I'm a little curious - what's the expected behavior of "Arrow Keys Always Move
Me"? I was under the impression that this was meant to cause the arrow keys to
be the only movement keys, freeing up the rest of the keyboard for chat. I'm
wrong, aren't I?
My fault. Wrong checkbox! Please disregard.
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On Saturday, December 04, 2010 11:30:55 am Ponzu wrote:
> ...but I thought I should at least mention it.
> I have been experimenting with compilers on OS X. GCC 4.2 LLVM. Clang.
> Self educational OS X stuff.
> Compile and link seems to work, but starting up Second Life leads to a
> kerne
Thought I'd post this here, since a few people might remember me trying this
from a while back:
Got it wortking well enough, but can't right-click!
User Story (OK, a copy/paste from the Jira):
"When using a web-based VNC client to display a working
zFire Xue's device has now identified linden build 2.4.0 (216989) for Linux as
a copybot client. I know this is not the correct forum, but I need a hotline
to get rid of this guy and this product. It has seriously messed with my
enjoyment of SL by banning me from EVERY one of his customer's sims
Dead compile:
error: ‘LLInstanceTracker’ is an
inaccessible base of ‘LLEventTimer’
make[2]: *** [llcommon/CMakeFiles/llcommon.dir/lleventtimer.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [llcommon/CMakeFiles/llcommon.
t won't bust
the build?
On 03/06/2010 06:13 PM, Thickbrick Sleaford wrote:
> On Sunday 07 March 2010 00:57:42 Glen Canaday wrote:
>> Dead compile:
>> /home/glen/Programs/Second
>> Life/Snowglobe-2.0-build/trunk/indra/llcommon/llinstancetracker.h:170
My bad, SNOW-431: http://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SNOW-431
On 03/06/2010 06:13 PM, Thickbrick Sleaford wrote:
> On Sunday 07 March 2010 00:57:42 Glen Canaday wrote:
>> Dead compile:
>> /home/glen/Programs/Second
>> Life/Snowglobe-2.0-build/trunk/indra/ll
Ah, cool. I'll give it a shot in a bit.
On 03/06/2010 07:47 PM, Thickbrick Sleaford wrote:
> On Sunday 07 March 2010 02:14:57 Glen Canaday wrote:
>> /home/glen/Programs/Second
>> Life/Snowglobe-2.0-build/trunk/indra/../libraries/include/boost/coroutine/d
On the bright side - anyone making tattoos and understanding the alpha
mask isn't wearing system hair...
On 03/10/2010 06:59 AM, Lance Corrimal wrote:
> Hmm...
> this won't help...
> I managed to adapt that patch for snowglobe 1.4, and editing an alpha layer
> corrupts skin and system
The scripter's list has no sense of humor, either.
On 03/10/2010 09:54 AM, Lance Corrimal wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 10. März 2010 15:29:01 schrieb Glen Canaday:
>> On the bright side - anyone making tattoos and understanding the alpha
>> mask isn't wearing system ha
That's exactly the problem, really.
In order to more properly determine what has to be done, there first has
to be a way of *defining* what helps immersion and what doesn't.
Popping out a sidebar that covers and shifts the world over definitely
breaks it. In what ways will it be possible to ke
Then what are you doing in SL? Not making a living, I can assure you.
Nor are you putting food on the table RL except perhaps by manual labor,
which cannot be copied. Ex: Ditches need to be dug. The ditch-digger can
be changed out, but that doesn't change the fact that even if you get a
new dig
Then what are you doing here?
On 03/14/2010 06:32 PM, New Hax wrote:
> I know better than to try to get rich off of selling ones and zeroes.
> On 3/14/10, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> Then what are you doing in SL? Not making a living, I can assure you.
>> N
Agreed. Lack of a basic working knowledge of economics is a sad thing
when combined with uninformed ideology. I was in the same boat as him
about 15 years ago after reading The Cathedral and the Bazaar and not
understanding what was really up.
Anyway, back to business. I'm actually glad for the
I agree. This really doesn't belong on this list.
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Linux build of Snowglobe-2.0 svn doesn't like spaces in the build path.
find: `/home/glen/Programs/Second': No such file or directory
No such file or directory
Bright side - got thru my fist build!
Screwed up the topic. All better now.
