Thomas Kellerer pisze:
Marek Lewczuk wrote on 23.05.2007 21:37:
I would like to know your opinion about pljava and its future
I have never used Java-in-the-database with any of the DBMS I have used
and I have never understood the reasoning behind it.
My personal opinion is, that it's not needed. Most of the time the same
code can run just as efficiently inside the application (server) as well.
Not entirely true - it all depends on the type of the application. My
database is quite large - hundreds of tables, tons of data - many things
can be done within the database and it helps making things easier. If
you have a simple database then you probably won't need pljava - if you
need a trigger then you can write it in plpgsql, however when we talk
about very complicated things then pljava (or any other more advanced
language) can make your live much easier and things can be done much
faster. Sometimes database need to be extended by some external library
- for example json decoding/encoding (just an example...) and having
pljava makes it easier for Java developers to do it.
PG already has a very good language for stored procedure and I think
that is enough. Don't get me wrong: I'm a long time Java developer and
As I said: it all depends. I'm not saying that I would write all
triggers in Java, but ability to use huge number of Java libraries
inside PostgreSQL is great thing.
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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend