This is amazing.

> The most interesting thing to me is that essentially every single
> mistake he makes is due to Sage not supporting implicit
> multiplication.  He must have to fix or edit his input nearly 10 times
> just to fix missing *'s for multiplication.   Very interesting.

Ironically, as one of the people who requested it, I just removed it
from my .sagerc file because I usually ended up needing to use *
anyway.  But at that level, and really in calculus too, it is great to
have available - especially for things like plotting.

> I'm putting "implicit multiplication option in the notebook" on my
> todo list for next month.   (We have it on the command line but not in
> the notebook.)

More power to you - would it be a "togglable" feature, something the
administrator would need to put in some kind of universal rc file,
something user by user...?

- kcrisman
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