Linux build of Snowglobe-2.0 svn doesn't like spaces in the build path.
find: `/home/glen/Programs/Second': No such file or directory
No such file or
Snowglobe 2.0 binary for Linux isn't far behind anymore.
On Mar 15, 2010 10:08 PM, "Glen Canaday" <mailto:gcana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Screwed up the topic. All better now.
Linux build of Snowglobe-2.0 svn doesn't like spaces in t
le" on the wiki page and I'd love to do
performance comparisons of it against Viewer 2.0.
On Mar 15, 2010 10:16 PM, "Glen Canaday" <mailto:gcana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
lol.. define 'proper' ;P
Release, non-standalone? If this worls properly I
I misbehaved. Changed the build dir from under "Second Life" (note the
space in the name... i woulda though cmake would escape them), to
SL_BUILD and all is almost beautiful. Runs great, considering it's
terribly beta and hasn't been thru an iteration or two of performance
patches. Runs (subjec
That's part the point I've been hesitant to make. It's one thing to not
be able to stop IP violations, but it's quite another to deliberately
*enable* them and turn the other cheek when the theft is obvious. That's
where the TPV policy comes in, and it's where Emerald's "project opal"
(that wha
Yeah, that's it. I forgot the name. I expect that list to grow a bit,
but hopefully it won't grow much bigger than it already is.
On 03/16/2010 06:08 PM, Robert Martin wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 6:03 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> That's part the point I
On 03/16/2010 06:19 PM, Gareth Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 10:03 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> The Gimp is free software but the pictures made with it aren't unless
>> that right is given by the creator. Same as in SL. And that's the maj
That's an annoyance I'd like to specifically target in snowglobe 2. The
majority of resis in SL were never gamers so never got used to wasd
On 03/16/2010 03:42 PM, Argent Stonecutter wrote:
> OK, here's a design problem in the new viewer that maybe can be
> figured out here.
ple is biased due to me hanging around people with similar
> interests (i do like to play computer/video games)
> On 16/3/2010 19:41, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> That's an annoyance I'd like to specifically target in snowglobe 2. The
>> majority of resis in SL were
mputer/video games)
> On 16/3/2010 19:41, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> That's an annoyance I'd like to specifically target in snowglobe 2. The
>> majority of resis in SL were never gamers so never got used to wasd
>> movement.
>> --GC
h 17 März 2010 00:21:42 schrieb Glen Canaday:
>>> Most of the people I have known in SL shop, go to clubs, create, RP, and
>>> hang out, most of which requires chatting without an extra step to
>>> switch focus. Leaving the chat bar with focus kil
Which distro?
On 03/16/2010 02:08 PM, Tayra Dagostino wrote:
Every time i try to login SL2 crash due some font trouble, all font
listed are present and readable by all users in the system...
somebody else seen this? (if yes i'll opena JIRA, otherwise i look for
a local trouble of my linuxbox..
Has anyone else noticed a 10 fps drop between snow 2.0 and snow 1.3?
Seriously, 10fps difference standing by myself in my own house. I go
from 22 since i have everything turned on to 12 with the same settings,
and all i did was relog and wait for rez. That's nearly a 50% frame rate
I'm still opting to eyeball the code and put it back the way it was, at
least on my end, and I'll try to include an option for it in prefs
(therefore obvious and not hidden) so that others can have a worthwhile
patch. It will take time though because I only just got it to compile in
the past co
What are we checking out with snowglobe/trunk currently?
On 03/17/2010 08:52 PM, Philippe (Merov) Bossut wrote:
For those following the commit messages, you certainly noticed quite a
bit of commits from that "Merov Linden" bloke recently. What's this
all about?
*Short Story
*We ha
It seems to me that the 2.0 prefs box can add a lot of extra tabs - one
page might get full, but there looks to be room for twice as many tabs.
One separate for input and one for camera, for example.
> I don't use mouselook very often, so I wouldn't be a good person to
> weigh the benefit
I'm a little unsure what the tiny robot means about the appearance
floater being all yucky
We'll still need it for the shape sliders, will we not? After all, it's
incredibly convenient to just put it where you want it in order to
reduce the mouse-miles involved. Sticking it ALL on the right
Oh, I actually do have one functionality idea / request: rather than
allowing the creator to dictate the clothing layer of a wearable, can we
allow the wearer themselves choose where it goes? I can't tell you how
many times I've had to not wear something because the original creator
d layers and
just call them 1 through n.
