> I'm not sure that other teachers will quickly change from maple to sage
> for their own calculus because today I see 4 mains difference between
> maple and sage :
> 1/ Syntax object.method, mathematics writes function(object)

As you've noted, this is possible to get around.  Also, if there is
something which SHOULD be in the global namespace, you should ask
about it on sage-support or sage-devel - likely we just forgot to do
it thus far.

> 2/ Sage forces to declare symbolic variables, Maple not

Yes, though as you noted this is easy to overcome with a custom file
(not sure how it would work with a server).  Don't forget y and z!

> 3/ Object in Sage are finest than Maple way as 0*aMatrix

Can you expand on what you mean by "finest"?

> 4/ The sage lists aren't the usual lisp-list

Perhaps rhs and lhs should be imported in global namespace?  Maybe
this would be a bad idea though.  Certainly many computer users today
are not used to lisp lists, at any rate.

> 5/ Some "basis" mathematics are missing in sage. [I don't yet have the
> complete list]

Please let us know what basic math is not in Sage - it would be very
important to rectify this as soon as possible.  It *is* definitely
possible that some of what you are looking for is there, but not
optimally wrapped.

> Computer|Sage|Python players don't imagine how some people dislike to
> change their own use of any system.

Hmm, this is just the human condition :)

Thanks for your detailed feedback!  And good luck learning more about
how Sage does what *you* need it to do.

- kcrisman
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