[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
I tried two pair of Sabot pedals on my QB when I first got it. Both pair began creaking after just a few rides. I can't remember what VO said the issue was, but their customer service was great! (they refunded my money -- Mike, I'd definitely contact them and tell them of your experience). I got

[RBW] Re: 2015 JBL Haleiwa Metric Century

2015-04-29 Thread Robert F. Harrison
So I did the Haleiwa Metric Century this past Sunday and I had a great ride. I used my Quickbeam again as it's the perfect bike for the ride. I'm pretty pleased with how things turned out. The day was a bit overcast and rain was forecasted for later in day, but the word was that it would be dry du

[RBW] Re: 2015 JBL Haleiwa Metric Century

2015-04-29 Thread WETH
Congratulations Bob! I enjoyed your write-up. All-in-all it appears to have been a great day in paradise! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Matt B.
On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 12:08:37 AM UTC-4, hangtownmatt wrote: > > For as long as I can remember, grease has been applied to seat posts to > prevent corrosion that WILL fuse the seat post to the seat tube. Am I the > only one who thinks it is a mistake to eliminate grease from this con

[RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread islaysteve
Patrick, Good for you for trying to help, it's not surprising that you did! I managed to ride for several years in similar kit, but did know to carry a spare tube In Addition to CO2. It's amazing how much stuff fits into those jersey pockets. Sometimes felt kind of bulky back there, though. I

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Garth
I found out by sheer "accident" that Frame Saver in the seat tube in contact with the seatpost make it very difficult to move ! I have Salsa Shaft(matte finish black) on the Bombadil and it is really long , so long that it came in contact with the Frame Saver I had applied in the ST . I co

Re: [RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread clyde canter
My Sam's post did the same thing. I used a snap punch to create a "grid" of punches about a centimeter wide in the area of the clamp. Punches were about 2-3 mm apart. After a bit of sanding with some fine sandpaper the fit got just about perfect. I wound up with some of the scratching exposed, no

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Garth
I recall seeing a photo somehwere of the thin gripsters and the VP-001 and some other pedals . Thin Gripsters are not wide at all, just long fore/aft . In looking at pedals recently . . . I have noticed that pedals measurements vary . The fore/aft is for the whole platform, so BMX sty

Re: [RBW] Re: FS: Rivendell Road Standard, whole bike or f/f - Near-New

2015-04-29 Thread David Hallerman
Hi Erl, Thanks for your comments. Yes, as we all know, part of the fun of bicycles is in selecting parts, which is one reason why I prefer to sell the whole Rivendell and not just the frame and fork. But if someone has his own selection, awaiting a frameset like my Riv, I'm okay with shippi

[RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread 'Kobe*' via RBW Owners Bunch
That's OK, while I think I could figure it out, I have never used a CO2 chuck. I probably should get one for a backup to my frame pump. On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 11:08:31 PM UTC-4, Darin G. wrote: > > I stopped one day to help a couple of guys who were asking for a C02 > chuck. I told them

[RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
more than twice I've loaned my pump to roadies on the roadside. It's always a pleasant conversation. If we get back to the original problem it becomes a question of people buying into an image that's being sold, compounded by peer pressure, since the lion's share of group rides are built arou

[RBW] Re: V.O. fixed wheelset?

2015-04-29 Thread Justin August
I had a set of wheels built using the same components as the VO wheels but in 650b. Great hubs. So smooth and the rims are great. However my brother got a set of the prebuilt 9sp VO wheels in their build kit and the first several rides he sounded like he was trying to make a musical art bike t

[RBW] Re: 2015 JBL Haleiwa Metric Century

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
I am delighted to hear about your riding and health improvements! Fantastic ride, Bob! Your weight difference is similar to mine. I dropped from 280 to 190 four years ago when I shifted to paleo (and now ketogenic). I'm at 200 now, I suspect because of increased leg muscle (I'm actually leaner r

Re: [RBW] Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Christopher Paul
Just had the same problem with a bike that I built for my son. Brought the bike into an LBS and discovered that the seat tube was out of spec. It was 27.4 instead of 27.2. They cut a shim for me as a temporary fix and it didn't work, even though it was the right thickness of .2 mm. Fortunately,

