On Jan 17, 7:57 pm, David Joyner <wdjoy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the quote (which I added) and the comment.
> Yes, I "borroewed" lines form your talks and Harald's talk and from
> our Notices letter. It needs more details relavant to a young math student,
> but I'll keep working on it.
> I plan on eventually posting it somewhere with
> "The Sage group" as author, as long as there are no objections,
> so anyone teaching a course can grab it, tweek it to their needs,
> and hand it out to their students as motivation.
> > There are some things that people could criticize
> > given your stated goals for your target audience, but I'm not going to
> > present such criticism.
Since this is similar to your talk at the panel in DC, my comments
would be similar, and I definitely will be happy to present such
criticism :) But not much right now, since you already heard much of
what I would have to say in terms of how to shape it for such an
This is a good start and if you email me off-list in mid-March with
the source I might even help the "Sage group" tweak this. Something a
little less triumphalistic, a lot less technical, and with more
examples will be very helpful in the overall goals of Sage with the
teachers. I think the students are unlikely to respond to any such
arguments as a rule, because the ones who would do so already will
know about the open source concept, I suspect.
I especially like the part about so many academic projects going
commercial, because I find it hard to believe that there aren't some
people who contributed to some in their spare time who then were not
necessarily compensated for that time with full royalties (maybe just
a one-time payout, if that) once the projects went commercial. I
think that people making software decisions in the HS/early college
'market' will resonate with that, even if their students don't.
- kcrisman
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