> Is there any kind of mechanism in pg 7.3 for doing something like what I
> would describe as a "login trigger" procedure or maybe "on connect"
> trigger, i.e., a way to specify a stored procedure to run when a user
> connects to the database?
> What I'm thinking is this. Right now, my end-user GUI application calls a
> procedure which updates the user account expiration date whenever they
> log in. The idea is that accounts that are never used will expire,
> eventually, and those that are active will continually have the
> expiration date pushed
> further ahead each time they log in.
> I'd like to not depend on the application making this call, because other
> applications which connect to the same database will be written, and the
> developers might not build in this same explicit procedure call -- it
> really is the kind of thing that is best done on the backend.
> ~Berend Tober


I've got something like that setup on an e-communities site I built.  There was
already a "last action" query/report I had so what I have setup on as part of
the database nightly vacuum is to first delete any account that did not have any
actions for over a year.  You don't need to do a trigger to do that.  You  just
need to make a cron job that run at whatever is an acceptable interval. 

Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.
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