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
No offense, Matt outdoor weathering neglect is the only thing that will fuse a seatpost and seat tube by corrosion. Galvanic corrosion between aluminum and steel is a myth, and in fact, lithium in grease is great for steel in resisting corrosion, but Bad for aluminum. If you need something ot

[RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
Riding around other people was a new experience for me. I'll see folks out on the remote roads and trails, but if they are stopped fixing something they are prepared, because being remote demands self sufficiency -- all the more because cell reception is spotty at best in many of those places. T

Re: [RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread cyclotourist
Seems like shops would encourage everyone to have a pump. $30-50 for each rider ain't a bad day's income! On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 5:56 AM, Ron Mc wrote: > more than twice I've loaned my pump to roadies on the roadside. It's > always a pleasant conversation. If we get back to the original probl

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
I appreciate the heads up from both of you. I'm riding Challenge Strada Biancas on two bikes, and one of the bikes has room for barlows. Loving my $50 tires, which ride fast and plush at 60/50, and would hate to be disappointed by $80 tires. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 12:04:08 AM UTC-

Re: [RBW] Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Jim Bronson
I think this is why Jan was initially reluctant to offer the Barlow Pass tires as maybe he knew the feel would not be as good as some of his other offerings. On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 10:05 PM, Darin G. wrote: > I picked up a pair of Barlow Pass, regular weight tires last weekend and > mounted the

Re: [RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
I know around here (and likely elsewhere), the big thing are supported rides - people get used to a car or truck having everything they need - besides, they paid for it. Probably even more so makes them feel like junior TDF - they're used to having a pit crew On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 8:

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread 'jinxed' via RBW Owners Bunch
The anti slip build paste we use takes the place of grease and creates a barrier between the metals. For lack of better explanation, it's like grease with sand in it. I agree that completely bare metals dancing too close is a chaperone nightmare. On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 10:08:37 PM UTC-6

RE: [RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Allingham II, Thomas J
“chaperone nightmare” made me laugh! From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com [mailto:rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:18 AM To: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com Subject: [RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost The anti slip build paste we use takes the place of g

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
Thin gripsters = VP-001 don't they? I believe they are the same basic dimensions at the VP Vice (which I ride), which measure 4" x 4" or 10.16 cm x 10.16 cm. With abandon, Patrick On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 6:18:49 AM UTC-6, Garth wrote: > > > I recall seeing a photo somehwere of the t

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
again, the galvanic difference between aluminum and steel is insufficient to promote galvanic corrosion - the occurrence is a bike shop myth. You don't need a barrier between the two metals, but a barrier between the metal surface and condensation. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 9:18:17 AM

[RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
whatever seals out the weather solves the weathering corrosion problem On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 9:46:21 AM UTC-5, Ron Mc wrote: > > again, the galvanic difference between aluminum and steel is insufficient > to promote galvanic corrosion - the occurrence is a bike shop myth. You > don't

[RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread 'Steve D.' via RBW Owners Bunch
A few years ago a friend bought a brand spanking new LaPierre carbon fiber frame and fitted his parts from his Serotta onto it, 54T chain ring and all. The first day out, the top tube cracked. After he got the frame replaced from the shop he bought it, we went for a ride on the Burke-Gilman.

Re: [RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Jim Bronson
I had a co-worker of a family member giving me a ride to the start of the Houston-Austin MS150 a few years back and when he saw people pumping up tires with a floor pump he asked why people would do that at all given the existence of CO2 cartridges. *facepalm* I didn't really give him any negativ

[RBW] Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread DS
I need the collective wisdom and varied opinions of this group to help me decide, or further confuse me, on the 38mm or 42mm Compass tire for my lightweight wheelset build for my 650b Sam. My other wheelset has Soma Cazaderos. Should I go as wide as I can fit wit the 42mm Babyshoes (are there w

