Quoting Shridhar Daithankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Sunday 28 December 2003 11:15, D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
> > The only SQL customizations that MySQL has that I really miss in
> PostgreSQL
> > are the commands:
> >
> \l
> >     SHOW TABLES;
> \dt
> >     DESC table;
> \d tablename
> >
> > That was ubber simple to do in MySQL.  To this day, I have trouble with
> > that in PostgreSQL.  I'm constantly doing:
> >
> >     psql> \?
> >     psql> help;
> >     ERROR:  syntax error at or near "help" at character 1
> >     psql> \h
> >     ...
> >     * damnit, that's not it...*
> >     psql> \?
> >     psql> \d
> >     * ok, now which flag do I use for tables vs functions..etc?*
> \df for functions and \dt for tables.
> Problem is psql is unique though very powerful. I need to use oracle's 
> sql-plus on HP-UX at times(Otherwise I crawl back to TOAD) and I don't think
> it is nowhere near to psql. 
> or may be I play with postgresql more than oracle..:-) anyways
> > I finally figure it out, I just end up forgetting again later.  I still
> > have no clue how I'd find the same data without using psql.  In MySQL
> > I can run those queries from PHP, PERL...etc.  I know you can find that
> > data in system tables in PostgreSQL, but I don't wanna muck around with
> > all that.  I just wanna do something as simple as MySQL.
> Well, actually I would say it is great way of learning postgresql internals.
> There is a switch -E to psql which shows you queries sent to server for each
> command you provide.
> Problem with mysql is the approach is easy to start with but adding those 
> command in your standard list of SQL commands falls out on standard 
> compliance and maintainability.
> Another post on this thread mentioned postgresql should run against oracle. 
> Sole reason postgresql v/s mysql debate should exist is to provide 
> comparision in feasibility study. The hurdles you mentioned are true but that
> are just part of bit steeper learning curve of a standard way of doing 
> things..
>  Shridhar

This is what I don't get.  Why do people thing learn PG is going to be like
learning MySQL in the first place?  Because its OSS??  I certainly hope not. 
This is apples to oranges.

I read someone say the documentation was "light" too.  I'm not sure what that
meant but I looked for at the 3 inch doubled side binded of my 7.3.2 docs-
admin,user &,programmer- its as big as my J2EE binder.

Not very scientific I know  :)

Seriously though, when people indicate PG is "hard", I hear, "if it was easy
everone would be doing it".


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Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
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