Re: [RE-wrenches] Raceway Partitions or Barrier in Gutters

2021-02-01 Thread Ray
wires together, put labeling on them so that it was clear they were PV conductors, and call it a day. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/1/21 6:55 PM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote: I land 600vdc PV into the Mppt/Mppt's only.  I never mix 600vdc with anything except SPD/di

Re: [RE-wrenches] Load imbalance issues with SolArk?

2021-02-03 Thread Ray
ptable.  I hope Solark addresses this immediately. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/3/21 10:47 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote: Maybe its just me but if an off grid inverter can't start up a 120 vac compressor l might want to look elsewhere. I have the old FX inverters start up and run m

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Specific Gravity versus Electrolyte Level

2021-02-09 Thread Ray
es, but to be a 1/4" to 1/2" below the bottom of the filler tubes. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/9/21 8:52 AM, Jay wrote: Hi william My experience shows me that first filling with water to normal full mark and then eq provides the best results Many years ago I had m

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Specific Gravity versus Electrolyte Level

2021-02-09 Thread Ray
econd Steve's comments: over charging and over filling the cells can both lead to more problems than EQing might solve. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/9/21 10:35 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote: That does not sound best to me. I get the point but there are much better

Re: [RE-wrenches] GVFX3524 fan replacement

2021-02-14 Thread Ray
year from now, you'll wish you did. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/14/21 11:08 PM, Howie Michaelson wrote: Ron, Easier than board replacement, but you need to open the body up the same way. The fan is attached to the upper part of the housing - 4 screws and a single connection

Re: [RE-wrenches] pole mount manufacturer w pic

2021-02-19 Thread Ray
stem, that starts really locking things in as you go big.  I've never worked on a single pole mount bigger than 16 modules that I felt good about. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/19/21 5:25 PM, Jason Szumlanski wrote: This might be an artistic rendering. It looks too good to be tru

Re: [RE-wrenches] Electric Crimper Recommendations

2021-02-22 Thread Ray
We started buying premade cables, and only do a few crimps per job now.  Don't miss cable making at all. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/22/21 6:58 AM, Chad Waits wrote: I think it was about $3K with dies but we also go a free DeWalt large wire stripper with it as well. And ye

Re: [RE-wrenches] What would you do/say?

2021-02-24 Thread Ray
gret later. I've come back 10 years after, and had my techs say: " Who did this$#@%!"  and I had to hang my head in shame and explain how we were trying to work with what was there, blah, blah.  I will repeat: once you touch it, you own it.  Your local reputation is represented in t

Re: [RE-wrenches] What would you do/say?

2021-02-26 Thread Ray
ans they can call, if one doesn't work out.  However, savvy customers recognize how important we are to their life style, and so pay promptly and treat us with respect. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/26/21 12:38 AM, Nick A Lucchese wrote: Yes, an interesting thread. Glad to he

Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback settings adjustment so batteries consume less of PV output

2021-03-19 Thread Ray
How big is the battery bank? How old is it?  It doesn't look that far off of what I've seen in GTB systems. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 3/19/21 12:21 PM, Christopher Warfel wrote: I have not been able to find a way to set my customers battery charging parameters so th

Re: [RE-wrenches] Converting a old Troybuilt Roto tiller

2021-03-26 Thread Ray
27;t have a big starting surge. Or you could go 21st century, with 48v, Li+ PWM controller, etc  Another option to consider is using existing Li+ battery packs, like Ryobi's 40 v lawn mower packs. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 3/26/21 5:32 PM, Dana Orzel wrote: Hey Al

Re: [RE-wrenches] Odd inspection procedure

2021-03-31 Thread Ray
7;t catch at first, because it was so out of the ordinary.  How about a #4 ground wire that looks properly attached at the electrode and back at the main AC panel, but turned out to be not connected in the a J box that had been plastered over. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760

Re: [RE-wrenches] PV direct EV charging

2021-04-13 Thread Ray
s on relays to prioritize the house battery. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 4/13/21 4:29 PM, wrote: Mac, You can charge with DC directly from a PV solar array without an inverter or regulator. The current is self limiting by the amount of PV solar power you ar

Re: [RE-wrenches] MC4s are listed for THWN, right?

2021-04-27 Thread Ray
through the tape, if not really done well. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 4/26/21 11:16 PM, frenergy wrote: Blake,             Its great to get definitive clarification on this MC4/THHN issue, we've been using 4-14 Polaris connectors with good results.  Being inside a Nema3 can and

Re: [RE-wrenches] MC4s are listed for THWN, right?

2021-04-28 Thread Ray
g the manufacturer's retest to 1000v.  I can't imagine those blocks not being able to handle 1000v, but. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 4/28/21 11:27 AM, Corey Shalanski wrote: Chris's reminder is a good one—the 600V rating of most insulated "multi-tap" connectors p

Re: [RE-wrenches] MC4s are listed for THWN, right?

2021-04-29 Thread Ray
ght not like it. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 4/29/21 9:43 AM, frenergy wrote: Eric,             I like your idea of drilling the weepage holes as long as they are not big enough to allow critters like wasps to make a home inside the J-box.  We will use aluminum tape on unused mou

Re: [RE-wrenches] MC4s are listed for THWN, right?

2021-04-29 Thread Ray
Hi Glenn; Ahh that's new from NEC 2014.  Thanks for pointing that out, and scratch my previous comment based on experiences in 2008. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 4/29/21 11:41 AM, Glenn Burt wrote: NEC 314.15 discusses drainage openings that can be made in enclo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator and AC coupling on a Sol-Ark

2021-05-06 Thread Ray
I second that. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/6/21 10:33 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote: I would not do any of this for an offgrid client. It is against the rule of less is more. The whole design is flawed in my opinion. *Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar "we go

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wrench Membership Dues

2021-05-06 Thread Ray
on my cell service. Think about what this biz would be like without this form, and then support it accordingly.  Biz has been good, don't be a chump! Rant off,  Thanks Michael. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/5/21 9:01 PM, wrote: Hello W

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wago Connectors (221 series)

2021-05-08 Thread Ray
check that William mentioned.  Has anybody tried them? Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wago Connectors (221 series)

2021-05-10 Thread Ray
Thanks Dan, that has also been my understanding of all listed equipment.  Certain switches etc will say on them "AC only", or give different DC ratings.  Otherwise the voltage listing is AC/DC. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/10/21 2:55 PM, Dan Fink wrote: Esteemed W

Re: [RE-wrenches] OB VFX3524M vs regular VFX

2021-05-20 Thread Ray
or large loads in the backup. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/20/21 12:26 PM, wrote: I’m going to be upgrading on old dual inverter OutBack FX 2524 system to dual VFX3524 inverters and would prefer to not use the new R series as I have heard about problems

Re: [RE-wrenches] LiFePo4 Low Temp Charging Damage

2021-05-21 Thread Ray
made a 48v pack. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/21/21 12:12 PM, Larry wrote: My personal opinion is that you should not buy any lithium battery that does not provide adequate protection for

Re: [RE-wrenches] Surrette Rolls distributors

2021-05-29 Thread Ray
HUPs can be wired end to end to fit pretty close to that space. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 5/29/21 12:50 PM, wrote: Our old Surrette Rolls distributor, RAE Storage Battery, has been sold to another battery manufacturer and they no longer sell Surrette

Re: [RE-wrenches] The Tri-Metric TM-2030-A and LFPs

2021-06-04 Thread Ray
Another shout out for  the Trimetric folks.  They revised the manuals recently as well, nice job. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 6/4/21 1:13 PM, Sindelar Solar wrote: Lou, I spoke this morning with Kedar, who purchased Bogart Engineering several years ago, about an out-of-warranty

Re: [RE-wrenches] LiFePo4 Low Temp Charging Damage

2021-06-06 Thread Ray
ng.  Other manus seem to have almost zero desire to listen to wrenches and improve their designs. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 6/6/21 1:31 PM, wrote: The problem with Battle born heated battery is that it was an after thought. It uses power from the battery to h

Re: [RE-wrenches] Top of Pole Mount Array on Ledge

2021-06-23 Thread Ray
ronger than the bolt itself.  We've also done combinations, where we can only get 18" of concrete over the rock, then we epoxy in rebar to tie the concrete to the rock, and J bolts set in the concrete to bolt the base plate to. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 6/23/21 7:01

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding Top of Pole Mount Array with a Ufer

2021-06-24 Thread Ray
Usually a steel pole in concrete has enough surface area to qualify as a plate electrode under 250.52(A)(7).  It needs to be at least 2 sq ft and 1/4" thick, and have an electrically conductive surface.  So we just drill and tap our ground connection into the pole, near the combiner box.

