Re: [GENERAL] Lost rows/data corruption?

2005-02-25 Thread Keith C. Perry
esponse to 2.6.9 or .10 but even before you get into all that. I am curious to know what do you mean by "standard Linus kernel". Do you not compile your own kernels for the hardware platform being used? -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, In

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL still for Linux only?

2005-03-09 Thread Keith C. Perry
home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC > Postgresql support, programming shared hosting and dedicated hosting. > +1-503-667-4564 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - > PostgreSQL Replicator -- production quality replication for PostgreSQL > > The only additiona

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL still for Linux only?

2005-03-09 Thread Keith C. Perry
ows variants so for security sake increased an network complexity is justified. My point is that along with the performance issues this thread has point out, data security is another reason to consider a non-windows platform to run your production database. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Di

Re: [GENERAL] Why database is corrupted after re-booting

2005-10-26 Thread Keith C. Perry
iding that setting. > > richard > > ---(end of broadcast)--- > TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? > > > -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Direct

Re: [GENERAL] Why database is corrupted after re-booting

2005-10-27 Thread Keith C. Perry
h Usenet, please send an appropriate >subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your >message can get through to the mailing list cleanly > -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc.

[GENERAL] clustering by partial indexes

2005-11-08 Thread Keith C. Perry
hrs_idx is defined as: iprism=# \d hrs_idx Index "public.hrs_idx" Column | Type +-- stamp | timestamp with time zone btree, for table "", predicate (thehour(stamp) >= 0::double precision AND thehour(stamp) <= 23::do

Re: [GENERAL] clustering by partial indexes

2005-11-09 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > "Keith C. Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > This might have been discussed before but I wanted to know if clustering > tables > > by partial indexes will be availble in a later release of pgSQL? > > What i

Re: [GENERAL] What HW / OS is recommeded

2004-12-16 Thread Keith C. Perry
uild a bigger machine. I'm not sure I heard any mention of filesystems but I've been moving all my EXT3 filesystems to XFS. Some other journaling filesystem that you might want to look into are JFS and ReiserFS. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL users on webhosting

2005-01-09 Thread Keith C. Perry
; > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ---(end of > broadcast)--- > > > > TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if > your > > > > joining

Re: [GENERAL] Moving a database between servers

2003-12-10 Thread Keith C. Perry
> ' LANGUAGE 'sql'; > > > > > > How do I get these functions to import correctly if it > fails due to this "current_transaction" table not > being found? (only due to it being a temporarily table > created by a different command) I had

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] PostgreSQL Training

2003-12-12 Thread Keith C. Perry
p exactly what I was trying to get out. We can put all the material together that someone would use to be certified but there should not be an emphasis on it. After reading/studying a training manual or guide, it should be completely a personal choice. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Ne

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] PostgreSQL Training

2003-12-12 Thread Keith C. Perry
| > [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (610) 359-1001 > + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road > + Christ can be your backup.| Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073 > > ---(end of broadcast)-

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] PostgreSQL Training

2003-12-12 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Keith C. Perry wrote: > > That situtation is a little different though since Linux comes is > > various distributions. Eventually people with get that Linux = Red > > Hat is NOT true. Heck, IBM is probably the best at pro

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] PostgreSQL Training

2003-12-12 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > On Thu, 11 Dec 2003, Peter Eisentraut wrote: > > > Keith C. Perry wrote: > > > That situtation is a little different though since Linux comes is > > > various distributions. Eventually people with ge

Re: [GENERAL] tablespaces in 7.5?

2003-12-13 Thread Keith C. Perry
re how to mange them with oracle... > > > > > > > -Original

Re: [GENERAL] Perl "with-perl" configuration option

2003-12-13 Thread Keith C. Perry
--- > TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command > (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) > Just FYI... Typically the "other" perl module is ( -- Kei

Re: [GENERAL] tablespaces in 7.5?

2003-12-13 Thread Keith C. Perry
purposes got zapped by lightning in August. > -- > Mike Nolan > > ---(end of broadcast)--- > TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED] > I think that is what I was getting confused with before- schemas...

Re: [GENERAL] tablespaces in 7.5?

