If the developers agree, it could generate a funding campaign to implement the 
command CTABLES on PSPP.

While donations are received, a team can define the characteristics to be 
implemented and its estimated price.


> Date: Sat, 7 Nov 2015 12:22:10 +0100 
> Subject: Re: CTABLES 
> From: m.fa...@gmx.de 
> To: j...@darrington.wattle.id.au; pspp-users@gnu.org 
> I think we have to find somebody who has done that kind of project  
> steering before (I haven't). Can everybody look into their contacts to  
> find somebody who would have the skills and will to steer such a  
> project? 
> However I'd volunteer to participate in the workgroup defining the  
> priority of the functions of the CTABLES command. Maybe Frans and Alan  
> would want to join? 
> I agree with John that a commercial implementation would produce 5  
> figured cost. I've already talked to a programmer on this and he came  
> up with the same estimate. So doing it commercially seems to be no way  
> forward. 
> Matthias Fäth 
> Im Mediapark 12 
> 50670 Köln 
> t: 0221-2907973 
> m: 0171-9832175 
> e: m.fa...@gmx.de<mailto:m.fa...@gmx.de> 
> 2015-11-07 7:19 GMT+01:00 John Darrington  
> <j...@darrington.wattle.id.au<mailto:j...@darrington.wattle.id.au>>: 
> Funding the implementation of a fully blown CTABLES at commercial rates, 
> I think would cost well into 5 figures. 
> However, it is perhaps possible, that a smaller subset of CTABLES could 
> be undertaken by an altruistic programmer who has some time on his 
> hands and wishes to earn a bit of money for a few months. 
> The problem, is (and this is where big companies have the advantage) most 
> programmers are not good administrators.  To crowdfund such an exercise 
> one would first have to agree on which subset of CTABLES to undertake. 
> That means, a detailed specification, with examples showing exactly what 
> would be expected, which features of CTABLES should be included, and perhaps 
> more importantly, which are not expected.  Once that has been agreed, 
> an estimate of the time and cost could be prepared an appeal for funds  
> could begin. 
> This kind of organisation, takes skill and effort, and would probably 
> have no tangible reward, unless some percentage of the total was agreed 
> beforehand. 
> J' 
> -- 
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