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding Top of Pole Mount Array with a Ufer

2021-06-24 Thread Ray
We always put our assumption in our plan notes, based on our interpretation of 250.52(A)(7).  AHJs have never questioned it, and we also tie the pole to any rebar, so its all one big happy grounding electrode. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 6/24/21 6:49 PM, frenergy wrote: Ray

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding Top of Pole Mount Array with a Ufer

2021-06-25 Thread Ray
steel, so again, I don't know. It might be better than steel, but all are allowed by code. Ultimately it might come down to soil and weather conditions for different areas? Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 6/25/21 10:35 AM, Dana Orzel wrote: That’s why we use the Ufer, our AHJ

Re: [RE-wrenches] High to normal SG

2021-07-21 Thread Ray
Hi Jeremy; Based on the age, and brand, I'd say its time for new batteries. Steve's comments, as always, are great information.  From my experience, L16s are fairly unpredictable, and you could start seeing cell failures this next cold season. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-876

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lighter tubing?

2021-07-26 Thread Ray
ballasted system? Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 7/26/21 7:15 PM, Dana Orzel wrote: Hey all! I am proposing a [20] module, 35˚ tilt up array mounted on a flat roof in snow country - Central Idaho. Its in town, trees behind & off to the side a ways. The SnapnRack design

Re: [RE-wrenches] Remote AC well pump

2021-07-26 Thread Ray
much earlier and get much more water over the day.  Its also easier on a low flow well to pump a little bit through out the day, than have a big pump hit it hard a few times a day. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 7/26/21 10:02 PM, Mac Lewis wrote: Hi Howie, There are many options

Re: [RE-wrenches] Buchanan Crimps in Outdoor Boxes

2021-08-16 Thread Ray
y looks like an indoor rated connection only to me. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 8/16/21 12:54 PM, AE Solar wrote: Wrenchers, Some point back we transitioned from polaris lugs to buchanan crimps/caps (doping our wires in noalox) for our jbox splices. I know there have been a few c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Exploding RSD Unit

2021-08-28 Thread Ray
odule level RSD is not. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 8/28/21 9:46 AM, Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar wrote: The Schneider RSD is decent. At least it is useable as a 600vdc disco. Wink The few offgrid homes that were required to use this had the Tigo units on the array panels and wir

Re: [RE-wrenches] Over-torquing Module Clamps?

2021-09-04 Thread Ray
the screws can start binding from over heating, if driven too fast. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 9/4/21 12:08 PM, Jerry Shafer wrote: Wrenches its not the tool its the user so when I hear about impacts got to know the feel. Jerry On Fri, Sep 3, 2021 at 12:06 AM Corey Shal

Re: [RE-wrenches] Imax disturbance Error

2022-01-09 Thread Ray
AC coupled off grid?  Sounds like a good time to go DC coupled. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 1/9/22 3:31 PM, Carl Adams wrote: Mac, SMA tech support told me this usually indicates a failing transformer so as Marco suggests, the patient does not have long to live.  I've s

Re: [RE-wrenches] PAE series surge capacity/ power factor ?

2022-01-09 Thread Ray
Long runs of URD direct buried?  Just a nick into the metal can corrode the cable all the way through over time.  We use conduit for almost everything anymore.  The savings with URD doesn't pan out, when you have to abandon the line after 10 years. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760

Re: [RE-wrenches] Transmitting 15kW 3600ft Off Grid.

2022-01-10 Thread Ray
That's a long enough run that you really need to weigh the cost of a separate system.  I'm not seeing the advantages of keeping a single system for the whole island. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 1/10/22 9:43 AM, Chris Mason wrote: I would use a 6,600V single phase o

Re: [RE-wrenches] Conext XW Pro Compatible Generators?

2022-01-17 Thread Ray
fuel consumption at the proposed load. Plus the larger gensets are usually built to last longer than the portable stuff. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 1/17/22 5:33 PM, Jeff Clearwater wrote: Hello Again All, Or I'd consider suggesting propane to the customer as well.  Any

Re: [RE-wrenches] Conext XW Pro Compatible Generators?

2022-01-18 Thread Ray
bout cold starting in the mountains. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 1/18/22 9:17 AM, Tump wrote: Ray I would love to know which larger propane gen set you are suggesting. 1800 or 3600 rpm. Air cooled or water cooled.  To my knowledge there are very few L cooled 1800 rpm gen sets in the 12-

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium Ion tool batteries

2022-01-20 Thread Ray
ature forgiving though. As for Milwaukee chucks jamming up;  I only had that happen once after a bunch of hammer drilling in Haiti.  Scrounged all over the village for the special star keys to take apart the chuck, but it just needed to be cleaned. Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 1/

Re: [RE-wrenches] Rapid Shutdown for Off-grid systems

2022-02-01 Thread Ray
transition point from the PV system to all other systems, like battery or inverter systems. The installer/ designer decides where to put that disconnect.  I usually put it on the wall before it goes into the building, and I have never had an inspector question that. Thanks, Ray Walters Remote

Re: [RE-wrenches] Rapid Shutdown for Off-grid systems

2022-02-01 Thread Ray
PV System Disconnect, not RSS Ray Walters Remote Solar 303 505-8760 On 2/1/22 7:04 PM, Jeremy Rodriguez wrote: Just a rated disco at the ground mount?   Labeled as the rapid shutdown switch? That’s  too simple! In Jeremy Rodriguez Solar Installation / Design Expert All Solar, Inc. 1453 M St

Re: [RE-wrenches] Golf Cart as temporary off-grid PV

2022-03-15 Thread Ray
For disconnects, I'd just use Andersen quick connects.  That's what they use on forklifts and other industrial battery operated machines.  Also, the Magnum would act as the vehicle charger, and would be a much better charger than the stock golf cart models. Ray Walters Remote Sol

Re: [RE-wrenches] Main panel and ATS request

2011-05-13 Thread Ray Walters
low cost manual transfer switches from Reliance. For specialty BOS equipment related to generators, Northern has been pretty good. You can set up a wholesale acct. and get another whopping 10% off. GTWB with PNM sure is fun huh? Ray On 5/13/2011 11:08 AM, Allan Sindelar wrote: Fellow Wrenche

Re: [RE-wrenches] Dangerous installs/installers..

2011-05-13 Thread Ray Walters
y getting sick of it. Send me the pics and I'll give you credit on my Horror Installs page. Ray Walters On 5/13/2011 1:08 PM, Jesse Dahl wrote: All, It was confirmed that this work was done by a local "contractor" through photographs. Very poor workmanship. The best one of the j

Re: [RE-wrenches] Magnum energy

2011-05-16 Thread Ray Walters
a pic of a system we did, that used an MM series inverter, with a special cutout on a Midinite mini DC box (ala the old Outback DC boxes with trace inverters) Ray On 5/17/2011 10:05 PM, Jesse Dahl wrote: Hello all, I posted a week ago about the awful off-grid install at a local hunting shack an

[RE-wrenches] Fwd: out of business

2011-05-17 Thread Ray Walters
Fellow (soon to be former) Wrenches; This is it boys; we're done for! Ray Walters Original Message Check this out They even show the shadow from the pole across the top module -- and the modules on the bottom facing every which way,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Fwd: out of business

2011-05-18 Thread Ray Walters
n the early 60s in the South. I am indeed the lucky recipient of your well justified intolerance. I will now go catch Home Brew Boy, and together we will eat a nice heaping helping of steamed Crow. Cheers to you Erika and all women in the technical fields, the solar indu

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-03 Thread Ray Walters
built into the positive terminal. Possibly the same device that controls charge current to it too? Dreaming up future BOS equipment, Ray Walters On 6/2/2011 7:44 PM, wrote: What I like best about Mark's set up (the retired phone co. dude w/ half a hand), is tha

Re: [RE-wrenches] 24 volt Battery Bank comparison

2011-06-03 Thread Ray Walters
long or heavy discharges f) main cables not at least wired to opposite sides of battery bank or better: separate parallel cables to buss bar h) lack of maintenance (watering, uneven cell temperatures) Did I miss anything? Ray On 6/3/2011 12:10 PM, James Surrette wrote: Hi Ray, Just a quick

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery interconnect cable length

2011-06-07 Thread Ray Walters
tery manu owes you a battery, I've had over 1000 batteries installed, and I never had a new post do that (of course I use WIndy Dankoff's magic battery butter (vaseline)on everything during assembly) Ray On 6/7/2011 3:01 AM, bob ellison wrote: Benn, What I am talking about is weldi

Re: [RE-wrenches] Warranty Claim Based On Enphase Monitoring Data

2011-06-09 Thread Ray Walters
ssing it's a combination of the above factors, but I don't actually know. I found a EPRI white paper saying 98% of utility meters are within 2%, but I couldn't even find an accuracy spec for Enphase's monitoring. Ray /2011 9:11 AM, Bob-O Schultze wrote: Good point, Matt. W

Re: [RE-wrenches] Solar World Poly

2011-06-24 Thread Ray Walters
s fly, and the installer can figure out" design may be the current standard, but its not even close to being optimized. Its unbelievable all these bright engineers on the manufacturing side can't come up with something better. Ray Walters On 6/24/2011 7:47 PM, William Miller wrote: Un

Re: [RE-wrenches] Torque Wrenches

2011-07-08 Thread Ray Walters
en torqued. Ray Walters On 7/8/2011 7:01 AM, Jason Szumlanski wrote: I'm looking for a recommendation on a good torque wrench for installing S-5 clamps. I saw the past posts on torque screwdrivers, but I'm looking for a wrench calibrated to the 100-150 in-lbs range. Jason Szu

Re: [RE-wrenches] Generator/SQFlex problem

2011-07-09 Thread Ray Walters
t not be applicable, but another possibility (it could run a pair of Outbacks with a small battery bank to temper the PV) Good Luck, Ray high a DC voltage to prevent arcing - multiple relays with 240V AC coils paralleled would h

Re: [RE-wrenches] Torque Wrenches

2011-07-10 Thread Ray Walters
My original Sears Torque wrench is over 10 years old, and beat up, so I got a new one. They both agree as far as calibration, so we still use the old beater. Ray On 7/8/2011 8:57 AM, Dana wrote: Ditto we use the same and they fix it for free if it breaks. We have not broken one yet, though

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Re: Aluminum Module Frame To GalvanizedUni-Strut

2011-07-13 Thread Ray Walters
says no. The most impedance is usually found at the connection from the grounding electrode to the earth itself, not at the array. Ray Walters On 7/13/2011 2:46 PM, Marv Dargatz wrote: Drake, This is a HUGE problem. If you want a real earful, talk to John Wiles, Bill Brooks, or Greg Ball

[RE-wrenches] OSHA Certification?

2011-07-14 Thread Ray Walters
heir class B) a new requirement I wasn't aware of C) a long standing requirement not being enforced Fill me in oh wise ones, Ray Walters Solarray, Inc. Denver, CO ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address:

Re: [RE-wrenches] OSHA Certification?

2011-07-17 Thread Ray Walters
Yes, but is it actually required for solar installers? Ray On 7/17/2011 5:33 PM, Glenn Burt wrote: If I am not mistaken, the OSHA 10 can be completed online these days. -Glenn Burt *From:* [] *On

Re: [RE-wrenches] OSHA Certification?

2011-07-18 Thread Ray Walters
my licenses, journeyman cards, certifications, insurances, tax reports. Ray On 7/18/2011 12:31 AM, William Miller wrote: Or, is it desirable for running a safer operation? William Miller At 05:21 PM 7/17/2011, you wrote: Yes, but is it actually required for solar installers? Ray On 7

Re: [RE-wrenches] pole mounts

2011-07-27 Thread Ray Walters
gnificantly right at the point of highest stress. Ray On 7/27/2011 3:40 PM, Drake wrote: I've not personally seen any pole mount pipes that were bent or broken. Has anyone seen this? How common is it? What sort of damage to pole mount arrays is common? At 05:25 PM 7/26/2011, you wrote:

Re: [RE-wrenches] shatterproof PV

2011-07-27 Thread Ray Walters
eId=10051&catalogId=10053 I've run over it, stomped it, dropped tools on it, it pops right out, no cracking. Ray On 7/26/2011 10:58 PM, Marco Mangelsdorf wrote: I’m looking to install a 10-20 kW system on a ro

Re: [RE-wrenches] shatterproof PV

2011-07-27 Thread Ray Walters
Here's the ASTM standard for impact testing of modules, but it costs $34 to download: Ray ___ List sponsored by Home Power magazine List Address: Options & setti

Re: [RE-wrenches] shatterproof PV

2011-07-27 Thread Ray Walters
s. Many pardons, Ray On 7/27/2011 9:21 PM, Carl Emerson wrote: Hi Guys,   The discontinued Unisolar US64 did not have any glass on the face.   A great product, a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding system for a shack on a frozen lake?

