I like to think that the PSPP manual for CTABLES is pretty good. It
includes lots of examples. You might find one of the examples here is
what you're looking for:

On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 3:24 AM ft gmail <public....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am really glad the PSPP crew published the CTABLES procedure. Thank you, I 
> used the forerunner of  CTABLES in SPSS many years ago (during the last 
> century 😉), but have lost my fluency in us and now want to re-use this very 
> helpful procedure.
> I  look for good examples. I did not find video tutorials for PSPP CTABLES. 
> The old SPSS manuals psuh you to use the GUI. Where should I look ?
> I prefer to work with syntax to produce reproducible procedures, but 
> sometimes use the GUI, too. When trying to use the CTABLES GUI in Analyze > 
> Tables I can only drag (one or several) ordinal variables into the row bar 
> but no variables, no matter which measurement level, into the column bar. 
> What's happening ?
> My last question : how to produce a CTABLES table with ordinal variables as 
> columns & rows , i.e. independent variables, and a summary measure for a 
> scale variable as a dependent variable in the center of the table ? Something 
> like
> CTABLES /TABLES weight [means] by agegroup by gender
> Any help appreciated.
> - ftr

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