On the other hand, some content creators sell items in separate
under-layer and tattoo friendly over-layer packs. I imagine some of
them would be pretty upset if the layer restrictions on all the
products they've sold were suddenly removed.
t when any number of subelements.
> The items near the top of the list appear above the other layers. This
> way specific layer numbers aren't needed (or the viewer can
> automatically compute them for you).
> Just insert an item into the list and move it up and down in layer
If layers are to be truly arbitrary, then we would need to go all the
way with it so that items can be sold as only 1 item and not on multiple
layers w/ xfer. Argent's got the idea partly in one of his posts.
Of course, multiple wearables of the same type at once kind of wrecks
the argume
Avatar cloth doesn't just make clothing wave in the breeze. Just turning
it on and flying. It makes your butt wave in the breeze, too.
On 03/25/2010 01:55 PM, Nyx Linden wrote:
> There is the "avatar cloth" graphics setting in preferences (if you
> enable advanced preferences). Though
zOmg ty. I know have my first wearable html prim object project. I
couldn't think of a *use* for that!!
On 03/26/2010 04:29 AM, Lance Corrimal wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 24. März 2010 23:58:39 schrieb Tayra Dagostino:
>> On Mon, 8 Mar 2010 09:39:00 +0100
>> Lance Corrimal wrote:
Oh, wow. I guess I'll be remembering this one. I had no idea on it.
On 03/29/2010 02:44 PM, Tayra Dagostino wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:58:30 +0100
> Tofu Linden wrote:
>> On your system it's trying to load 103 system fonts for full unicode
>> coverage (on my system it's 43 font
I can build it on ubuntu 9.10, but I don't know why it's not up. There
are a couple of crazy things in the build (build type release... uh...
relwithdebinfo you mean? haha), but it works.
On 03/31/2010 06:02 PM, Ricky wrote:
What is the current status of the Linux binaries for SnowGlobe?
They won't accept viewer developers because the viewer is GPL and they
want to be absolutely sure that only BSD code gets in. If the viewer
code weren't virally licensed (as the GPL is), they'd probably be more
than happy to accept viewer-developer patches. Geeked as all get-out,
I'd imagine. I
Mmm. There are many grids, all running different server versions. All of
the web-related stuff like the concurrency, etc., is all client-side and
has nothing at all to do with OpenSim. It's web data and your client
wasn't configured to look at any other web page with that data.
In short, it loo
Soft body physics are best implemented in a local viewer, leaving the
rigid-body collision detection to the server, am I right in this?
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Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 9:03 AM, Glen Canaday <mailto:gcana...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Soft body physics are best implemented in a local viewer, leaving the
rigid-body collision detection to the server, am I right in this?
ome users would need to disable the feature
> altogether, because it would also be costly to process the effect.
> - Jacek
> On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 2:48 PM, Glen Canaday wrote:
>> I came to the same conclusion, with the exception that a lookahead for a
>> colli
What would the appropriate list for this be? I'm pretty sure it's not
this one,
Anyone know of a flash desktop exporter? For two-way web interaction
with your own desktop? Killer app for shared media... using your own
computer! ;)
I've thought of perhaps a web-based desktop environment to rend
> into the mesh surface with Y newtons of force. The client then uses
> that simple data in combination with the defined static forces to
> dynamically deform the soft mesh vertices, such as representing your
> avatar's feet pushing down on surface of a trampoline.
> Just
The XML file edits are good. I've used them and they work pretty well.
But the one with the textures doesn't work so well. Half the UI (window
frames, etc) goes completely transparent with the new texture files so
is for the most part unusable.
On 04/11/2010 05:39 PM, Boroondas Gupte wro
> deal with the law enforcement people
Chuckle @ wording ;)
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On 04/20/2010 03:41 PM, Jonathan Irvin wrote:
"4. You assume all risks, expenses, and defects of any Third-Party
Viewers that you use. Linden Lab shall not be responsible or liable
for any Third-Party Viewers."
That sure sounds like what you all have been wanting. The risk is on
the user, no
Still getting svn build errors in Ubuntu 9.10 with my gcc alternative
set to g++4.3.
[ 4%] Building CXX object llcommon/CMakeFiles/llcommon.dir/llcoros.o
In file included from
Thanks, Thickbrick. Patch applied and compilation gets past that now.
Lynx's patch should get applied to svn.
On 04/24/2010 07:50 AM, Thickbrick Sleaford wrote:
> On Saturday 24 April 2010 04:03:24 Glen Canaday wrote:
>> Still getting svn build errors in Ubuntu
Here's an odd thing - in 2.0, I'm trying to add an LM to a notice. How
do I do that when I have to drag an item from inventory to do it, which
is in the same sidebar?
Def need an inventory floater.
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AHH hidden. Really need that more obvious. Never saw it before.
*/me puts it on his list
On 04/26/2010 12:33 PM, Kuraiko Yoshikawa wrote:
> Am 26.04.2010 18:26, schrieb Glen Canaday:
>> Here's an odd thing - in 2.0, I'm trying to add an LM to a notice. How
There are autobanners that ban by client, no? Full-sim, estate ban?
I'm on Snowglobe 2 and just got banned from both The Loft and The Loft
II; both are furniture store sims. Can someone TP there and test if they
get banned? If someone is banning by presence on the TPV list, then snow
needs to b
use. I don't know of any way to detect
> via script or estate or land controls what client someone is even using.
> I do know there is maintenance going on, and regions being restarted.
> Perhaps you were simply caught in a sim restart.
> At 09:49 PM 4/30/2010, Glen
ouple of minutes:
> [13:14] Second Life: You have been teleported home by the object 'zF RedZone
> v3.2.3' on the parcel 'Furniture and Prefabs @ The Loft II'.
> [13:14] zF RedZone v3.2.3: You have been removed for using copybot.
> On Saturday 01 May
The rest of the conversation was actually very gracious. I do expect his
product not to be the only one to provide false positives.
He is checking into it to see how it could be changed to properly detect
unchanged clients - after now, it's likely going to be th beta grid for
any testing
n clients on OpenSim
or the beta grid from here on out.
Though WHY anyone wouldn't want to come HERE to talk about client
detection is far beyond my grasp. That's like AVG not wanting to talk to
On 05/01/2010 06:42 PM, Robert Martin wrote:
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 6:09
My mistake. I was under the impression that anything not on the list
wasn't supposed to be able to get on agni. I must have read it wrong.
On 05/01/2010 09:50 PM, Maya Remblai wrote:
> Glen Canaday wrote:
>> [14:57] GC Continental: anything not on the TPV lis
Mornin, east-coaster!
On 05/18/2010 04:46 PM, Oz Linden (Scott Lawrence) wrote:
> This is just a quick note to introduce myself - I'm Scott Lawrence, and
> this week I've become Oz Linden. I've just started at Linden Lab as the
> Director of Open Development.
> I'm a long time open source
icesphere looks really interesting... anyone try it? looks like a pain
to get started.
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Basically, I think the group as a whole likes much of what was done, but
that making the real changes to the UI itself don't exactly seem a
less-than-herculean task. So, if we were to remove the sidebar, will LL
keep it gone? If themability gets added, and people spend the time it
takes to make
This does sound much better than the previous way of doing things - more
open and closer to the Bazaar, etc., but I want to ask how it came
about. What was the impetus? Is this a direct result of Phil's return to
more active involvement with LL in general? Is it simply the desire of
the devs added
Been over that and over that on the list. The only way to get that taken
care of is to fix it ourselves and have LL merge it in. I'd do it if I
were 'up to the task' but anyone who does do it just needs to remember
to have it set up as a pref setting.
Gamers like it broken like it is now, people w
at 22:40, Glen Canaday wrote:
> > Gamers like it broken like it is now, people who SOCIALIZE here (since
> > SL is, in fact, *not* a game... ahem) like it broken the way it's
> > historically been.
> It wasn't broken historically: it was a prefs setting.
This is the project I've started 50 times and never got further than
"YES! It compiles on all platforms! ...just.. need... everything. else."
Since it's LGPL now, we can make a modular plugin-based viewer that uses
LL's code as a starting point, and even incorporate BSD-licensed bits...
just conve
> this is why now all code is public and following few step you can
> contribute all code you want... a optional switchable theme/UI/XUI can
> be merged giving to all residents the freedom to choose the aspect on
> monitor (viewer 1.x style too).
