Marek Lewczuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:I just asked is it can be done (somehow...).
I'm curious if the default scheme for sequence name (which is created with SERIAL data type) can be changed -- currently all sequences are named like this: <table_name>_<field_name>_seq -- can it be changed for e.g. <table_name>__<field_name>__seq ???
Sure ... just hack one or two places in the sources ...
That probably wasn't the answer you wanted, but I'm quite unsure what you did want.
Are you suggesting the above would be a better default naming scheme? Are you saying you want user-configurability of implicit sequence names? In either case, what's your argument why we should invest effort and possibly create backwards-compatibility issues?
I'm not saying that proposed naming scheme is better - I think that it is more readable, and I'm using it in my project.
Look at below examples:
Primary key: 1. <table_name>__pkey (e.g. my_clients__pkey)
Foreign key: 1. <table_name>__<field>__fkey (e.g. my_clients__client_id__fkey) 2. <table_name>__<field>_<field>__fkey (e.g. my_clients__client_id_company_id__fkey)
Index: 1. <table_name>__<field>__index (e.g. my_clients__country__index) 2. <table_name>__<field>_<field>_<field>__index (e.g. my_clients__country_city_street__index)
Sequence: 1. <table_name>__<field>__seq (e.g. my_clients__client_id__seq)
As you can see all naming schemes are very similar, and becouse of this I just wanted to know if there is something like "user-configurability implicit of sequence names". I didn't want to propose NEW naming scheme - but maybe my naming schemes are worth looking at.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend