I'm testing 8.3beta and I think that there is a problem with gist/gin
indexes. The performance of 8.3 is very bad comparing to 8.2. I have a
table with an int[] column indexed using gin (or gist with intarray
module). Table contains about 1.5m rows, int[] length is from 2 to 6
Marek Lewczuk pisze:
I'm testing 8.3beta and I think that there is a problem with gist/gin
indexes. The performance of 8.3 is very bad comparing to 8.2. I have a
table with an int[] column indexed using gin (or gist with intarray
module). Table contains about 1.5m rows, int[] leng
Tom Lane pisze:
I'm wondering if you have an example that doesn't work well with the
gist page-splitting heuristic changes that Teodor put in awhile back.
Those are all in 8.2.5 already, though you might have to REINDEX to
really notice a change if the index was first built with an older
8.2.x re
Hello all,
I'm looking for a C developer that is able to rewrite pl/pgsql functions
to PostgreSQL c functions - because we need better performance we would
like to have all important functions rewritten to c (looking from
pl/pgsql point of view they are not complicated, so I thing that an C
I'm using composite types within my database and I sometimes need to
modify type either by adding new column or e.g. renaming a column. Of
course I can't do that on existing composite type (actually I can, but
that is quite complicated) so maybe I should use table instead ? With
tables (th
Zdeněk Kotala pisze:
Hello All,
1) What type of names do you prefer?
b) new one with pg_ prefix - pg_createdb, pg_creteuser ...
2) How often do you use these tools?
b) one per week
3) What name of initdb do you prefer?
c) pg_init
4) How do you perform VACUUM?
a) vacuumdb - shell co
I have made an upgrade to PG 8.4 and following error was thrown during
execution of some pl/pgsql function:
ERROR: XX000: SPI_connect failed: SPI_ERROR_CONNECT
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "price_aftertrigger" line 30 at IF
SQL statement "update price set validFrom = $1 , validTo =
2009/7/10 Tom Lane :
> Marek Lewczuk writes:
>> I have made an upgrade to PG 8.4 and following error was thrown during
>> execution of some pl/pgsql function:
>> ERROR: XX000: SPI_connect failed: SPI_ERROR_CONNECT
> Really? Could we see a self-contained example?
for connections that
are in the pool SPI connection was not closed ??
Marek Lewczuk
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
2009/7/13 Tom Lane :
> No, you're misinterpreting the message. What that code likely means
> is that something is trying to use SPI and finding plpgsql already
> connected. In other words, plpgsql forgets to do a SPI_push() before
> calling something that might try to use SPI re-entrantly. It sh
for need of our application we need to get list of tables, that are
used within given SELECT query - we need them in order to track
changes of the data, that may be returned by the query - it is some
kind of caching mechanism, that checks db data modifications. Right
now we create a temporary v
there are a lot of improvements in hstore, that is planned for PG8.5 -
as far I remember it compiles fine with PG8.4 so is it save to use it
with PG8.4 ?
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to your subscription:
there are a lot of improvements in hstore, that is planned for PG8.5 -
as far I remember it compiles fine with PG8.4 so is it save to use it
with PG8.4 ?
Marek Lewczuk
Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
To make changes to
W dniu 2010-02-04 10:46, Marek Lewczuk pisze:
there are a lot of improvements in hstore, that is planned for PG8.5 -
as far I remember it compiles fine with PG8.4 so is it save to use it
with PG8.4 ?
Is it SAFE not "is it save"...
Sent via pgsql-general mailing l
2009/2/23 Marek Lewczuk :
> Hello,
> I can't find SQL definition for OVERLAPS operator so I don't know
> whether following expression's result (false) is appropriate
> behaviour:
> select ('2006-03-01'::TimeStamp, '2007-12-01'::TimeStamp) overlaps
I can't find SQL definition for OVERLAPS operator so I don't know
whether following expression's result (false) is appropriate
select ('2006-03-01'::TimeStamp, '2007-12-01'::TimeStamp) overlaps
('2007-12-01'::TimeStamp, 'Infinity'::TimeStamp)
Can anyone confirm that ? In my under
I need a db connection pooling in PHP. As far I know persistent
connections are not the best solution so I'm thinking about using
SQLRelay. Does anyone have any experience using PostgreSQL + PHP +
SQLRelay ? Maybe you know other "connection pooling" solutions for PHP ?
Thanks in advance.
Christopher Kings-Lynne napisaÅ(a):
I need a db connection pooling in PHP. As far I know persistent
connections are not the best solution so I'm thinking about using
SQLRelay. Does anyone have any experience using PostgreSQL + PHP +
SQLRelay ? Maybe you know other "connection pooling" solutions
Steve - DND napisał(a):
Simple question I'm sure, but how can I get the transaction ID that a query
is currently running in? I can find all kinds of documentation talking about
transaction ids, but nothing about how to get the current one.
You can compile attached function - this will return cu
Tom Lane napisał(a):
Jason Tesser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
3. The tools. PgAdmin does some things well but it is lacking the features of
some of the other gui tools.
I'm sure the pgAdmin guys would love having some more help.
What about sqlmanager.net - it the best GUI with number of great
I'm implementing db-queries caching system - for this I need to know
each table's modification time (or at least modification counter). I
know that I can make a statement-level trigger, which will update a
table with tables modification times - however this is inefficient if
many insert
is there any schedule for final 8.2 release ? As far I remember this
should be around November ? I would like to know that in order to plan
my work.
Thanks in advance.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FA
I'm trying to update my database to 8.2 version and have some problems
with intarray module. As far I know PG 8.2 contains many features that
are contained within intarray - indexing array fields (using gin),
operators etc. Currently (in PostgreSQL 8.1) I'm using intarray not only
for i
after upgrade to 8.2 version, PostgreSQL throws following warnings:
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x42051d90 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x41f60ad0 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x420
after upgrade to 8.2 version, PostgreSQL throws following warnings:
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x42051d90 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x41f60ad0 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x420
Marek Lewczuk pisze:
after upgrade to 8.2 version, PostgreSQL throws following warnings:
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x42051d90 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: TupleDesc 0x41f60ad0 (16425,-1)
still referenced
WARNING: TupleDesc
Tom Lane pisze:
Marek Lewczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
after suggestions that I should postgres update to the latest (currently
I have 8.2.3) I thought that my problem will be solved. But no, it is
not - postgres still throws warnings:
WARNING: TupleDesc reference leak: Tup
Hello everyone,
I would like to start very important (from my point of view) topic - the
future of pljava in PostgreSQL development. Thomas Hallgren (creator of
pljava) has made a great job setting up the project, but there are many
things to do (e.g. preparing pljava for PostgreSQL 8.3) in ord
Guy Rouillier pisze:
Nothing productive will come of a language debate; let's just say there
are things you can do with a complete programming language at your
disposal that you can't do with PL/pgsql. I use Java in the database,
Exactly - sometimes we need to write something more complicated
Dave Page pisze:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Now this I agree with. I am sure postgresql hackers are happy to help
the pljava team get things where they need to be, but -hackers needs to
be focusing on releasing 8.3.
pl/java is actually one of the problems that pgInstaller is currently
facing. In a
Thomas Kellerer pisze:
Marek Lewczuk wrote on 23.05.2007 21:37:
I would like to know your opinion about pljava and its future
I have never used Java-in-the-database with any of the DBMS I have used
and I have never understood the reasoning behind it.
My personal opinion is, that it'
Thomas Hallgren pisze:
This sounds great. Sorry for not being responsive on the pgsql-general.
I'll read up on this thread during the weekend. Short term, this is what
I think needs to be done:
1. Create a PL/Java 1.4 from current CVS. It compiles and runs with
PostgreSQL 8.2.
2. Do wha
Hello everyone,
it's great to have in next release (8.3) great feature: composite type
array. I'm waiting to see how it works, however I wonder whether it will
be possible to create an index on a column of composite type array just
like we have an index on integer[] column (using gin or intarra
Magnus Hagander pisze:
Being a fan or not of the language really isn't the issue, and nobody is
*ignoring* the language and platform. We all know "the others" have it.
And we want it. But the core team (or more importantly in this case, the
people doing backend development, which is partially a
Magnus Hagander pisze:
C and the backend you can certainly get help with from the -hackers
crowd. You'll have a harder time with the JNI stuff, I assume.
Great to hear that - what we need to do now is to sit down (I mean
Thomas Hallgren and others) on the pljava code and see where help is
I would like to ask if my problem with sequence is a proper behavior or
this is a bug (probably not)...
