Hello everyone,
I would like to start very important (from my point of view) topic - the
future of pljava in PostgreSQL development. Thomas Hallgren (creator of
pljava) has made a great job setting up the project, but there are many
things to do (e.g. preparing pljava for PostgreSQL 8.3) in order to have
pljava better and more tightly integrated with PostgreSQL. Unfortunately
Thomas is not able to continue the development so actively as before and
people like me are able to help only coding things in Java and with
testing - people that are fluent in C, JNI and PostgreSQL backend are
needed. Without that kind of people it will be very difficult to
continue active development of pljava.
I understand that most of PostgreSQL core team aren't fans of Java,
however ignoring this language (most popular programing language) and
developers that uses Java in everyday work is not advisable if we want
to make PostgreSQL more popular. Look at competing RDBMS - Oracle and
DB2 have very strong support for Java, not only as procedural language
but in many other areas.
I would like to know your opinion about pljava and its future and maybe
also there are people among PostgreSQL developers (core team or contrib
team) that are able to help with the development. We can make a survey
how many PostgreSQL users would like to use pljava - I'm sure that the
results would show that it is required to have pljava as one of the most
important features of PostgreSQL.
Best wishes,
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TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster