Quoting Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Keith C. Perry wrote:
> > That situtation is a little different though since Linux comes is
> > various distributions.  Eventually people with get that Linux = Red
> > Hat is NOT true. Heck, IBM is probably the best at promoting Linux
> > these days in the mainstream. With PostgreSQL, we're just one "disto"
> > so once the ball really gets rolling, its going to pick up speed
> > quickly.
> Well, we're moving more into a direction where PostgreSQL is just a 
> "kernel" and you have to look around and search the other applications 
> yourself, such as language bindings, GUI tools, etc.  This trend has 
> both advantages and disadvantages, but providing comprehensive 
> information through any means is becoming more of a challenge.
> -- 
> Peter Eisentraut
> Microsoft Certified Solitaire Player

*laff* so you're an MCSP huh?  I might have to use that one Peter-

I wondered some time ago about why my Pg.pm module was no longer included in the
release and of course I was soon introducted to gborg which I thought was a
great idea.  It didn't occur to me that it was a conscious direction that PG was
talking.  "Kernelizing" PG would definitely help advocate/market long term.

Talking some familiar examples.  Today Linux runs on everything- embedded this
and embedded that.  I almost shed a tear when I say it on an Ipod!  Same thing
with Apache which is probably the next great OSS success story.  Some tech
companies that survived the late 90's realized they could create products
because of all the OSS that was already out there.  I've reviewed so many things
in the last two years its not even funny.  Then I get the "what do you think
question"... "What do I think??  I think hiring a developer/programmer will save
you a lot of money.  All that is, is Linux with <OSS list inserted here>"

If more of those companies actually advertised what they were building their
products off of, it would be a great help to OSS.  Some do but all should. 
Either way, to see PostgreSQL talked about with Linux and Apache will be a great

Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.
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