Re: [RBW] Re: Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread William deRosset
>My Gunnars are three for three on slipping seat posts (and also 3/3 on chipping paint). I'm not overwhelmed by Waterford's >quality. Dear Eric, Interesting. I've not messed with Gunnars, but I've built up/owned eight waterford-built products since 1998 (a Heron, two lugged road bikes, four TI

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Garth
Oh yes Patrick ! Doh on my part ! I was thinking of the MKS "Grip Kings", whatever model number/name that is . Is the 4" width from the inside of the crank arm to the outer edge , or just the cage itself ? and the 4" for/aft for the total platform, including both side of the parallelogram

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
Exactly Grip Kings are 115mm long and only about 75mm wide, though they have a nice long standoff from the crank arm. They're also thick, so they have to be more narrow than newer designed thin platforms. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 11:48:11 AM UTC-5, Garth wrote: > > Oh yes Patrick !

Re: [RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Joe Bernard
It's a Fiat 500C Abarth now, which is a decent 'best of both worlds' alternative for me. But we're off topic... ;) On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:14:13 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote: > > Subie WRX... best of both worlds! > > On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Joe Bernard > wrote: > >> *I do

[RBW] Re: Saluki

2015-04-29 Thread Kellie
Thanks coconutbill. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-o

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread John
Hi Daren, What size Marathon Supremes are you riding? And what pressures are you are you using in the Supremes and Barlows? Oh, and how much weight are you carrying on your Atlantis? I'm surprised by how they felt to you, my Supremes are so much stiffer than my Xtra Light Barlows, but the

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Ron Mc
I think he specifically said they were plusher, but not faster, or not as fast as he wanted. My buddy has 35mm Supremes on his Dahon Tournado, and it rolls extremely well On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 12:13:21 PM UTC-5, John wrote: > > Hi Daren, > > What size Marathon Supremes are you ri

[RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
I would go wide, so Babyshoes, and the feather lights are a big difference too. With abandon, Patrick -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-o

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
Garth, the VP Vice are 4" at the axel and taper forward and aft to 3" front and rear. The length of 4" includes the rear downward taper, which when ridden barefoot gives them a nice, smooth feel. I'd estimate it at 3/8"ish. With abandon, Patrick On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 10:48:11 AM UTC-6

Re: [RBW] Re: Birthday Bike overnight.

2015-04-29 Thread Hugh Smitham
Hi All, Thank you all for the Birthday well wishes! It was an extraordinary Birthday! Thankfully I have an understanding wife who understands that besides being with her my next favorite thing is being in the saddle and camping! Being rained on only made it all the more adventurous. This camping s

[RBW] Re: What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread RoadieRyan
I use Keen Commuters to ride clipless but I am just as happy riding in regular keen sandals when I ride without "special shoes" I think the keen sole is thick enough that you won't feel the rat traps - I don't on my Shimano PD 324s when I ride the platform side (rat trap like). On Monday, April

[RBW] Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Clayton.sf
Go as wide as you can that will still give you at least 5mm clearance at any point (fenders, stays, fork crown, etc). 10mm even better. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emai

[RBW] Re: What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread Kieran J
I keep going back to ye olde Adidas Samba. I was particularly into them when I still rode with clips 'n straps, as the aero profile of the shoe worked well in that regard. I'm sticking with them on platform pedals cause they're just great, comfy, minimal shoes. I've been trying out the Evolv C

[RBW] Hunq's Slipping Seatpost

2015-04-29 Thread Bill
Yeah, it's too bad companies like Riv and Waterford aren't huge enough to afford dedicated QC engineers who closely scrutinize every little component specification to ensure totally flawless consumer products. You know, like Trek. ;-) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Bill Lindsay
Let me know if you want me to take your Barlow Pass tires off your hands. I found the extralights to be astonishingly nice on my Hillborne, and would love a set of regular weight ones for my Atlantis. Are you missing something? Maybe, but you should trust your senses. Don't let somebody els

[RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Lungimsam
I use Hetres at 50psi on my 52 Blue Sam with P45 fenders, raised as far from the tire as the frame allows with mounting from the fender tab on the front fender, and mounting the fender directly to the eyelet under the seat stay bridge with a bolt. I am hoping to put Loups on for my next set, as

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread David Stein
I just took the fenders off, sadly...I live in California and I doubt we're going to see much, if any, rain until November. So without fenders the consensus seems to be go as wide as you can. On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 1:05 PM, Lungimsam wrote: > I use Hetres at 50psi on my 52 Blue Sam with P45 fen

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Jim Bronson
Hetres or LoupLoup pass need 50mm fenders minimum, IMO. On Apr 29, 2015 3:05 PM, "Lungimsam" wrote: > I use Hetres at 50psi on my 52 Blue Sam with P45 fenders, raised as far > from the tire as the frame allows with mounting from the fender tab on the > front fender, and mounting the fender direct

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Darin G.
I ran both the BP and MS at 60 rear, 50 front. On my test ride the other day it was just 210 pounds of me, the bike, racks and an empty rando bag. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 11:13:21 AM UTC-6, John wrote: > > Hi Daren, > > What size Marathon Supremes are you riding? And what pressures

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Deacon Patrick
Not to rob Bill of his possible tire purchase from you, but you may be running the Barlows too high. I weigh 200 and run my tires at 30-40 PSI. Smooth as butter. The suppler the casing the less the need for pressure and the greater the tire's ability to conform to the road, making it faster. Wi

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Darin G.
Yeah, I was mostly hoping to speed up the Atlantis a little, but it just didn't happen. Its already very comfortable with the big Supremes, but my time over the route was the same with both tires. Maybe on a lighter wheel the difference would be more pronounced. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015

[RBW] Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Kellie
I've been using the same pair of GB Cypress for almost 2 years and love them. I've even been on dirt and light gravel with them. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from i

Re: [RBW] Re: Great ride and failure to help

2015-04-29 Thread Jim Bronson
Fix It Again, Tony On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 11:59 AM, Joe Bernard wrote: > It's a Fiat 500C Abarth now, which is a decent 'best of both worlds' > alternative for me. But we're off topic... ;) > > On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:14:13 PM UTC-7, cyclot...@gmail.com wrote: >> >> Subie WRX... bes

[RBW] What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread Kellie
If you think pedals are the way to go, I've used VP Thin Gripsters for a year or so and really like them. I just ordered VO touring pedals for my Saluki build. A slightly smaller platform but takes clips. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners

[RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Lungimsam
Yes, 50mm fenders are preferable to the 45mm Longboards. Hetres and Loups fit nicely under my Honjo H-50 fenders. The Longboards are just barely wide enough. Fender clearance depends on the frame/fork construction and their fenderable limits. Narrower (and thus shorter) tires will help with clea

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Lungimsam
I have wondered about the added speed issue myself. I don't think I have become faster on any tire I have tried. Perhaps those benefits can only be realized by the ultra-fit. I am not ultra-fit. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" gro

[RBW] Brooks Saddle Repair - Broken Tension Shackle

2015-04-29 Thread SeanMac
As I was heading out the door for my bike ride yesterday afternoon I realized that there was a problem with my much loved Brooks Swift (titanium) saddle. I put my hand on the top of the saddle and noticed an unusual amount of flex. Upon closer inspection, it was obvious that something was wro

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Zack
hmm. i have barlow passes on my sam. i am not sure they make me a whole lot faster. i sure do think they are more comfortable to ride, and i feel like i can ride much longer, and the bike rolls better. i replaced some marathons as well. i think it's like running in hiking boots and then put

[RBW] Hillborne + Rock N' Roads + (woody) Fenders

2015-04-29 Thread Carla Waugh
I love your Woody fenders on your Sam! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group,

[RBW] Re: Finally... Albastache!

2015-04-29 Thread Carla Waugh
Nice! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@go

[RBW] Re: Saluki

2015-04-29 Thread Carla Waugh
It's a beauty! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners

[RBW] Rondo bags on a Hilsen

2015-04-29 Thread Don Funke
I have a 63cm Homer Hilsen and considering purchasing a Acorn Tall Rondo bag to place on a Nitto M18 front rack. I am a bit concerned about how this may affect the handling characteristics. I'm sure if I loaded it with bricks I would have some issues, but what about, say 7 lbs of food and cloth

Re: [RBW] Birthday Bike overnight.

