Quoting Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 05:06:34PM +0100, Alvar Freude wrote:
> > - -- Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > > Someone pointed out on this list some time ago that you can work around
> > > the performance issue of starting a Perl interpreter and the compiling
> > > phase by using PersistentPerl. 
> > 
> > you should use mod_perl, but it is *much* more then "CGI scripting on
> > steroids":
> Well, my applications are not web based at all, so mod_perl is not an option
> in this case.


Actually that is not quiet true.  You can use Apache as a Perl server.  I've
never done it before but what I gather from the documentation is that you can
have the server run your code.  There is a start file I think for all the perl
related "stuff" for Apache and in that file you can have a script load.

> Though I still don't see why should pick mod_perl over PersistentPerl, if I
> were to build a web-app?  I have used HTML::Template for, well, HTML
> templates;
> though it is not exactly pretty, it works as intended.  (Smarty templates
> for PHP appear to be much better, but I don't like PHP.)

You have perl write the template on the fly- no need for anything else really. 
On the more basic level, you could use put your HTML page in a perl script and
replace what you want with variables.  On the otherside of the spectrum you can
have perl read/send parameters to your users and have pages build dynamically
based on that.  I generally do this way so I rarely write a complete page of
HTML.  I just use perl to assemble those pieces based on user input and the
required business logic.  The EIS is of course PostgreSQL.

Keith C. Perry, MS E.E.
Director of Networks & Applications
VCSN, Inc.
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