2011-08-09 Thread Ray Walters
then drive it into the ice just to say you did. Post some pics this winter when its in. (P.S. optimum array angle will probably be as much as 80 deg due to the ice reflection, and peak power could be over 125% of nameplate, use an amp meter to adjust tilt) Ray Walters On 8/9/2011 7:09 AM, Exel

Re: [RE-wrenches] Responses Welcomed!: 230/400 50Hz in the U.S Off-grid?

2011-08-09 Thread Ray Walters
going to boat out to tell everyone what to do? We have whole counties here in Colorado (and Oklahoma) with no electrical inspection process, so why would the inspectors come to an isolated island in a foreign country? Bottom line: Keep the customer happy and everyone else should be happy. Ray

Re: [RE-wrenches] Out of Warranty Inverter Replacements

2011-08-19 Thread Ray Walters
t or over their rating didn't last as long as inverters that were run well below their rating. (just my stupid assumption that: more amps = more heat = less reliability) Ray On 8/19/2011 11:03 AM, Mark Frye wrote: Folks, Yesterday I took a trip through my service area and initated 3

Re: [RE-wrenches] Out of Warranty Inverter Replacements

2011-08-19 Thread Ray Walters
ually wonder if slowing some subsidies might make for a saner playing field. Ray Walters On 8/19/2011 12:33 PM, Exeltech wrote: Making equipment more robust, yet constantly lower in cost, are diametrically opposing goals. Dan ___ List sponsore

Re: [RE-wrenches] Out of Warranty Inverter Replacements

2011-08-20 Thread Ray Walters
ears, but those are indoors and not at full load every day. Seems we need to do more to baby these Grid tie inverters (put them in the shade, good air flow, surge arrestors, don't over load them, etc.) Ray Walters On 8/19/2011 11:18 PM, Exeltech wrote: --- On *Fri, 8/19/11, Ray Walters //

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium Ion Phosphate for grid back up

2011-08-21 Thread Ray Walters
e Li+ that are very good, but also very expensive, and the military gets first dibs on most of those. Ray Walters On 8/21/2011 8:14 PM, Darryl Thayer wrote: your numbers sound to good. My limited to one experiance is $15,000 for 10 kWh you are talking 33600 kWh for same money. The local

Re: [RE-wrenches] Jacobs Wincharger Book, 1978?

2011-08-25 Thread Ray Walters
Michael Hackelman also wrote a great book on electric vehicles published through Home Power Magazine. That was back in the day when you could fit everyone that actually cared about renewable energy technology into one room, and everybody was friendly too. Ray Walters On 8/25/2011 1:35 PM

Re: [RE-wrenches] Grounding Requirement Question

2011-09-06 Thread Ray Walters
code) but my read is that is no longer required by 2011 code as 690.47 D was deleted. I love how some folks act like you're going to burn the place down if you don't absolutely follow current code, and a couple of years later the code completely changes its mind, again, and again.:)

Re: [RE-wrenches] Designing PV systems for lightning prone areas

2011-09-09 Thread Ray Walters
from my experience) but take a look at Midnite Solar's new line of lightning protection equipment. Ray Walters Solarray, Inc. On 9/9/2011 12:32 PM, James Rudolph wrote: Dear Wrenches, Does anybody have any best practices for designing large PV arrays on metal building in lightning

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-16 Thread Ray Walters
ooking at cycle life data, comparing costs, adding in maintenance and replacement labor, etc.. L16s are serious losers on a $/ kwh operating cost comparison, so this is a chance to up sell the customer to HUPs (or equivalent) and make both of you happier in the long run. Ray Walters On

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-16 Thread Ray Walters
ntenance required for watering the L16 type battery, nor the fact that you will have 4 battery replacements for the same time the HUPs just have one replacement. Its very fair to say that the HUPs are more cost effective by about a 3 to1 ratio. Ray Having 6-8 parallel strings of golf ca

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-16 Thread Ray Walters
cles. Are you using a different chart than what Rolls is posting on their website? Ray 7 PM, Ron Young wrote: Hi All, Not sure where the 4 - 5 strings or more drifted into this conversation but the setup is basically in two strings of 16 GC batteries (48v) vs. 8 L-16 batteries in one st

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-17 Thread Ray Walters
ndent test facility and publish some trust worthy comparison data on a level playing field. I based my Rolls info on almost a decade of literature collected from them, not just that one chart. Awaiting clarification from Rolls, sorry if I used the wrong data Ray Walters On 9/16/2011 10:57

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-17 Thread Ray Walters
en selling those for almost a decade. On problematic systems that we've upgraded, the HUPs cured the problems, and satisfied the customers. Will they last 2100 cycles? I'm not sure if I'll last that many cycles at this point. Ray On 9/17/2011 5:03 PM, Larry Crutcher, Starlight Solar

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-18 Thread Ray Walters
cooperatively as a team (like ants) I've moved HUPs right through $300/ sq ft living rooms, and we've never done any noticeable damage, and more importantly never had any of my crew hurt. Ray On 9/18/2011 12:09 AM, Ron Young wrote: Hey Ray I like your dolly! I could use something li

Re: [RE-wrenches] battery cycle life, US Battery

2011-09-20 Thread Ray Walters
ution to our knowledge base, Ray Walters On 9/20/2011 2:58 AM, James Surrette wrote: Sorry, 2nd attempt. Could not attach the presentation but have if anyone is interested ... Morning Wrenches, Regarding cycle life data, I thought some of you might find the attached interesting

Re: [RE-wrenches] High Temp Batteries

2011-09-22 Thread Ray Walters
temp swings. It will basically maintain at roughly the avg temp for the time of year, if not closer to the year round avg. If you're interested, I can post a picture, it comes out looking pretty slick. Ray Walters On 9/22/2011 11:47 AM, wrote: Have you considered

Re: [RE-wrenches] Designing PV systems for lightning prone areas

2011-09-22 Thread Ray Walters
er in 10 ft sections, and can drive as deep as 80 ft? (I always wanted to try that system) Did you tie to the rebar in the foundation or anything else interesting? 125 strikes a year is a lot, do you have a strike counter? Always very interested in Lightning stories, Ray Walters On 9/22/2

Re: [RE-wrenches] Salt & Aluminum vs Galvy

2011-09-27 Thread Ray Walters
More expensive, harder to find, and harder to cut, but you'll see the difference in a couple of years for sure. Just a single washer that's not SS will stand out like a sore thumb later. Ray Walters On 9/27/2011 11:40 AM, Jeff Clearwater wrote: Hi Esteemed Wrenchies, So for the proj

2011-09-29 Thread Ray Walters
e, they have an excellent waveform, (no funny spikes, like most portable units) so I can't imagine why a Sunny Island wouldn't work well with it, but I never actually used one with a Kohler. Ray Walters On 9/29/2011 9:53 AM, Jeff Clearwater wrote: Fellow Wrenchers, What's folk

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground

2011-09-30 Thread Ray Walters
re you sure you still need this? I believe 2011 only requires you bond all the metal to the EGC, as always. Ray Walters On 9/30/2011 8:24 AM, Kent Osterberg wrote: The requirements listed in 250.52(3) were changed in 2011. The rebar used is allowed to be near the bottom of the footing or in verti

Re: [RE-wrenches] ground

2011-09-30 Thread Ray Walters
t show them a quick reading with a clamp-on ground impedance tester. What If you're still over 25 ohms? If you're in lightning country, you really should sink another electrode anyway. Ray On 9/30/2011 7:04 PM, Kent Osterberg wrote: Ray, I believe that a pole-mounted or grounded-mo

Re: [RE-wrenches] Invert first?