2003-12-13 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Greg Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > "Keith C. Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > > Ok, thats for the response. I take it a PG namespace = Oracle table space > (or > > namespace is simply the generic term). > > Actually if you check

Re: [GENERAL] [NOVICE] PostgreSQL Training

2003-12-16 Thread Keith C. Perry
quickly have quite a bit of "trainers" once we decide how to divide up the knowledge (i.e. training levels). I think Bruce's said his materials are on his web site so perhaps we should start there with the intention of repackaging that information for community d

Re: [GENERAL] Duplication to External Server

2003-12-18 Thread Keith C. Perry
ql supports SSL natively but you can always tunnel the connection with ssh if your ISP supports it. If you are using 7.4 you could even use pg_dump with ssh in a similar manner. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-28 Thread Keith C. Perry
ill switch to PG anywhere soon but sometimes it's > hard to > > > > > > > > find whatever information I need. Google is a great help but I > would > > > > > > > > expect it in the docs. > > > > > > > > > > >

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-28 Thread Keith C. Perry
t sure what that meant but I looked for at the 3 inch doubled side binded of my 7.3.2 docs- admin,user &,programmer- its as big as my J2EE binder. Not very scientific I know :) Seriously though, when people indicate PG is "hard", I hear, "if it was easy everone would be doing it&

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-28 Thread Keith C. Perry
.11 server for a bunch of PCs and MACs and pulling coax. Did I want to do that- I can't really say because at the time I had to eat. That for me is on the outer fringes of this thread. Few organzations are NOT using Windows somewhere, and an increasing number of organizations are starting

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-28 Thread Keith C. Perry
-(end of broadcast)------- > TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? > > > -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc. This email accou

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-29 Thread Keith C. Perry
ink I qualified to write for the main docs, I definitely can contribute to the techdocs in the manner I just mentioned. Matter a fact, I finally finish my first one "Using PostgreSQL for Domino 6 RDBMS Backends". I'm doing the final read now so hopefully I can get it over to Robert f

Re: [GENERAL] Is my MySQL Gaining ?

2003-12-29 Thread Keith C. Perry
t; Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC - S/JDBC > Postgresql support, programming, shared hosting and dedicated hosting. > +1-503-222-2783 - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - > > -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Appl

Re: [GENERAL] 'like' refuses to use an index???

2003-12-30 Thread Keith C. Perry
27;%423'" > and "~ '00423'" both won't - it's like searching a telephone book for > somebody, whose last name ends with "erry" (as opposed to begins with > "Perr"). > > Dima > > > Keith C. Perry wrote: > >

Re: [GENERAL] 'like' refuses to use an index???

2003-12-30 Thread Keith C. Perry
le "-D/global/pg_control" for reading: No such file or directory" I wonder if that is because I didn't use a locale when I initialized the database. (My locale -a return "C") -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applica

Re: [GENERAL] 'like' refuses to use an index???

2003-12-30 Thread Keith C. Perry
> ---(end of broadcast)--- > TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ? > > > -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc.

Re: [GENERAL] TPC-C and Postgres

2004-01-04 Thread Keith C. Perry
gt; (he was using Mysql 4.0.15) Once again proof is in the pudding! > regards > > Mark > > > > > > ---(end of broadcast)--- > TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings > -- Keith C. P

Re: [GENERAL] Postgress and MYSQL

2004-01-15 Thread Keith C. Perry
rg in the sense that they point you toward the > various > >distributions of Linux. > > > >Comments? > > > > > > > > > -- > Command Prompt, Inc., home of Mammoth PostgreSQL - S/ODBC and S/JDBC > Postgresql support, programming shared hostin

Re: [GENERAL] How should I get started?

2004-01-17 Thread Keith C. Perry
hands on and in depth information. There is also where you can download some of the other software tools, interfaces, etc that you may need develope and deploy your applications. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc. ___

Re: [GENERAL] upgrade postgres 7.1 to 7.4.2

2004-04-20 Thread Keith C. Perry
box and follow the directions in the man page of pg_dumpall (see the "-h" parameter). If you are not on a network, you could install 7.4 version in a different directory and configure to run on a different port. You still dump via IP this way. You can run both systems head to head that

[GENERAL] Help with query: indexes on timestamps

2004-07-07 Thread Keith C. Perry
ing space in the table. I hoping a partial index or a function index will solve this and be just as efficient. However, that method **does** work. Is there a better way? Thanks to all in advance. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc. http://vc

Re: [GENERAL] Help with query: indexes on timestamps

2004-07-07 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Keith C. Perry wrote: > > > > I have a table with with 1 million records in it. Here is the definition > > > > CREATE TABLE report > > ( > > match int4, > > action varchar(16), > > stam

Re: [GENERAL] on connect trigger?

2003-11-06 Thread Keith C. Perry
art of the database nightly vacuum is to first delete any account that did not have any actions for over a year. You don't need to do a trigger to do that. You just need to make a cron job that run at whatever is an acceptable interval. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks &

Re: [GENERAL] Retoring non-administrative user databases

2003-11-16 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Keith C. Perry writes: > > > What am I missing? > > A reproduceable test case. > > -- > Peter Eisentraut [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ??? Ok, lets try the question this way... What is a method of dumping and r

[GENERAL] Retoring non-administrative user databases

2003-11-16 Thread Keith C. Perry
pg_restore: [archiver] input file does not appear to be a valid archive I'm also tried pg_restore with a 7.3.4 database file and the result was the same on the 7.4 server. What am I missing? -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN,

Re: [GENERAL] building 7.4 with plperl

2003-11-18 Thread Keith C. Perry
end of broadcast)--- > TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster > I had this same issue as well but now I'm *slightly* concerned since most of my code is perl. How soon would issue be reviewed? (not that I'm NOT going to use your patch for right

Re: [GENERAL] building 7.4 with plperl (Updated)

2003-11-18 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting "Keith C. Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Quoting Gianni Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Gianni Mariani wrote: > > > > > > > > Before I go deep into this - does anyone have the quick fix for this ? > > > > >

Re: [GENERAL] building 7.4 with plperl

2003-11-18 Thread Keith C. Perry
Quoting Gianni Mariani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > Keith C. Perry wrote: > > >I had this same issue as well but now I'm *slightly* concerned since most of > my > >code is perl. How soon would issue be reviewed? (not that I'm NOT going to > use > >your

Re: [GENERAL] uploading files

2003-11-18 Thread Keith C. Perry
use is PosgreSQL then this might not be a big deal. Performance-wise I'm not qualified to speak to which is "better". As always, it is going to depend on your specific application and environment. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc. http:

Re: [GENERAL] Storing a chain

2003-11-19 Thread Keith C. Perry
tically writes rules). To handle that, you could cron a job to renumber the rules with whole numbers so again: current rule order: 10.0 11.0 12.0 after 1st update 10.0 10.5 11.0 12.0 after second update 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 after 3rd update 10.0 10.25 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 after a renumber

Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL on shared hosting

2003-11-21 Thread Keith C. Perry
x27;t know what is running. 'Course these days you can tune your kernel and shell parameters to minimize that. Still, I would ask first to see if maybe they'll install it system-wide first... As previously mentioned you could just go with an ISP that has already been running Postg

Re: [GENERAL] Feature Request for 7.5

2003-12-03 Thread Keith C. Perry
all that but how the GC is going to work in this project is something that I'm curious about. -- Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Director of Networks & Applications VCSN, Inc. Quoting Jan Wieck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > The following is more or less a brain-dump ... n

Re: [GENERAL] Perl / mod_perl / PostgreSQL was: Good open source mailing list system PHP / Postgresql

2003-12-05 Thread Keith C. Perry
bles. On the otherside of the spectrum you can have perl read/send parameters to your users and have pages build dynamically based on that. I generally do this way so I rarely write a complete page of HTML. I just use perl to assemble those pieces based on user input and the required business

[GENERAL] Re: How do I list all tables?

2001-02-05 Thread Keith C. Perry
I think I might have described this wrong- "\dt" works the same in version 6 and 7. However "\d *" shows you the detail of **each** table in the database. So if you two tables called "status" and "tasks", the output of "\d *" would be: Table= status +--+