Marek Lewczuk napisaĆ(a):
I can't understand how java_reset works - the docs says that "..Since
java does not yet support library versions, the PHP/Java Bridge must be
reset after a new library version has been deployed..." - so in other
words, when we have new version of libraries used by php/java bridge we
can call java_reset() and after that java will use new versions. I can't
get it working - I have php/java bridge which runs as independent
service, java libraries are stored in /usr/local/java/share directory,
when old library is replaced by new one I call java_reset()... but it's
not working - old libraries are still used by java. Is there any other
way to do it ? What I need is to force new java threads to use new
libraries but threads that are still open should use old libraries ? Is
it possible ?
Sorry... wrong group :-(
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TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not