On Sun, Nov 08, 2015 at 06:20:25PM +0100, Matthias Faeth wrote:
> I'm not sure if I get the discussion under the label CTABLES here: why
> should "production jobs" replace CTABLES?
> Or is it just that there are 3 open topics by now
> 2. Production jobs
> 3. Reading .spv files
> and the discussion is on which to focus time and energy?

Production jobs are a separate topic, and John has changed the subject
for the emails that focus on production jobs (thanks, John).

SPV files have more to do with CTABLES than you may realize.  CTABLES is
a heavy-duty application of pivot tables.  It relies on a lot of
features that aren't well documented for SPSS; the various SPSS
explanations of pivot tables are terribly vague.  The SPV file format,
however, is a pretty clear specification for how SPSS pivot tables
really work, and once I came to learn about it in detail I understood
much better how output formatting really works.  So this is an essential
building block for CTABLES and will be important for eventually
implementing it.

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