I strongly support Robert's view. However, the maintainers seem to be more
interested in statistics than plain old tabulation. Has anyone an idea how
to implement even a stripped down version of CTABLES?
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
other departments.
>> For their stats stuff they typically use R or Stata.
>> - Original Message -
>> From: "Matthias Faeth"
>> To: "robertl"
>> Cc: "ftr" , "pspp-users"
>> Sent: Friday, November 6, 2015
I think we have to find somebody who has done that kind of project steering
before (I haven't). Can everybody look into their contacts to find somebody
who would have the skills and will to steer such a project?
However I'd volunteer to participate in the workgroup defining the priority
of the fun
I'm not sure if I get the discussion under the label CTABLES here: why
should "production jobs" replace CTABLES?
Or is it just that there are 3 open topics by now
2. Production jobs
3. Reading .spv files
and the discussion is on which to focus time and energy?
Anybody give me a hint,
I personally never use production jops and also never save .spv files but
export results to excel. But I might be untypical.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-11-08 18:15 GMT+01:00 Ben Pfaff :
> On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 10:10:43AM +010
Correction: Do I understand correctly "production job" = "marco
functionality"? Than I use that.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-11-08 18:21 GMT+01:00 Matthias Faeth :
> I personally never use production j
Syntax is saved anyway. Furthermore, it is no bad idea to save a "program"
(=clean set of syntax) for all transformations and tables in case you find
errors in the data after you have done tabulation and want to start anew.
But this is probably not what Alan and John were up to discuss?
Matthias F
2015-11-08 23:54 GMT+01:00 Ben Pfaff :
> On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 06:20:25PM +0100, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> > I'm not sure if I get the discussion under the label CTABLES here: why
> > should "production jobs" replace CTABLES?
> >
> > Or is it just that
could serve as a workaround.
I think that might be worthwhile to discuss. Any opinions on that?
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-11-09 16:06 GMT+01:00 Ben Pfaff :
> On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 10:28:30AM +0100, Matthias Faeth wr
That is great news, so I changed the topic to Macros.
1. How is your view on that? For recall: Frans promised to support us with
macro code which could serve as "replacement" for certain CTABLES functions
once PSPP would support macros.
2. How would you propose to proceed on that? Is there
good idea in my POV.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-11-19 15:32 GMT+01:00 Charles Johnson :
> I've seen mentioned a few times the GSoC.
> Do you think it would be good to have a wiki or web section of PSPP to
> mention it?
> It
I'm not a programmer but only a user.
So I'm probably not much of a help with programming.
However, if I can help otherwise, I'm willing to contribute to the macro
project. Let me know.
2015-11-22 7:01 GMT+01:00 Ben Pfaff :
> On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 02:07:54PM +0100, John Darrington w
hen it would save the programmer time.
> On Mon, Nov 23, 2015 at 06:26:57PM +0100, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> > I'm not a programmer but only a user.
> >
> > So I'm probably not much of a help with programming.
> >
> > However, if I can help otherwise,
Great News - I'd long to see CTABLES in PSPP. If there is anything we can
do to assist you with this project give us a note.
For me Ronald's suggestion to opt for TABLES instead would be also alright,
if this is easier to implement.
2018-07-24 23:30 GMT+02:00 Ben Pfaff :
> There might be some sm
It seems that MPRINT does not do anything in the output. Whether it is set
to on or off there is no reprinting of macros. At least with the type of
macros I use.
Am Di., 4. Mai 2021 um 20:38 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> (I have 7700 examples of SPSS output and none of them contains the
> string MPR
Am So., 9. Mai 2021 um 16:17 Uhr schrieb Frans Houweling <
> It should print the expanded macro. Do you have SET PRINTBACK = ON. ?
> On 5/9/21 3:25 PM, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> It seems that MPRINT does not do anything in the output. Whether it is set
Although MRSETS is surely important, for me CTABLES would be much more
Am Fr., 19. Nov. 2021 um 21:04 Uhr schrieb ft gmail :
> Thanks for the answers. I was just curious as I used this feature in
> survey analysis when I had access to SPSS and I was not not sure if I
> had not
Hi Roy
I do not know which version of Mint you have. If it is older: up to Ubuntu
17.04 you might install it by adding Adams PPA
Matthias Fäth
Am Fr., 11. März 2022 um 11:21 Uhr schrieb Roy Powell :
> Hi
> Thanks for the info. Just got
Wow! Can't wait to test this.
Anyone who will provide an appimage?
Am Mo., 15. Aug. 2022 um 21:16 Uhr schrieb Frans Houweling <
> Robinson Crusoe was an amateur. You sir, are incredible!