> Is hard take LL base code, patch it, merge
On Sat, 2010-09-04 at 13:28 +0100, Talia Tokugawa wrote:
> Well this is taking things quite a bit further than I envisioned for
> this. What Glen is suggesting here seems more like having stuff like
> java and flash installed for a browser.
Actually, nowhere near that! That's what people on the li
On Sat, 2010-09-04 at 17:39 +0100, Talia Tokugawa wrote:
> Okay so this plugin talk has got me thinking.. I tend to think
> visually and wasn't sure on if this mailing list dealt with images or
> not so I just blogged the idea instead.
> http://www.talia-tokugawa.co.uk/snowstorm-plugin-concepts-cal
Try editing a notecard and type past the edge. I've only seen it once
and im not in a position where I can report it atm, but it could be
related to what you're seeing.
In the notecard I get screwed up text.
On Wed, 2010-09-08 at 20:15 +0100, Talia Tokugawa wrote:
> Hey, is this just me?
On Sat, 2010-09-11 at 17:39 +0200, Michael Schlenker wrote:
> Am 11.09.2010 um 17:31 schrieb Zi Ree:
> > Am Samstag 11 September 2010 17:22:33 schrieb dilly dobbs:
> >
> >> it more like a game with a limited number of opening/learning the interface
> >> 'quests' so to speak. There has to be so
> > * Let the local operating system deal with the file caching. If you
> > have 4+ gig of system memory, let the OS manage it for caching
> > frequently accessed world data.
> if i have 4+GB i use a ramdisk as cache... XD
Wow. I am getting VERY old and senile. WHY oh why I didn't think of
I disagree - it's not that great. Full client-side softbody with Bullet
would be better to do. Add a few sliders for "softness" in the av
appearance dialog (while upgrading the base mesh to support this) and
there we really are... the whole shebang with a lot less real effort.
>From there all would
On Sat, 2010-10-02 at 05:45 +1000, Tateru Nino wrote:
> On 2/10/2010 5:22 AM, Brian McGroarty wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ponzu wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 1:06 PM, Thomas Grimshaw
> > wrote:
> > On 01/10/2010 18:04, Ponzu wrote:
> >
No Linux support is a total deal-breaker for me. I really don't care how
many platforms are supported, and that includes gaming consoles, if mine
isn't. Gaming consoles are irrelevant, as SL is not a game and would not
sell at Best Buy even if it were, making that support a completely moot
On Sun, 2010-10-03 at 15:09 -0700, Daniel Smith wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 3, 2010 at 2:56 PM, Glen Canaday
> wrote:
> No Linux support is a total deal-breaker for me.
> I never said anything about the Linux viewer going away.
> I note that we have P
gt; M.
On Mon, 2010-10-04 at 13:15 -0700, Daniel Smith wrote:
> Am happy to see some input on the idea of Unity. It makes me smile.
> My intent, of course, was to jolt a bit out of idea of a monolithic
> 2.x codebase. A lot of folks want the viewer to do quite a bit (mesh
> editor, anyone?). Fulf
On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 19:40 -0400, Ponzu wrote:
> Alas, so many generations of coder who learned vi from someone who
> already didn't know vi.
> You will note that Google's new keyboard commands are vi commands.
> There is a reason for this.
Google... has keyboard commands?
:wq , :i, :q
I do sometimes wonder what happened to i, ii, iii, iv, and v, though.
Must be like that "Leonard Part 6" movie Bill Cosby did in the early
On Wed, 2010-10-20 at 19:45 -0500, Dave Booth wrote:
> On 10/20/2010 18:40, Ponzu wrote:
> > Alas, so many generations of coder who learned vi from
They used to be so much better... on Linux, anyway. I wonder what happened.
On Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:17:15 am Dave Booth wrote:
> On 11/13/2010 06:04, Laurent Bechir wrote:
> > Is it a hardware problem of ATI or just a software problem that can be
> > solved by SL developers ?
Oh, for the record - I did have dynamic shadows working on an ATI HD2600 on
Ubuntu 9.10. It was slow and horrible, but it worked.
I have screenshots, somewhere.
On Saturday, November 13, 2010 10:17:15 am Dave Booth wrote:
> On 11/13/2010 06:04, Laurent Bechir wrote:
> > Is it a hardware p
85 matches
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