I like to think that the PSPP manual documentation for CTABLES is
pretty good. It includes many examples. If there's anything missing
from it, let me know.
On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 3:27 PM ft gmail wrote:
> Le 23/10/2024 à 17:24, Ben Pfaff a écrit :
> > On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 5:14 AM ft gmail
CTABLES is well-documented indeed!
For exercises you might want to have a look at some blog posts here:
On 10/24/24 22:51, Ben Pfaff wrote:
I like to think that the PSPP manual documentation for CTABLES is
pretty good. It includes many exa
Le 23/10/2024 à 17:24, Ben Pfaff a écrit :
On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 5:14 AM ft gmail wrote:
Does PSPP intend to replace a specific version of SPSS CTABLES ?
My goal is always to implement features from the latest SPSS (but some are
currently missing).
The best I found was a SPSS TABLES 11.5
On Wed, Oct 23, 2024 at 5:14 AM ft gmail wrote:
> Does PSPP intend to replace a specific version of SPSS CTABLES ?
My goal is always to implement features from the latest SPSS (but some are
currently missing).
> The best I found was a SPSS TABLES 11.5 manual. Is there anything better ?
You shou
Thank you very much, Ben. Your solution looks far better. Though I
worked with CTABLES years ago, a steep re-learning curve rests.
Does PSPP intend to replace a specific version of SPSS CTABLES ?
Unfortunately , I did not find a good website (or book) for
self-learning CTABLES with syntax, not
CTABLES should work with TEMPORARY. I'm surprised that it doesn't. It
works for me with your data.
Here is how to get the totals column. There might be a way to get a %
Total row too; I didn't have time to figure it out.
set /tnumbers labels.
recode d60 (7=3)./* missing =7 recoded into alm
Hmm, it doesn't work for me at first try either.
John, I would guess that you wrote the CTABLES GUI. Does it work OK
for you? I'm not having any luck.
On Tue, Feb 13, 2024 at 4:24 AM ft gmail wrote:
> Hi,
> Did anyone work with the CTABLES GUI ?
> I can drag and drop an ordinal variable i
I like to think that the PSPP manual for CTABLES is pretty good. It
includes lots of examples. You might find one of the examples here is
what you're looking for:
On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 3:24 AM ft gmail wrote:
Why not use Frans very good examples and blog to get fluent in Ctables
Am Fr., 9. Feb. 2024 um 12:25 Uhr schrieb ft gmail :
> Hi,
> I am really glad the PSPP crew published the CTABLES procedure. Thank
Well, I do not have any idea about feeds either
However, typing https://www.morewithdata.net/feed/ into my browser
(firefox, chromium, chrome) leads me directly to a xlm page without style
Whereas e.g. typing https://correctiv.org/feed/ lets me download a small
file that I can open i
Hi Frans,
I shall follow your info. Thanks !
Have a good Christmas,
Le 22/12/2023 à 16:18, Frans Houweling a écrit :
Hi ft,
have a look at the /CATEGORIES subcommand.
Hi Matthias,
thanks for your kind comment.
My browser (Vivaldi) does show https://www.morewithdata.net/feed/ . I am
not a Wordpress expert (understatement). If there is some setting you
want me to change please give advice. Anyway, I don't expect to be
posting frequently.
On 12/23
Hi Frans,
just with this I discovered your blog: morewithdata.net looks really great
and will give me months of reading time, great work! 😁
Do you provide RSS Feed so that I do not miss out on the news?
https://www.morewithdata.net/feed/ does not do the trick in my feedreader
(Feedbro add on for
Hi ft,
have a look at the /CATEGORIES subcommand.
Also this post might help:
Good luck!
On 12/22/23 12:3
Thanks for the tip!
Am Mi., 13. Dez. 2023 um 23:00 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> By the way, it used to make sense to use narrow formats back when SPSS or
> PSPP showed output with fixed-width columns, where using a narrower format
> allowed more data to display horizontally. But these days
By the way, it used to make sense to use narrow formats back when SPSS or
PSPP showed output with fixed-width columns, where using a narrower format
allowed more data to display horizontally. But these days, with the output
engines that SPSS and PSPP have, usually there isn't a benefit to a narrow
My bad, thanks anyway
Am Mi., 13. Dez. 2023 um 17:27 Uhr schrieb Ben Pfaff :
> Thanks for the report.
> A width of 3 is enough to show one integer digit, a decimal point, and one
> fractional digit, but not enough for two integer digits, a decimal point,
> and one fractional digit. Us
Thanks for the report.
A width of 3 is enough to show one integer digit, a decimal point, and one
fractional digit, but not enough for two integer digits, a decimal point,
and one fractional digit. Use F4.1 or a wider format instead.
On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 1:07 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Hi Be
Thanks for the report. What data should I use for this?
On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 1:04 AM Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Hi
> this command crashes reproducible pspp (GNU pspp 1.6.2-ga2512f - Flatpak)
> ctables /table (kauf > alt) [count f2.0] by ort > int.
> while working on SPSS.
> Matthias Fä
It's syntax driven in the sense that no one has built a GUI for it yet, yes.
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022, 3:28 PM ft gmail wrote:
> Do I understand well that CTABLES is entirely syntax-driven ?
> -ftr
> On 04/11/2022 18:25, Ben Pfaff wrote:
> > Have you looked at the user documentation in the manual
Do I understand well that CTABLES is entirely syntax-driven ?
On 04/11/2022 18:25, Ben Pfaff wrote:
Have you looked at the user documentation in the manual? I included
many examples:
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022
Since I was starting from a public data set, I wasn't sure whether it
was better to use the variables in the data set as is (which are
mainly derived from the question numbers in the questionnaire, so you
end up with variable names like qn15 for question 15) or to rename
them for clarity. I started
This is what I looked for: the structure of the command explained with
Thank you for the work.
For the next version I propose to use easily understandable variable
names like in the old red SPSS manual by Nie :
/TABLE=AgeGroup [CO
Have you looked at the user documentation in the manual? I included
many examples:
On Fri, Nov 4, 2022 at 9:05 AM ft gmail wrote:
> Hi,
> I worked with the SPSS version of CTABLES years ago and would like t
I guess that it should not be difficult to add support for rsvg, since it's
widely available on all the distributions I know of (including the flatpak
SDK for GNOME). I hope that it does not cause you trouble.
On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 9:59 AM Ben Pfaff wrote:
> I see, thanks.
> On Mon, Aug 29,
I see, thanks.
On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 9:41 AM Friedrich Beckmann
> Hi Ben,
> > I do see that the last few builds at Friedrich's autobuilder have failed,
> > for
> > reasons not obvious to me, so perhaps there is no Windows build yet.
> the builders fail because I have not installed
Hi Ben,
> I do see that the last few builds at Friedrich's autobuilder have failed, for
> reasons not obvious to me, so perhaps there is no Windows build yet.
the builders fail because I have not installed rsvg yet. See
A flatpak is just for GNU/Linux. It is a convenient way to install a
piece of software.
You install PSPP in the usual way. The new version has CTABLES.
I do see that the last few builds at Friedrich's autobuilder have failed, for
reasons not obvious to me, so perhaps there is no Windows build yet
Thank you Be, for your work.
I am not a UNIX person. What is a flatpak ? How do you install CTABLES
when you work under Windows ?
On 29/08/2022 01:36, Ben Pfaff wrote:
I just added support for CTABLES to PSPP. It is already available
through the autobuilder at https://benpfaff.
On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 05:01:43PM +, Charles Johnson wrote:
> > 3. Maybe Frans idea about implementing !Macros could serve as a
> > workaround. I think that might be worthwhile to discuss. Any opinions
> > on that?
> From my point of view, the implementation of macro is very different
[mailto:pspp-users-bounces+bkiefl=sympatico...@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Crichton, Ronald
Sent: Monday, November 09, 2015 2:53 PM
To: pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: RE: CTABLES
The value of (C)TABLES for me was the ability to publish the output without
making edits, and that was always a 2-dimensional table
:02 AM
To: Matthias Faeth; Ben Pfaff
Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: RE: CTABLES
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 16:53:41 +0100
> Subject: Re: CTABLES
> From: m.fa...@gmx.de
> To: b...@cs.stanford.edu
> CC: charlesjohns...@outlook.com; fhouwel..
> Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 16:53:41 +0100
> Subject: Re: CTABLES
> From: m.fa...@gmx.de
> To: b...@cs.stanford.edu
> CC: charlesjohns...@outlook.com; fhouwel...@email.it;
> j...@darrington.wattle.id.au; robe...@consumerscan.ca;
ok. That means for me, that we should abort the request for CTABLES until
the SPV issue is solved.
1. Has anybody a different opinion?
2. Ben, do you have any idea about the time needed so that we do not rise
the issue with CTABLES again and again?
3. Maybe Frans idea about implementing !Macros co
On Mon, Nov 09, 2015 at 10:28:30AM +0100, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> Thanks for the comprehensive explanation why CTABLES depend on the ability
> to read SPV files. Do I understand correctly that this dependency comes
> only from the pivot-function in the SPV file - meaning that you doubleclick
> on a
Hi Ben
Thanks for the comprehensive explanation why CTABLES depend on the ability
to read SPV files. Do I understand correctly that this dependency comes
only from the pivot-function in the SPV file - meaning that you doubleclick
on a table to change pages?
I mean by that the following: The synta
On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 06:20:25PM +0100, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> I'm not sure if I get the discussion under the label CTABLES here: why
> should "production jobs" replace CTABLES?
> Or is it just that there are 3 open topics by now
> 2. Production jobs
> 3. Reading .spv files
(C)TABLES is installed.
Regards, Ron
From: pspp-users-bounces+ronald.crichton=cit.edu...@gnu.org
[mailto:pspp-users-bounces+ronald.crichton=cit.edu...@gnu.org] On Behalf Of
Matthias Faeth
Sent: Monday, 9 November 2015 4:20 AM
To: Ben Pfaff
Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: Re: CTABLES
> > From: b...@cs.stanford.edu
> > > To: charlesjohns...@outlook.com
> > > CC: fhouwel...@email.it; m.fa...@gmx.de; j...@darrington.wattle.id.au;
> robe...@consumerscan.ca; news@free.fr; ame...@alanmead.org;
> pspp-users@gnu.org
> > > Subject: Re: CTABLES
sumerscan.ca; news@free.fr; ame...@alanmead.org;
> > pspp-users@gnu.org
> > Subject: Re: CTABLES
> >
> > I've done a lot of the work needed to figure out the format of SPV
> > files. I'm working on publishing a format specification. Then I'll
> >
> pspp-users@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: CTABLES
> I've done a lot of the work needed to figure out the format of SPV
> files. I'm working on publishing a format specification. Then I'll
> work on implementing a reader for it.
That is great news. If you need mor
On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 12:00:49AM +, Charles Johnson wrote:
> Agree with you, the work done by Ben is magnificent. If I'm not
> mistaken, only lack support for SPSS production job and SPV
> files. Under the same argument, it would be very useful for all PSPP
> command had its counterpart in
> Subject: Re: CTABLES
> To: pspp-users@gnu.org
> From: fhouwel...@email.it
> Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 23:31:41 +0100
> Forgive me if I insist: (C)TABLES belongs to a time when we delivered
> mass "big banner" cross tabulations in an appendix for an end
Forgive me if I insist: (C)TABLES belongs to a time when we
delivered mass "big banner" cross tabulations in an appendix for an
end user who had no access to the data. I almost dare say it
encourages bad practice.
Since all of us seem to agree that aesthetics are not the
What does CTABLES do? And what aspects of CTABLES would be critical for
users? I think a plan should be the first step. If CTABLES were part of
PSPP, is the output OK? Or would that be the next hurdle to using PSPP
that the output isn't the same as SPSS (e.g., I find it harder to
> Subject: Re: CTABLES
> From: m.fa...@gmx.de
> To: j...@darrington.wattle.id.au; pspp-users@gnu.org
> I think we have to find somebody who has done that kind of project
> steering before (I haven't). Can everybody look into their contacts to
> find somebody
I think we have to find somebody who has done that kind of project steering
before (I haven't). Can everybody look into their contacts to find somebody
who would have the skills and will to steer such a project?
However I'd volunteer to participate in the workgroup defining the priority
of the fun
So nobody else interested to sponsor a programmer who goes for TABLES or
CTABLES funktion (tbd) in PSPP?
Or else: Any programmer out there who is interested to do the job?
2015-02-20 11:43 GMT+01:00 Matthias Faeth :
> I agree that the SPSS GUI for CTABLES is of not much use (
I agree that the SPSS GUI for CTABLES is of not much use (at least in SPSS
17 the lastes that I used) .
I for myself would be contend if PSPP would support the code of CTABLES
(but not only TABLES as Frank oviously states).
So no integration into PSPPire but only into PSPP would be fine for me.
On 17/02/2015 23:23, Crichton, Ronald wrote:
I work for a govt agency. They may not come up with money, but I
could put an argument that as they are currently paying about $2000
per year for an SPSS licence a proportion of that may be a good
Actually, I don’t like the version
: Matthias Faeth [mailto:m.fa...@gmx.de]
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 7:21 PM
To: Crichton, Ronald
Cc: F. Thomas; pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
So maybe we can motivate Ben a little. I would think about a kickstarter
campaign. I'd put in 500USD for a full CTABLES to get that of
> Best,
> robert
> - Original Message -
> From: "John Darrington"
> To: robe...@consumerscan.ca
> Cc: "Matthias Faeth" , pspp-users@gnu.org, "F. Thomas" <
> frank_tho...@orange.fr>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
From: "John Darrington"
To: robe...@consumerscan.ca
Cc: "Matthias Faeth" , pspp-users@gnu.org, "F. Thomas"
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 9:28:08 AM
Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
So it seems there are an number of people who want CTABLES are prepared to pay
for it
- Original Message -
From: "Matthias Faeth"
To: "Ronald Crichton"
Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org, "F. Thomas"
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:20:41 AM
Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
So maybe we can m
my 2 cents (Well, 1000
cents, but there you go)
- Original Message -
From: "Matthias Faeth"
To: "Ronald Crichton"
Cc: pspp-users@gnu.org, "F. Thomas"
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:20:41 AM
Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
So maybe w
I purchased SPSS. To run reports that
> > Tables can do so nicely.
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: pspp-users-bounces+ronald.crichton=cit.edu...@gnu.org [mailto:
> > pspp-users-bounces+ronald.crichton=cit.edu...@gnu.org] On Behalf Of F.
> > T
u...@gnu.org] On Behalf Of F.
> Thomas
> Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 8:41 AM
> To: pspp-users@gnu.org
> Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
> A representative of SPSS said on the SPSS list some time ago that the
> CTables module is the most sold module , besides the basic one.
February 2015 8:41 AM
To: pspp-users@gnu.org
Subject: Re: CTABLES Command
A representative of SPSS said on the SPSS list some time ago that the CTables
module is the most sold module , besides the basic one.
As other free or open source stats programmes don't offer this opportunity it
would r
A representative of SPSS said on the SPSS list some time ago that the
CTables module is the most sold module , besides the basic one.
As other free or open source stats programmes don't offer the capacities
of the Tables module its presence would really increase the attractivity
of PSPP.
- f
A representative of SPSS said on the SPSS list some time ago that the
CTables module is the most sold module , besides the basic one.
As other free or open source stats programmes don't offer this
opportunity it would really increase the attractivity of PSPP.
- ftr
On 16/02/2015 19:38, Ben
On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 12:08:53PM -0600, robe...@consumerscan.ca wrote:
> Has there been any progress on CTABLES in PSPP. I have seen some of
> the back and forth in the archives. It is a very valuable function of
> SPSS and a very powerful tool for people in my field (market research)
> for cre
Dave writes:
> For survey work, I frequently need to use Tables. Usually the syntax, which by
> the way were suggested to me by an SPSS rep in the days when SPSS was written
> by experts in Chicago and customer service was a company hallmark, are like
> these:
Thank you very much!
I now have tw
I'm PSPP user and fan since about two years, but as this is my first message
to your mailing list I would like at first to thank everybody who develop
PSPP and supports its development. What you have done already is really
impressive. Thank you also for that mailing list, I have learned useful
friedrich nietzsche writes:
> PSPP is an amazing piece of software!
Thank you.
> Are there any plans on implementing CTABLES?
It's a big job. It's on my to-do list, but will probably be
months, or longer, before it is ready.
Ben Pfaff
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