g., mai

Re: [SAtalk] ideas for collaborative spam-filtering techniques?

2002-12-04 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
> Justin Mason wrote: > > BTW, just met with some researchers in Trinity College here in Dublin for > > lunch, an AI guy and a distributed-systems peer-to-peer guy, they're > > *both* looking at starting anti-spam projects. > > > > So, wondering -- does anyone have good ideas for new systems in tho

Re: [SAtalk] Suggestion to Reduce False Positive

2002-11-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 the voices made Jeremy Zawodny write: > Well, it's not *trivial* but I don't think it's huge either. You need > to scan all outgoing mail and maintain a list of destination > addresses. Then integrate that into a site-wide SA whitelist. > > Am I missing some complexity? Wel

Re: [SAtalk] Suggestion to Reduce False Positive

2002-11-25 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 the voices made John Rudd write: > 1) Have your mail client put a copy of all outgoing messages into a > particular folder (like "Sent"). (most clients do this already, so its > no big deal) > > 2) Write a program which parses that file out and adds those addresses > to a file,

Re: [SAtalk] Suggestion to Reduce False Positive

2002-11-24 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Sun, 24 Nov 2002 the voices made Steve Evans write: > Keep a database with every address that e-mail is sent to. Have a rule > with a negative value that checks that database on incoming mail. > > I find it quite unlikely that any address that someone would send a > message to would ever be se

Re: [SAtalk] Re: Slashdot Article

2002-11-22 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 the voices made Justin Mason write: > Still, it'd be nice to know *what* they plan to do with it, how they plan > to make it available to other antispam filter devvers without giving it > all away to spammers, and if they have any plans for QAing the submitted > spam -- it's ve

Re: [SAtalk] An interesting way to get around filters

2002-11-18 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Mon, 18 Nov 2002 the voices made Bob Amen write: > Philip Mak wrote: > > I wonder what would happen if the spammer had sent "X-Spam-Flag: NO" > > as part of the header in the spam message. Would it fool > > procmail/maildrop? > I doubt it would fool procmail. It won't fool procmail.

Re: [SAtalk] Web Config

2002-11-13 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 the voices made Rick Macdougall write: > phpsa.php is included with spamassassin and only requires fixing a few > typos. Hey, please remind me to keep my keys of the keyboard the next time I want to write a less than helpful e-mail (ignore the e-mail I sent about a minute ago

Re: [SAtalk] Web Config

2002-11-13 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 the voices made Nathan Henderson write: > What would be the best way to go about setting up an html "control panel" > for configuring whitelists and such? Learning how to program CGI-related things would be a great start. =) /Tony -- # Per scientiam ad libertatem!

RE: [SAtalk] You have a secret admirer

2002-10-31 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 the voices made Jan Korger write: > But what if spammers do randomly add guessed domain names to their lists? > Whatif someone sells guessed email addresses to spammers? My point is, if > spammers do add wrong addresses to their dbs and don't even remove them if > there's no MX

RE: [SAtalk] You have a secret admirer

2002-10-31 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
On Thu, 31 Oct 2002 the voices made Steve Thomas write: > | what about changing the tld to .invalid? > > Too easy for the spammers to spot. I'd rather they waste their time and > resources and add pollution to their address lists than discard the address > from the get-go. Do both... I don't wan

Re: [SAtalk] You have a secret admirer

2002-10-31 Thread Tony L. Svanstrom
> > Use this script in HTML documents where you would place an email address. > >