>My Gunnars are three for three on slipping seat posts (and also 3/3 on 
chipping paint). I'm not overwhelmed by Waterford's >quality.

Dear Eric,

Interesting. I've not messed with Gunnars, but I've built up/owned eight 
waterford-built products since 1998 (a Heron, two lugged road bikes, four 
TIG-welded Boulder Bicycle prototypes, and one production TIG welded 
Allroad (on the stand right now). I've never had a slipping seatpost.

Their paint has gotten better. My Waterfords chipped badly and with little 
provocation. My road-going Boulder Bicycle has done well (other than the 
chip at the top tube dent, but that had a metal beam dropped on it--not its 
fault). My Allroad is pretty chipped up, but it lives a hard life. The 1998 
Heron, finished by waterford, has tough paint.

Their frames have been straight on the frame table and have ridden fine. 
Two of the prototypes had oddities in the braze-ons (one had a visually 
crooked cantilever post, which would have been a rebuild in a production 
bike), another had an off-axis set of downtube bottle bosses, and I know 
they added a fork crown restraint to their fork fixtures practice back in 
2001, when they had a run of properly-aligned forks (i.e. the wheel sat 
right wrt the frame) with with twisted crown orientation (plays hell with 
caliper brake adjustment). I got one of the "special" forks from that era, 
and complained to my dealer, who got them to tighten up their spec. there. 

Best Regards,

William M. deRosset
Fort Collins, CO

On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 6:46:33 PM UTC-6, Eric Daume wrote:
> My Gunnars are three for three on slipping seat posts (and also 3/3 on 
> chipping paint). I'm not overwhelmed by Waterford's quality.
> My Surly Cross Check's post has never slipped (and the powder cost still 
> looks great after six years)
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2015 at 6:30 PM, 'Chris Lampe 2' via RBW Owners Bunch <
> rbw-owne...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote:
>> I've heard quite a few comments about Gunnar's having problems with 
>> slipping seatposts.  
>> This seems like an unacceptable level of QC on Waterford's part and on 
>> Rivendell's part.  If they know a percentage of a batch of Hunq's from 
>> Wisconsin are out of spec, they need to be pulling every one of those 
>> framesets and checking them and sending them back, at Waterford's expense.  
>> I know that if I scrimped and saved long enough to buy a Rivendell and it 
>> had the problems the OP's is having, I would be extremely upset.  
>> On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 2:53:09 PM UTC-5, RonaTD wrote:
>>> It's far more likely that the frame is the problem than the seat post. 
>>> Classic Waterford issue. Ask me about all the 27.4 seat posts I had to buy. 
>>  -- 
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