2015-04-29 Thread Chris Chen
Happy birthday! On Apr 27, 2015 12:50 PM, "hsmitham" wrote: > Just some pictures of a good time on a bike with a good friend. > > Here > > ~Hugh > Los Angeles, CA > > -- > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups > "RBW O

[RBW] Re: L'Eroica California (Oh how I wish I went)

2015-04-29 Thread Scott Calhoun
The event, course, people and food were tons of fun. I rode my '71 Raleigh International, updated with silver shifters, silver dual-pivot brakes, and modern 10 Campy record hubs (with free hub body). The hubs were laced to 32 hole silver Pacenti PL23 700c box rims, and therefore looked somewhat

[RBW] Re: Birthday Bike overnight.

2015-04-29 Thread David Crowell
Happy Birthday! Sunday was my birthday. I rode around town a bit. On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 3:50:45 PM UTC-4, hsmitham wrote: > > Just some pictures of a good time on a bike with a good friend. > > Here > > ~Hugh > Los Angeles, CA > -- You receive

[RBW] Re: fs: 59cm rivendell all-rounder.

2015-04-29 Thread sasha eysymontt
Sold, thanks Tom! On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 6:32:16 PM UTC-4, Tom Goodmann wrote: > > Sasha, I'll take it! Tom > > more later back at my computer! > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and st

[RBW] 51cm Sam Hillborne build: advice?

2015-04-29 Thread Zach Duval
Greetings Riv-owning folks, Today my new Sam Hillborne frameset arrived, and I'm beyond stoked to start building 'er up. I opted for only the frameset because I work for a local bike shop and am able to get some pretty sweet deals on components. However, I'm new to the shop and this will be my

[RBW] Re: What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread Ryan Fleming
Those SIDI shoes Grant used to sell. Keen sandals look like they'd work since they have a fairly stiff sole On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 7:39:17 PM UTC-5, Lungimsam wrote: > > What do you all use? > Looking for something so I don't feel my rat raps through the soles. > Been using sneakers but fe

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread 'peech1...@yahoo.com' via RBW Owners Bunch
I love the sabots. No creaking issues. Very comfortable (the most I ride anymore is 70 miles, tops). Rode 40 miles in the rain once with an old pair of Keen sandals and had no issues with slippage. Highly recommended from my point of view. Tim Petersen On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 10:53:15

[RBW] Re: VO Sabot pedal reviews needed, please.

2015-04-29 Thread ant ritchey
So far I'm loving the Sabots! Didn't care for the Grip Kings. Love the MKS touring but, yeah, wanted something bigger. I own the VP Thin Gripsters and like them, however I prefer toe cages, so the VO Sabot was the next logical step. Call me crazy. I do a lot of touring, gravel, dirt, etc. o

Re: [RBW] V.O. fixed wheelset?

2015-04-29 Thread A. Douglas M.
I also had concerns about the VeloMine wheels. I called up and spoke with the owner (can't remember his name), but he was extremely helpful. I asked if it would be a problem for them to check spoke tension prior to shipping them out. He stated that he'd be happy to do so. Something to consider!

Re: [RBW] Re: Hillborne + Rock N' Roads + (woody) Fenders

2015-04-29 Thread Chris Chen
Looks awesome! I'm always afraid of interrupted fenders because I want to keep junk out of the headset, but man, that's really pretty! On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:34 AM, James Warren wrote: > > I have an orange frame in 60 cm with single TT. It fits Big Ben 700x50. > Any interest? $750 plus shipp

[RBW] WTT Crystal Fellow - my short for your longer

2015-04-29 Thread ant ritchey
what's up everyone- Hoping to find someone out there with a Nitto S65 Crystal Fella 27.2 in excellent condition that wants a shorter post for whatever reason. I inevitably ride with more post than the usual fare and the one i'm ridin' on right now doesn't get me up high enough even when slight

Re: [RBW] Birthday Bike overnight.

2015-04-29 Thread Hugh Smitham
Thanks Chris! On Apr 29, 2015 5:08 PM, "Chris Chen" wrote: > Happy birthday! > On Apr 27, 2015 12:50 PM, "hsmitham" wrote: > >> Just some pictures of a good time on a bike with a good friend. >> >> Here >> >> ~Hugh >> Los Angeles, CA >> >> -- >> You rec

Re: [RBW] Re: What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread Chris Chen
Chukkas! https://www.flickr.com/photos/lumachrome/15696228751/ On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 6:46 PM, Surlyprof wrote: > I posted a similar request regarding shoes with thin gripsters and got > lots of great advice ( > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/rbw-owners-bunch/surlyprof$20shoes/rbw-o

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Chris Chen
They make 50mm longboards now right? I have P50 chromaplastics on my A Saluki Hilsen, they have relatively generous clearance around the babyshoe pass tires. On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Lungimsam wrote: > Yes, 50mm fenders are preferable to the 45mm Longboards. > Hetres and Loups fit nicel

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Chris Chen
Hell you should take those fenders off; California needs all the help it can get! On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 1:13 PM, David Stein wrote: > I just took the fenders off, sadly...I live in California and I doubt > we're going to see much, if any, rain until November. So without fenders > the consensus

Re: [RBW] Re: Birthday Bike overnight.

2015-04-29 Thread Hugh Smitham
Thanks David! Isn't a ride on your day wonderful. On Apr 29, 2015 5:08 PM, "David Crowell" wrote: > Happy Birthday! > > Sunday was my birthday. I rode around town a bit. > > > On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 3:50:45 PM UTC-4, hsmitham wrote: >> >> Just some pictures of a good time on a bike with a

[RBW] Re: V.O. fixed wheelset?

2015-04-29 Thread Cyclofiend Jim
I'd give Rich a call. Spent a little more to get a Phil hub built up for the QB and it's been amazingly solid. Threw it on the truing stand this winter and it was still spot on and rounder than round. http://www.handsonwheels.com/ - Jim / cyclofiend.com -- You received this message becau

[RBW] Re: Saluki

2015-04-29 Thread Kellie
Thanks so much Carla. On Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at 5:07:47 PM UTC-7, Carla Waugh wrote: > > It's a beauty! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email t

[RBW] Re: Rondo bags on a Hilsen

2015-04-29 Thread Michael Hechmer
I have been running the smaller Acorn on a 63cm Saluki with no problems, but have not pushed the weight up to that level. I also go with a Carradice Barley bag & SQR when I do grocery shopping. That works pretty well. I have ordered a large Bertoud (see earlier thread - tall bikes & decaleur

[RBW] Brief Apology to the Forum

2015-04-29 Thread James Warren
  The other day, I intended to "reply to sender" in the middle of a thread to tell that particular poster that I could sell him an item if he was interested. Instead I made that common (for me) mistake of just hitting the reply the button, forgetting that that puts it on the forum, and this is how

[RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread ted
DS, I have used 32 mm GB Cypres and ~41 mm Soma GR tires on my 650B AHH. I will disent from the likely majority opinion and suggest you go with the 38 mm tires. I found the 32 mm tires to be excellent for all the roads around me, and I also rode them on local trails and fire roads with no problem

[RBW] Re: Rondo bags on a Hilsen

2015-04-29 Thread Brian Campbell
Don, I am running large Acorn bag on my 61 cm Hilsen. I am guessing my regular weight comes in between 5-7lbs. I use mine for commuting to work. Clothes, lunch, repair kit, wallet, phone etc. No real issue handling. I have a descent on the way, that drops about 500+feet over 3/4 of a mile. I ha

Re: [RBW] Re: fs: 59cm rivendell all-rounder.

