I would like to ask if my problem with sequence is a proper behavior or this is a bug (probably not)...

I have a table:

CREATE TABLE "testtable" (
  "serialfield" SERIAL,
  "someotherfield" TEXT,
  PRIMARY KEY("serialfield")

After creation of this table, sequence "testtable_serialfield_seq" is automatically created, with start value set to "1".

CREATE SEQUENCE "public"."testtable_serialfield_seq"
    MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807  START 1
    CACHE 1;

And now I have to insert into this table some records from other rdbms (like MySQL) using sql inserts generated by e.g. mysqldump - it is a simple import of data, where "serialfield" has got some value...

INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (1, 'sdsdsd');
INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (5, 'sdsdsd');
INSERT INTO testtable VALUES (10, 'sdsdsd');

And my question is: how sequence should react for this ? Right now start value of the sequence is still "1", so if I will make a query like "INSERT INTO testtable (someotherfield) VALUES ('sdsdsd')" then new record's serialfield will have value set to "1" - of course this record will not be created, because of primary key - but next insert will create a new record with serialfield set to "2".

I didn't notice this problem before, because I have never made any imports of data in this way..

PostgreSQL 8.0.0beta3

Regards, ML

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