impact) interesting, on Thursday morning.
I hope to see many of you there!
- kcrisman
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On May 14, 2:08 am, "Jurgis Pralgauskis"
> Hello,
> I made a sage flyer with intro + examples
> for my uni students conference (but some professors also got
> interested)
> what do you think
ck of a GUI/menus.
Others, like math and biology or mathematical puzzles (e.g. Sudoku and
friends), might be relevant too, if you have used Sage in those
areas. The full URL is
- kcrisman
You received
e I talked to also said that CCLI language was being rather
heavily reworded, so that one would want to wait until the next
announcement. Then there the national budget woes to consider...
Geogebra has also gotten some weird NSF funding, though I feel like it
was through some other subgranting arena
he math), I
think you can look forward to many adopting schools in Washington
State, which will lead to more workshops run by many Sage early
adopters to address more such issues. Good luck! If we're lucky
there will be many more such requests for workshops
se Management Software package with a wide user base. At
least one of them should support some sort of scripting, or perhaps
have code which could be integrated, but I can't say more than that.
- kcrisman
You received this message because you
> I think something like this would be better accomplished by some sort
> of integration with Sage and, e.g. Moodle or Blackboard that are made
> for this kind of things, rather than trying to include/roll our own
> system.
> - Robert
Yes, ab
Good luck! The notebook server aspect is a really nice feature of
Sage for education, because it makes things so convenient for students
that they might actually do more than they expect... and that's a good
- kcrisman
This is great. Actually, you probably COULD make some money off this,
based on what I see for sale at children's museums. I've already
printed it out - my daughter loves to color, she might get this in her
- kcrisman
we need
to hear. Do I hear another call for Sage lite? ;)
- kcrisman
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Sage in research
2) and 3) should be of particular interest to those on this list. I
would post the Wiki info but got blocked out by surge protection for
some reason.
- kcrisman
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like that which make using Sage server sometimes annoying for
sysadmin (which, again, I am thankfully not).
- kcrisman
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To post to this gro
a one-time payout, if that) once the projects went commercial. I
think that people making software decisions in the HS/early college
'market' will resonate with that, even if their students don't.
- kcrisman
You received this m
keyword "function" or "create_function" or
something like that? This is probably hopelessly naive, especially
since "function" is probably what one wants to call one of the
variables going in a text box! But oh well.
- kcrisman
> >> On Thu, Jan 22,
ly be integrated with tablet technology, for
instance (e.g. character recognition and then knowing how to translate
that into Sage commands) that could be very interesting 10 years down
the road, or whenever we all stop typing. If we do!
- kcrisman
site under documentation.
Please post here again when you run out of steam; by that point some
of the rest of us might have built enough energy to take on a few of
the ones you still need!
- kcrisman
You received this message because you are subscri
t know that usual Sage Days funding sources would
be usable for this.
Again, if anyone has ideas or would like to help put something like
one of these together, please reply off-list.
- kcrisman
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halkboard, comments on HW, automatic grading of
routine exercises, etc. - sort of Sage notebook+WeBWorK+Moodle+more.
So, as they say, implement it and send in a patch :) Just kidding.
But if you try this in an experimental section, let us know, and
definitely help brainstorm what notebook functi
others close enough to drive also interested?
- kcrisman
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information interests someone!
- kcrisman
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me, we are eager to have teachers and students use these
> materials freely and provide feedback on their experiences, good or
> bad.
Oh, yes, I didn't mean to imply that it would be free in the future.
However, the PIs are committed to making it pretty reasonable in
s belongs on sage-support, and I am forwarding this
there. Unfortunately I do not know the answer but I suppose it should
be possible in Sage if it is possible in Maxima, though perhaps it
would be somewhat "wordy".
- kcrisman
You r
this is
If not, I'm as out of ideas as I am of $ but I'm sure someone else
will have some thoughts on where to look for funding of this sort of
Good luck,
- kcrisman
You received this message because you are subscr
> and presenting on Friday I think but not presenting at ECCAD. BTW, I'll be
> around most of the day Saturday (have to leave a bit early for my flight)
> so maybe I'll see you there?
Yes, let's
dth is an issue.)
Also, is this something one could simply download to a computer and
use, or is it required to run off a CD?
- kcrisman
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even if I knew exactly how to use it.
Thanks for any info,
- kcrisman
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To uns
r, but depends on the economy.
By the way, are Fusion and Parallels free (as in beer)? My
understanding is they are not.
Thanks; sorry I won't be able to try it out and test it, Lucio.