2011-10-02 Thread Ray Walters
both the Classic and apparently the XW can do better than that. Adding losses for converting DC to AC to DC again, and I can't see any compelling reason to go AC at the array. Ray Walters On 10/2/2011 10:50 AM, Dan Fink wrote: Hi Eric; I'll be very interested to hear what others o

Re: [RE-wrenches] GNB Battery Contact

2011-10-02 Thread Ray Walters
Windy Dankoff had an electric forklift at his old Santa Fe shop, that they charged with a Trace SW4024, I believe. Ray Walters On 10/2/2011 10:08 AM, Peter Parrish wrote: We are looking for a battery-powered fork lift: total vertical lift 22' and load (typically on pallets) 350 to 70

Re: [RE-wrenches] Wet locations: (was Push-in Wire Connectors)

2011-10-21 Thread Ray Walters
ot of them around (at least AC) I guess I'll get  another night's sleep in our less than perfect world of PV wiring. Ray On 10/21/2011 9:05 AM, Jamie Johnson wrote: William, the only explanation that I have found for using THWN-2 in conduit run

Re: [RE-wrenches] intermittent battery problem

2011-10-22 Thread Ray Walters
plates and begin actual charging. (just a guess) I'll actually set the charge amps down, and the voltage up at first, then when I see it start taking more amps, I set it back to normal charge parameters. Ray On 10/22/2011 9:01 AM, David Katz wrote: When they said they reached 29 volts in

Re: [RE-wrenches] Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC)-

2011-10-31 Thread Ray Walters
ler conductors, but specifies PV system conductors, so I'm not sure if that could be applied to the EGC. H. You might also be able to use pieces of heat shrink on bare Cu just where it crosses other metals. This is yet another reason why WEEBs are a god send. Ray Walters On 10/31

Re: [RE-wrenches] ARCO Solar and Carrizo Plain

2011-10-31 Thread Ray Walters
s and Quad lams are still powering places all over the country. I definitely see cheap surplus PV in the long term future..... Ray On 10/31/2011 8:12 PM, Chris Daum wrote: Marco: Maybe they did it so people who had modest power requirements could meet their needs with the M51s and mRC

Re: [RE-wrenches] 10 yr old Kohler gen

2011-10-31 Thread Ray Walters
When they start and shut off in 30 secs, its definitely a control issue, like the others said. I had one that just needed the radiator topped off to cure the same problem. That's definitely one of the good ones though; nothing like it that I know of today. Ray On 10/31/2011 8:39 PM

Re: [RE-wrenches] Bifacial modules

2011-11-03 Thread Ray Walters
mplicated it becomes. Ray Walters On 11/3/2011 11:39 AM, Joel Davidson wrote: See-thru solar cells have been around for decades. Arco Solar made 4% efficient amorphous silicon modules and car sunroofs in 1984 that were tinted brown like sunglasses. I got a 12-inch square see-thru laminate that stil

Re: [RE-wrenches] Voltage Regulator

2011-11-03 Thread Ray Walters
ake a voltage regulator that will stabilize a battery voltage, as well as up and down DC to DC converters. Also, I'm up in Denver, and don't mind driving (buy my gas) if you ever need any help. Ray Walters On 11/3/2011 4:26 PM, All Solar, Inc. wrote: Hello, I have a client runnin

Re: [RE-wrenches] High Voltage MPPT units

2011-11-04 Thread Ray Walters
250 can handle a maximum of 1722 watts. Personally I've found controllers seem to last longer when over sized, rather than over loaded. Ray Walters Solarray, Inc. On 11/4/2011 5:22 PM, Carl Emerson wrote: Hi John, Yes I have seen this one thanks. I should have mentioned that the arra

Re: [RE-wrenches] cable spacing in trenches

2011-11-06 Thread Ray Walters
lly if its a long shared ditch). Ray Walters On 11/6/2011 8:36 AM, Drake wrote: Check out Figure Figure B.310.15(B)(2)(1) At 07:43 AM 11/4/2011, you wrote: Separation is an issue the NEC does not address clearly .However, please make sure you allow adequate room to repair the conduit if da

Re: [RE-wrenches] Faulty PM-60 circuit board

2011-11-07 Thread Ray Walters
t need to redo every connection. People are used to upgrading to better electronics: who still uses their computer, modem, or cell phone from 10 years ago? Today's controllers will pay for themselves in extended battery life alone. Ray On 11/5/2011 6:50 PM, Joel Davidson wrote: Wrenches, My

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