I have a table:
CREATE TABLE "testtable" (
"serialfield" SERIAL,
"someotherfield" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY("serialfield")
After creation of this table, sequence "testtable_se
I need to use COPY (instead of INSERT) within plperl function. I know
that COPY will work if data will be taken from file - however I need to
use STDIN. I tried this:
spi_exec_query("COPY sometable (field1, field2) FROM
But it didn't wor
Goutam Paruchuri wrote:
Why can you not use simple insert statements (sql insert).
Copy is meant to transfer large amount of data from text files to
databases and vice versa.
"Insert" is much slower if there are many (hundreds, thousands) data to
be inserted - and in my case there will be thousand
I've made some tests with plperl and I see that when plperl function is
executed for the first time, then it takes much more time. I know that
this is a "shared library" problem - is there a way to preload plperl
every connection or maybe I can build plperl into postgresql source ?
Thanks i
Joe Conway napisaÅ(a):
Marek Lewczuk wrote:
I've made some tests with plperl and I see that when plperl function
is executed for the first time, then it takes much more time. I know
that this is a "shared library" problem - is there a way to preload
plperl every connection or ma
is there any way to get current transaction id using plpgsql or sql ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
(send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" t
Kaloyan Iliev Iliev napisaÅ(a):
I have the following function:
select int('t'::bool);
ERROR: syntax error at or near "(" at character 11
"int" is reserved for integer type, so you should not use it. However if
you add
namespace before function name "public.int(TRUE)" then it should work.
Michael Fuhr napisaÅ(a):
On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 09:52:57AM +0100, Marek Lewczuk wrote:
is there any way to get current transaction id using plpgsql or sql ?
A couple of people have posted suggestions but I'll ask a question:
Why do you want the transaction ID? What problem are you tryi
Joachim Zobel napisaÅ(a):
Am Mo, den 27.12.2004 schrieb Marek Lewczuk um 20:54:
Michael Fuhr napisaÅ(a):
Why do you want the transaction ID? What problem are you trying
to solve?
I've already solved the problem - I found somewhere on the web a very
simple C function, which returns transacti
I have a table with many triggers. Now, it can happen that in middle of
execution one of table's triggers there will be unknown error (like
"NEW" is not assigned yet) - is there a way to trace which trigger fired
this error ?
Thanks in advance.
---(end of broadca
fryk napisaÅ(a):
How to set such variable after (during?) client connection (PHP)?
I want to use it in view - so view could depends on it:
If I could set client's variable i.e. MY_VAR='hello' then I could do
something like this:
CREATE VIEW my_view AS SELECT * FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename ~*
I have a question about IntArray contrib package. The docs says:
"...current implementation provides index support for one-dimensional
array of
int4's - gist__int_ops, suitable for small and medium size of arrays
(used on
default), and gist__intbig_ops for indexing large arrays (we use
I can't understand how java_reset works - the docs says that "..Since
java does not yet support library versions, the PHP/Java Bridge must be
reset after a new library version has been deployed..." - so in other
words, when we have new version of libraries used by php/java bridge we
can ca
Marek Lewczuk napisał(a):
I can't understand how java_reset works - the docs says that "..Since
java does not yet support library versions, the PHP/Java Bridge must be
reset after a new library version has been deployed..." - so in other
words, when we have new version of
I'm looking at "TODO list for PostgreSQL" and "Fix upper()/lower() to
work for multibyte encodings" has no dash (-) -- so it won't be made in
7.5 ?
Another question is about WIN32 native release - currently, all win
users cannot set locales, becouse Cygwin does not support it -- I hope
that it
Kris Jurka wrote:
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, Marek Lewczuk wrote:
Another question is about WIN32 native release - currently, all win
users cannot set locales, becouse Cygwin does not support it -- I hope
that it will be solved in native release, so UTF-8 should work as well ??
You may be
I'm curious if the default scheme for sequence name (which is created
with SERIAL data type) can be changed -- currently all sequences are
named like this: __seq -- can it be changed for
e.g. seq ???
---(end of broadcast)---
Miso Hlavac wrote:
Sorry for just stupid question, but I need use md5 function in 7.4
When I write:
select md5('text');
ERROR: Function md5("unknown") does not exist
Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
You may need to add explicit typecast
Tom Lane wrote:
Marek Lewczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
I'm curious if the default scheme for sequence name (which is created
with SERIAL data type) can be changed -- currently all sequences are
named like this: __seq -- can it be changed for
e.g. seq ???
Sure ... just hack
I belive that I have found a bug - or maybe it was done on purpose. Have
a look at this query:
SELECT integer_field FROM bugtable WHERE (CASE WHEN '' <> '' THEN
integer_field = '' ELSE integer_field = 0 END);
Result: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: ""
SELECT text_field FROM bugtable W
Alexander Litvinov wrote:
This is normaol behavior.
I belive that I have found a bug - or maybe it was done on purpose. Have
a look at this query:
SELECT integer_field FROM bugtable WHERE (CASE WHEN '' <> '' THEN
integer_field = '' ELSE integer_field = 0 END);
Result: ERROR: invalid input syntax
Richard Huxton wrote:
On Friday 19 December 2003 09:02, Marek Lewczuk wrote:
But until it's evaluated ''<>'' it doesn't know it is false. When building the
CASE expression, it's trying to map types to each elements and notes that ''
is not an
Csaba Nagy wrote:
Because that's a syntax check, which does NOT evaluate any of the
expressions, only the types of them. Even if it will not be executed
ever, it is still wrong, and it should generate an error, because it
means a mistake on your side which potentially could leave to results
you did
Dave Cramer wrote:
connection failed :(
works for me... :-) (poland)
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster
I have a query, which is quite big and there is a huge difference
between execution time in MySQL and PostgreSQL. I think that I have made
all possible steps to increase the speed of the query, but unfortunately
it is still about 100 times slower. I'm out of ideas what to do next,
so ma
I've just made successful installation of PostgreSQL 8.0 on Cygwin but I
have some problems with installing tsearch2 contrib module. This is what
make produce:
dict_ispell.o(.text+0x1ec):dict_ispell.c: undefined reference to
dict_ispell.o(.text+0x31e):dict_ispell.c: und
I think that there is a bug in plPGSQL - or maybe I don't know something
about this language. Try to create this function
Ok., this is the function created in plPGSQL:
CREATE FUNCTION "public"."test" (text, text) RETURNS text AS'
CommandPrompt team have made PG language based on PHP - plPHP. It is
very interesting for people (like me) who work with PHP for years. As
I'm windows user I need to have windows DLL library of this language
(like plperl.dll). Anybody knows how to compile it on windows ?? More
info about this:
I've searched for MD5 crypting function in PG, but I did not find it.
Anyone knows how to implement this function in PG ?
Best wishes,
Marek L.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I've searched for MD5 crypting function in PG, but I did not find it.
Anyone knows how to implement this function in PG ?
Best wishes,
Marek L.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
As I'm in the middle of the migration process form mysql to pg I found
that there is no CONCAT function which is available in mysql. Can
anybody tell me how to implement this function using plPERL or plPGSQL
language ?
Best wishes,
---(end of broadcast)-
> You want to use the || operator, e.g. 'hello' || ' ' || 'world'
I know that, but in my application (which is working on MySQL now) I
have many querys which use CONCAT function, so I need to implement this
function is PG - there is no possibility to replace (in short time) all
of my querys.
Look at this:
I belive that there is only one reason why most of people are using
MySQL - it has native, very easy to install version for windows.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading throug
I suggest you to do it manualy I'm mean the structure only... Then
you can make mysqldump only with inserts... Belive me that this is much
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yevgeny Ioffe
> Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2
Użytkownik Durai napisał:
> Hello Shridhar,
> The script content is:
> ** *# cat te**stpgsql.php*
> *
> *
> $dbconn = pg_connect("host= port=5432 dbname=test
> $result = pg_exec ($dbconn, "update table2 set C2=C2+1;");
> $result = pg_exec ($dbcon
I have changed DB from MySQL to PostgreSQL. When I have run my
application on PostgreSQL it was disaster - it was much slower than
I have tried to change PG configuration file etc.. no luck. After many
long days of thinking what is wrong I have made several tests with
Użytkownik Martijn van Oosterhout napisał:
And ofcourse, you ran ANALYZE before doing any timings, right?
Of course.
---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Użytkownik Robert Treat napisał:
On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 08:07, Marek Lewczuk wrote:
Yes. I think the gist of your post was "out of the box postgresql
performed like garbage compared to mysql, but then i spent some time
tweaking and tuning, taking advantage of indexes, and now it perfor
73 matches
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