> On 8/15/22 07:29, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > Today, I finished writing tests for the CTA
o., 8. Sept. 2022 um 11:25 Uhr schrieb Matthias Faeth :
> Hi Ben
> today I tried to check the CR/LF issue
> Opened PSPP and typed into a new window
> ctables /table q1r1 +q1r2 by rec_q2.
> which worked fine
> but this did not work
> ctables /table q1r1 +
u been able to get this working?
> Adam
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 4:11 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
>> Hi Ben
>> I installed 's latest flatpak PSPP on my fedora laptop to check out the
>> new ctables feature.
>> Same issues as with my u
I played around with the latest flatpak version but PSPP was unstable
Finally it gave me this: Segmentation Violation
[image: image.png]
I'd share the data file on a personal basis to Ben or John if you are
this command crashes reproducible pspp (GNU pspp 1.6.2-ga2512f - Flatpak)
ctables /table (kauf > alt) [count f2.0] by ort > int.
while working on SPSS.
Matthias Fäth
Calle San Ramon 5
ES- 46780 Oliva
Handy DE: +49 171 98 32 175
Movile ES: +34 682 33 94 02
Email: m.fa...@gmx.de
Anybody else finding it strange that we cannot close the target (output)
window without closing the datafile, too?
I often close this window in the middle of my work for better overview
Matthias Fäth
Calle San Ramon 5
ES- 46780 Oliva
Handy DE: +49 171 98 32 175
Movile ES: +34 682 33 94
Am Fr., 7. Apr. 2023 um 17:55 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> That shouldn't be the case. They should close independently. Maybe
> there's a bug causing a crash when you close one. (I just tried and
> that doesn't happen for me.)
> On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 1:37 A
Hi Matt
MRSETS support for CTABLES is not implemented yet. It exists only for
compatibility reasons in the file format. We all are eagerly waiting for
the feature.
Titles is
ctables /table ... /titles title='sometitle'.
Matthias Fäth
Calle San Ramon 5
ES- 46780 Oliva
Handy DE: +49 171 98 32 17
is it possible to user change the default editor in PSPPire (e.g. to geany)?
Matthias Fäth
Calle San Ramon 5
ES- 46780 Oliva
Handy DE: +49 171 98 32 175
Movile ES: +34 682 33 94 02
Email: m.fa...@gmx.de
Am Do., 11. Mai 2023 um 17:39 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> Multiple response features get requested fairly often, so I do plan to
> work on them. It will still be
> |brandB|66.7%|50.0%|57.1%|
> |brandC|66.7%| .0%|33.3%|
> |brandD|33.3%|50.0%|42.9%|
> +--+-+-+-+
> On 5/12/23 08:46, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Yeah!
> 👍
> Matthias Fäth
> Calle San Ramon 5
> ES- 46780 Oliva
> Handy DE: +49 171
ff wrote:
> >
> > Thanks. I'll put those on my list of bugs to fix.
> >
> > On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 9:47 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
> > >
> > > Well - found out that I can indeed close it independently with a mouse
> in the window title bar. But it lacks C
Sounds exciting. Are you releasing a flatpak version, too?
Matthias Fäth
Calle San Ramon 5
ES- 46780 Oliva
Handy DE: +49 171 98 32 175
Movile ES: +34 682 33 94 02
Email: m.fa...@gmx.de
Am Mi., 1. Nov. 2023 um 04:37 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> I'm very pleased to announce the release of a new vers
e flatpak for the most recent build can always be found at
> https://benpfaff.org/~blp/pspp-master/latest-org.gnu.pspp.flatpakref
> On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 12:58 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
>> Sounds exciting. Are you releasing a flatpak version, too?
>> Matthias F
Hi Frans,
just with this I discovered your blog: morewithdata.net looks really great
and will give me months of reading time, great work! 😁
Do you provide RSS Feed so that I do not miss out on the news?
https://www.morewithdata.net/feed/ does not do the trick in my feedreader
(Feedbro add on for
Well, I do not have any idea about feeds either
However, typing https://www.morewithdata.net/feed/ into my browser
(firefox, chromium, chrome) leads me directly to a xlm page without style
Whereas e.g. typing https://correctiv.org/feed/ lets me download a small
file that I can open i
I use PSPP 2.0 (Flatpak version) under Ubuntu 22.04 and it works as
if you have flatpak installed try:
sudo flatpak install
Am Di., 26. Dez. 2023 um 11:50 Uhr schrieb Sabine Dettling <
or you tr it by syntax
/SHEET=index 1
Am Mi., 27. Dez. 2023 um 15:53 Uhr schrieb Matthias Faeth :
> I use PSPP 2.0 (Flatpak version) under Ubuntu 22.04 and it work
Why not use Frans very good examples and blog to get fluent in Ctables
Am Fr., 9. Feb. 2024 um 12:25 Uhr schrieb ft gmail :
> Hi,
> I am really glad the PSPP crew published the CTABLES procedure. Thank
If you want bmp, you might just do a screenshot, no?
Am Fr., 9. Feb. 2024 um 14:39 Uhr schrieb Andreas Hammer <
> That's it.
> I didn't think it was a bug.
> Am 09.02.2024 um 13:50 schrieb Friedrich Beckmann:
> > I guess the different behaviour was introduced here:
> >
the only thing that prevents me from switching from SPSS to PSPP is that I
cannot find Multi Response support.
Any plans to add this (or is that already done and I just have to upgrade?)
I use PSPPIRE 0.7.9 on Ubuntu 12.4 LTS.
Dear all
I have just installed version 0.8.4 by using ppa:adamzammit/pspp on my
ubuntu 14.04 amd64 machine.
Trying to open an existing original SPSS .sav file results in a crash (yes
I tried it with several different ones).
When invoking psppire from the command line I can see the following err
ild it and report back on this.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
Skype: hiaska
2014-10-01 20:49 GMT+02:00 John Darrington :
> On Wed, Oct 01, 2014 at 07:38:16PM +0200, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Dear all
ou able to provide a SAV file that fails so I can test it here?
> >
> > Regards,
> > Adam Zammit
> >
> > On 2 October 2014 05:00, Matthias Faeth > <mailto:m.fa...@gmx.de>> wrote:
> >
> > Yes Adam is i
I would support that. Multi Response is the one procedure that lets me
stick to SPSS. I'm not a progammer but would help with testing and
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-01-08 14:36 GMT+01:00 news :
> On 08/01/2015 06
gt; responses, it's usually easier to enter the individual responses as
> independent variables, but you could create them using string functions.
> So, again, SPSS without MULT RESPONSE seems perfectly adequate and MULT
> RESPONSE doesn't actually handle all multiple-responses situa
count NUMLIKES = var82 to var84 (1).
> And I suspect that you could do a crosstabs with NUMLIKES and get the same
> kind of information as CTABLES.
> -Alan
> On 1/8/2015 11:31 AM, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Well I use MRSETS usually for o
SPLIT FILE to live without
> (C)TABLES and without SPSS(C).
> frans
> On 08/01/2015 21:44, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Yes I could use count, but the problem with open questions is that I
> usually have a codeplan with up to 100 codes. That makes it
seems likes magic to me :->
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-01-10 18:48 GMT+01:00 Frans Houweling :
> Hi ftr,
> sorry if this syntax is long but I did not have any suitable sav file at
> hand.
> *** Create fake data N=2
I support Franks view. I'm a professional market researcher and we do
always manual coding for open questions.
Matthias Fäth
Im Mediapark 12
50670 Köln
t: 0221-2907973
m: 0171-9832175
e: m.fa...@gmx.de
2015-01-17 17:54 GMT+01:00 ftr :
> With 360 cases consider the time that it a
So maybe we can motivate Ben a little. I would think about a kickstarter
campaign. I'd put in 500USD for a full CTABLES to get that off the ground.
I think that would also clear the way for using MRSETS in an easy way.
@Ben: would money help to motivate you?
Matthias Fäth
2015-02-16 22:42 GMT+0
> variables, have the ability to subset subcategories of variables based on
> their labels, and accept Labels for the tables.
> While this may be basic when compared to some more advanced uses of the
> command, this shows the most typical use of it in survey reporting.
I agree that the SPSS GUI for CTABLES is of not much use (at least in SPSS
17 the lastes that I used) .
I for myself would be contend if PSPP would support the code of CTABLES
(but not only TABLES as Frank oviously states).
So no integration into PSPPire but only into PSPP would be fine for me.
So nobody else interested to sponsor a programmer who goes for TABLES or
CTABLES funktion (tbd) in PSPP?
Or else: Any programmer out there who is interested to do the job?
2015-02-20 11:43 GMT+01:00 Matthias Faeth :
> I agree that the SPSS GUI for CTABLES is of not much
Hi Ben
found a little bug here: while mean honors the f3.1 format, colpct does not
[image: grafik.png]
ractional digit. Use F4.1 or a wider format instead.
> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 1:07 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
>> Hi Ben
>> found a little bug here: while mean honors the f3.1 format, colpct does
>> not
>> [image: grafik.png]
>> Cheers
>> Matthias
to show one integer digit, a decimal point, and
>>> one fractional digit, but not enough for two integer digits, a decimal
>>> point, and one fractional digit. Use F4.1 or a wider format instead.
>>> On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 1:07 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
55 matches
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