> This "educators with an idea but no way to implement it" problem is
> fundamental and it is one that I developed a solution for when I was
> active in the Sage project.  As it turns out, a side benefit of
> teaching a large number of students how to program is that a
> significant number of them will find they have a real talent for it
> and they will want to do more of it.  It is not a coincidence that
> MathRider is developed with MathRider configured as an IDE (complete
> with a build system, integrated source code repository access tool,
> etc.)  So then one a) teaches these talented students how to do
> application programming and b) puts a process in place which enables
> them to work with educators in order to create plugins and
> plugin-based applications.  This then becomes a software engineering
> problem and the discipline of software engineering contains standard
> methods for solving it.


In fact, this is also a (relative) selling point of Sage to me -
because it does include everything you need to do it, though one does
have to navigate a tree to find the document, open a text editor,
etc... but for me at least that wasn't too high a barrier, since HG
and all that was included, and to many students I talk to it
definitely isn't a big barrier.  I think you are right about students
being the real growth factor in any project like Sage, MathRider,
Geogebra, etc., long-term (say, 10-20 years) if they are to remain
viable in that time frame.  I was unusual in that I encountered Sage
when I "didn't have time" for learning to program as a professional,
but just made time on the math side; the GUI side is probably too much
for a non-student to pick up.

Good luck!

- kcrisman
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