2015-04-29 Thread Tom Goodmann
Thanks, Sasha. Thrilled about this! On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 1:10 PM, sasha eysymontt wrote: > Sold, thanks Tom! > > > On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 6:32:16 PM UTC-4, Tom Goodmann wrote: >> >> Sasha, I'll take it! Tom >> >> more later back at my computer! >> > -- > You received this message beca

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Darin G.
I hope I didn't dissuade someone from trying something new. The reality is the compass tires were more comfortable than the marathons but didn't improve the performance enough in my calculus to be worth trading for the flat-resistance the marathons offer. This is a commuter bike and I don't t

[RBW] Re: Brief Apology to the Forum

2015-04-29 Thread hsmitham
Jim, If you keep this up the cyber cops will be knocking at your door! And we know how they can get 😉 ~Hugh "honest is wasn't me officer" Smitham -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop rece

[RBW] Broken Crank (Quickbeam)

2015-04-29 Thread Robert F. Harrison
First let me say...no injuries, no accident, didn't even fall over. Having said that, it was a bit unexpected and I'm terribly grateful it didn't happen this weekend when I rode the 2015 JBK Haleiwa Metric Century on my Quickbeam (and had a great time as documented in another email and at: http://w

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread Dan McNamara
The Cypres are a great tire - had them on my Ram. If there was room for a wider 700c tire I would have gone for it, though. I do think that 38 seems like a sweet spot for a go-fast setup and there are a few options out there. The Pari-Moto is a great event tire and the Soma B-side for those wh

Re: [RBW] Re: Babyshoe Pass or Loup Loup Pass for my Sam

2015-04-29 Thread David Stein
Ted - Great advice, those are all points that were making me lean towards 38s originally. Plus I didn't think of the brake thing (they are calipers). I go back on forth on fenders all the time, I hardly ever ride in the rain, and it hardly ever rains out here, but even then I previously had fenders

[RBW] Re: Rondo bags on a Hilsen

2015-04-29 Thread 'Tim' via RBW Owners Bunch
I have a large Berthoud on my 63 Hilsen. I've had no issues on fast descents except for one shimmy on one descent, which was not my fastest descent ever. I think the bag must have been loaded funny. I clamped my knees to the TT Aand it stopped. But I hit 45mph+ fairly often with no shimmy at all

[RBW] Re: What do Ricendell riders use for cycling shoes (not clipless).

2015-04-29 Thread 'Tim' via RBW Owners Bunch
Hey, by the way, where do you find your "Ricendell" bikes? :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com.

[RBW] WTB 700c tourish wheels

2015-04-29 Thread drew
ok, gonna come at this wheel issue another way. previously i was looking for an ultra cheap pair to put on a bike im selling. nothing was really happening below the 75$ mark, so now im thinking i might want to put my most so-so/used up wheels on that bike as part of the sale and dedicate the mo

Re: [RBW] Rondo bags on a Hilsen

2015-04-29 Thread Toshi Takeuchi
I don't know about the Tall Rando bag, but I have the regular one and rode a 600k with it. I filled it with food and clothes around the 5-7 lb range and had no handling issues. I did feel like I overloaded the front once with too much food and had to redistribute some of the heavy things to my rea

[RBW] 51cm Sam Hillborne build: advice?

2015-04-29 Thread Lungimsam
1. RBW Silver bar end shifters are tops if you are into friction shifting only. Run an 8-speed cassette for better friction shifting. 2. Brand Bois Hetre tires, if your bike is 650b 3. Compass Loup Loup Pass tires, if bike is 650b 4. Get curent black label Grand Bois 650b 36 hole rims laced to

[RBW] 51cm Sam Hillborne build: advice?

2015-04-29 Thread Lungimsam
PS- congrats on the bike! Be sure to post pics so we can see it! Also, remember, I think there is a fender attachment eyelet under the brake bridge on your Sam. There is on mine. You can bolt a fender directly to it instead of using a bracket that hangs from brake bolt. Also, slap some Iris Kin

[RBW] Re: Compass Barlow Pass Tires

2015-04-29 Thread Mike Shaljian
I think you need to be more skeptical of the notion that the Marathons are, in fact, significantly more flat-resistant than the Barlows. The higher volume and lower pressure characteristics of the Barlow make it, in my estimation, a very flat resistant tire. I have put probably 3500 miles on Bar