Dave Page pisze:
Joshua D. Drake wrote:
Now this I agree with. I am sure postgresql hackers are happy to help
the pljava team get things where they need to be, but -hackers needs to
be focusing on releasing 8.3.
pl/java is actually one of the problems that pgInstaller is currently
facing. In a nutshell, if we don't get a release for 8.3 before we go to
beta, we'll probably have to pull it form the distribution which would
be a shame.
We have a few weeks in order to have it ready for 8.3 and because of
that I've started this discussion. I hope that we will be able to make
pljava ready for 8.3 and continue the development. From windows point of
view this is really great feature to have pljava inside the pgInstaller
(I'm using it on my laptop) so for sure we need to make it ready for 8.3.
Best wishes,
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