- kcrisman
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as handled this for
me, but David's links should also be a good start. Good luck!
- kcrisman
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at ends up coming out of this would be much appreciated.
- kcrisman
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n the Calculus Sequence
are QUITE relevant, and I encourage people to submit to them, while
Publishing Mathematics on the Web
Online Homework—Innovation and Assessment
are at least worth checking out in terms of the future of Sage.
- kcrisman
Hi, sorry to resurrect this thread, but I finally have an Intel-based
computer. What exact steps would I need to follow to try this out
using Parallels on Mac OSX.5? Please keep in mind I have very little
experience with virtual machines, and know nothing about LiveCD etc.
- kcrisman
ormat), making sure to tell it that
it's with Ubuntu. Then it simply runs, as long as you have the keys
correct e.g. right-clicking.
Thanks! Very useful to know about, and it seems to work fine.
- kcrisman
You received this message becau
here is a
history file of commands for each worksheet? That probably could be
implemented, though I don't think it currently exists - it would just
be a text file.
- kcrisman
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LaTex yet.
- kcrisman
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release of Sage; you can use named arguments instead, like EXPR(x=...,
exec code_obj in self.user_global_ns, self.user_ns
Although hopefully that day will never actually come for expressions
with a single free variable, it sounds like it will, so for
reusability's sake alone probably f(
implicit multiplication option in the notebook" on my
> todo list for next month. (We have it on the command line but not in
> the notebook.)
More power to you - would it be a "togglable" feature, something the
administrator would need to put in some kind of uni
s about pages "not
looking" like the ones I do in class. However, wouldn't it require
some sort of universal download of the "correct" fonts in order to
avoid warning messages? I admit I am somewhat ignorant of that
- kcrisman
problems with
interacts in Internet Explorer on Vista, but we never tracked it down
That list keeps getting longer! I think particularly the 66-bit
processors are a big desire for students :)
- kcrisman
On Sep 8, 12:39 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 9:26 AM, kcrisman wrote:
> >> Are there any other things you get complaints about that aren't listed
> >> here?
> > I'll try to think of things; I am quite sure that things like
rily a link from the
main page to the new pages... not to speak of But
anecdotally there are quite a few others using Sage, though not all of
them necessarily have something online to share.
- kcrisman
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at doesn't violate
GPL would be okay - that is to say, you should be free to take the
HTML from their site and use it without a license issue. However,
others may have a different point of view.
- kcrisman
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that Sage is not appropriate for, or even really able to do, so there
is room for more than one solution. The right tool for the right job,
Good luck,
- kcrisman
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tely, so
far no one seems to quite understand why (or to whom) this happened.
- kcrisman
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> sage: (myinterval^2+2*myinterval+2).str(style='brackets')
> '[5. .. 17.000]'
> also:
> sage: RIF((1,oo))
> [1. .. +infinity]
But can you do half-open intervals with that?
- kcrisman
FYI, for those who have been discussing this:
- kcrisman
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On Sep 21, 11:17 pm, michel paul wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 5:53 AM, kcrisman wrote:
> One idea you may want to consider is using Sage strictly *without* any
> > programming per se
> Something that occurred as kind of a surprise - an example problem in
umerical and symbolic computation, as well as graphing and much
> more. Visithttp://www.sagemath.orgfor more details.
> No Sage code in the book, but a nice plug all the same.
Sounds like this post belongs on sage-marketing as well!
- kcrisman
On Sep 26, 1:53 pm, michel paul wrote:
> A few days ago I had an amazingly successful lesson on sigma using sage
> interval notation and list comprehension.
> I gave the kids a bunch of sigma expressions to evaluate. I told them I
> wasn't concerned about the final value so much as about the
The following post from sage-devel seems relevant (http://
I 'm in the process of writing a Sage tutorial at
I'm about about halfway through the project, the completed pages may
be a useful resou
the meeting. I think
> having on there was crucial for making it easy for people
> to give it a try.
I think that would be very helpful. Having a table when there isn't a
critical mass of Sage folks there would be very difficult, but having
a and Sage in terms of user base, which (in my opinion)
is a little underpopulated, at least by non-expensive projects.
- kcrisman
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quot; ... since we might want to submit a proposal for an MAA
minicourse eventually. Not the same thing, but still... any ideas, on
or off list?
Incidentally, for the info of those who read this list, several of us
submitted a proposal for a PREP workshop, but it was not approved. So
n this and report back.
That would be helpful. All that said, sometimes you just don't get
the luck of the draw, and that's probably part of it, too.
- kcrisman
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't do" ... since we might want to submit a proposal for an MAA
> > minicourse eventually. Not the same thing, but still... any ideas, on
> > or off list?
> Well one clear thing we did which prevented our proposal from being
> accepted was not submitting our proposal!
x27;s a big name - William I can see,
Stan Wagon and George Andrews I can see, not so sure about some of the
rest of us. But in the past there has been talk about having a roster
of Sage speakers that would be in some obvious place on the website,
and perhaps it's time to revisit that as a resou
hough of course they don't have to teach a 3-3 (or higher) load
yet ;)
But I too hope for future things in this regard. See for a tiny step in the
direction you are suggesting, and thanks for your thoughts on it.
- kcrisman
20 years) if they are to remain
viable in that time frame. I was unusual in that I encountered Sage
when I "didn't have time" for learning to program as a professional,
but just made time on the math side; the GUI side is probably too much
for a non-student to pick up.
Good luck!
One might think that the Pacific Northwest would be a good
place to start ;)
- kcrisman
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on-demand basis for @interact-like things for specific purposes (say,
drawing hyperbolic triangles), as a menu option "insert a Geogebra
applet from list X here", or something more integrated than that into
the Sagenb spkg?
- kcrisman
> - William
> -- Forwarded message
On Nov 12, 1:46 am, William Stein wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 8:30 AM, kcrisman wrote:
> > We now have a Wiki page ( for the
> > first ever Sage Education Day! I've taken the liberty to add the four
> > people who have
ntally, for those attending the Joint Meetings, there is an MAA
minicourse on doing precisely this. I won't have time, but if someone
is attending who will and is interested in doing some inclusion like
this, it would be quite instructive to have them do it.
- kcrisman
but even a @geogebra
decorator for the notebook which one could use in the same way as
@interact, and would have its own documentation, would be great. We
already have Java. Interestingly, since Geogebra uses Yacas, we would
potentially have access to Maxima, Yacas, etc. - but no
numpy - but all from the same interface, all from the same
server. So specialized things can be done very easily.
Please ask more questions, and let us know how things go. Good luck.
- kcrisman
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s not the same kind of issue.
Not trying to pick a fight, just reporting what I've been told - I
have no independent knowledge of this other than anecdotal. If there
is a significant segment of the engineering community that uses Octave
in day-to-day operations, that would b
m, this is just the human condition :)
Thanks for your detailed feedback! And good luck learning more about
how Sage does what *you* need it to do.
- kcrisman
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appropriate. I agree that is
cludgy. It would also be nice to have an automatic "orthogonal
complement" or "perp" function, e.g. for getting the perp of a kernel
without resorting to row/column spaces...
- kcrisman
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A" would
> have to have to make you
> a satisfied customer?
And, as a followup, does WebWorK already have most of what you need in
terms of this functionality (if I'm interpreting this right)? Making
a "Sage TA" from scratch sounds like a lot of work...
- kcrisman
hardest part was done for me, since Sage Days 18 already had a
location and time, and let us piggy-back on them!
- kcrisman
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so I'm not sure how that would
- kcrisman
On Dec 5, 6:47 pm, Paul Pearson wrote:
> Dear Jonathan and Marshall,
> Thank you for your help. My ultimate goal is to be able to include 3d
> graphics generated by SAGE and displayed by JmolApplet.jar in the
> online home
roject at MIT
( is also an excellent way to think about
programming in a different way, though I don't know how usable it
would be for a math class.
Oh, and I missed the fact that this is online below. Yup, another
layer of pedagogical challenge, since you aren't 'ri
In 2009, "there were 120 events in 44 different countries". Wow!
- kcrisman
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e difficult.
Or, if you're one of my grad school profs, you implement it so rudely
that everyone thinks it's funny.
- kcrisman
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that is not one of these tickets, as it is already
open). Hope this is interesting to a few people.
- kcrisman - Make sure latex
doesn't do weird things with R output - Make support for R
> > good timing. There are any video or other memories to view for this
> > first sage education days?
What viewers should open this sort of file - I'm not familiar with
it? Thanks for pointing out the link!
- kcrisman
On Dec 19, 11:13 pm, William Stein wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 19, 2009 at 8:12 PM, kcrisman wrote:
> >> > good timing. There are any video or other memories to view for this
> >> > first sage education days?
> >>
some reason need #auto instead of %auto.
- kcrisman
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Dear all,
Both these lists will be interested in the upcoming online Sage PREP
(Professional Enhancement Program), funded by the MAA via NSF
DUE-0817071. See for more
information; please advertise it to those you might think are
Our hope is to
ur way around Geogebra and one or two other
things, you might get a better reception making it about open source
solutions in general (maybe show typical things one can do, including
interacts and Geogebra applet export) rather than seeming to advocate
one solution in general. Good luck!
- kc
Thanks for the post, though.
- kcrisman
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> I just asked my calc 1 class to watch the first screencast here:
Hmm, shouldn't that Youtube video from swasboss be linked there too?
- kcrisman
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Dear Oscar,
These can simply be uploaded to a Sage account. Assuming you have
created one on or on your local machine, log in to your
account and click on "Upload" near the upper left corner. Uploading
a .sws file should work okay then. I agree it is not intuitive.
- kc
This is a good enough idea that I'm forwarding it to sage-devel (maybe
it even already works?). In principle this could also be done with
the current (optional) Mac app, but would require some nontrivial work
with app bundle preferences and this sort of command.
- kcrisman
On Feb 4, 9:
he way to currently use Sage on Windows
is at . You shouldn't
have to install Linux in Virtualbox, just to download Virtualbox for
your OS, then import the Sage virtual appliance.
Hope this helps!
- kcrisman
You received this message because you
ut future questions of this
sort on sage-support, where more people will benefit from them! This
list is primarily for discussing more abstract educational issues, but
on sage-support many people can learn about basic syntax issues like
this. But thanks for asking, either way :)
- kcrisman
teractive free texts (or cheap ones; see the MAA's Moore/Smith 2nd
ed. textbook) are one way to get away from this.
- kcrisman
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folks should be invited to an upcoming Sage Days, or to host a third
Education Day, or something.
- kcrisman
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Very interesting. I would point out that it is a shame that there is
nothing on Integral Domains, quite possibly because Sage has not that
much useful to say about them per se (or UFDs or Euc. Domains...)?
- kcrisman
On Apr 15, 1:16 pm, Rob Beezer wrote:
> I've about finished up a ser
is, though.
I am copying this on sage-support, which is a more appropriate forum
for it.
- kcrisman
On Apr 17, 6:46 pm, Dox wrote:
> Hi guys!
> I was wandering... Is it possible to choose the `angle of viewing' a
> 3D plot at the time of saving it?
> Thank you.
> --
Not sure why it didn't show up at sage-support... but anyway, here is
an email from Wayne Decatur about this issue. Anyone (Jason?) know if
this is something we can take advantage of in our Jmol installation?
Hi Dox and kcrisman,
I saw your post when searching for posts about Jmo
popularity - and hence wicked slow response at times, particularly
with many new logins at the same time. No need to blame the computer
lab. You should definitely try this again, but perhaps use one of the
various other servers available. I hope it was nonetheless a good
- kcrisman
ood sign (of something).
> But yesterday, a student struggling with a Galois theory question on
> an exam took this to a logical extreme. He wrote:
> sage: solve(question_two)
> --> NotImplementedError: Nice Try!
> ;-)
> Rob
I don't know whether t
- kcrisman
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For more options, visi
*would* have to make sure we have enough people to 'man' the booth
with at least two people for a lot of the time; I (and probably
others) will already have quite a few duties. But it's a great idea.
- kcrisman
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orts direct-to-Youtube.
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cell, neither of which is ideal.
For what it's worth, the participant said that Mathematica has
something like this, which he missed in using Sage. Is this something
desired and/or possible?
- kcrisman
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ells that it's
hard to join up again without something like this, and it looks weird.
It's too bad this is probably relatively difficult to implement.
- kcrisman
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To post to this gr
efore! But anyway, well worth looking at, and relevant to
several discussions on this list. Obviously Sage is (one) place this
could be done, and see in particular the talk at
- kcrisman
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n be added to the
list of publications using or mentioning Sage.
- kcrisman
On Jul 27, 12:36 pm, Lauri Ruotsalainen
> Hi Sage community!
> I'm writing my master's thesis on on the usage of Sage in high school
> level mathematics. As a part of the project I've pro
e you apply the patch.
Thanks, Harald - finally getting some of these in will be a really
great addition.
- kcrisman
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Speaking of MathFest, is anyone going to stop in on the Hands-On
Explorations in Algebra and Combinatorics short course which features
Sage? It would be very valuable to build contacts with the people who
are doing this, and at the very least invite them to this list!
- kcrisman
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