Quoting Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I've been programming web applications in PHP/MySQL for a few years. 
> It's worked pretty well, but I've been getting annoyed with the lack of 
> more advanced features lately. After some reading, I've decided to 
> switch to Perl/PostgreSQL.
> I'll be discarding all database data for other reason anyway, so moving 
> data isn't an issue. I just want to learn how to best use some of 
> PostgreSQL's cool features. Is there any documentation about that? I've 
> looked at the official docs, but they're very dry. Any suggestions?
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Well from me, "glad to hear it".  My environment is Linux, Apache, mod_perl (or
perl for simple things) and PG.  I'm been using this environment in one for or
another since 1997.  When you say "cool features" I'm not sure what you've
looked at but if you could tell us what you've read that you like, I'm sure
someone will respond if you'd like to know more about specific items.

I will say this though, the "cool"-ness of PG (or "slick"-ness as I like to call
it) really comes in the integration of PG to your environment.  I'm at the point
now where I can't build an application without using PG for the data storage,
maniplulation or mining.  PG copuled with perl really have become an invaluable
tool for me.  Hopefully you'll find the same.

In regards to the docs, they are really meant to be more of a reference.  Plus
you'll have to get used to how the community leads here present information.  If
you haven't already, I would encourage you to check our the
http://techdocs.postgresql.org site to read about some more hands on and in
depth information.  There is also http://gborg.postgresql.org where you can
download some of the other software tools, interfaces, etc that you may need
develope and deploy your applications.

Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.
This email account is being host by:
VCSN, Inc : http://vcsn.com

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