lol.. define 'proper' ;P
Release, non-standalone? If this worls properly I'll see if I can do a
non-patched pure 2.0 build. If LL's interested, they can have it.
On 03/15/2010 11:14 PM, Tony Agudo wrote:
Congrats on the successful build, Glen. I hope this means a proper
Snowglobe 2.0 binary for Linux isn't far behind anymore.
On Mar 15, 2010 10:08 PM, "Glen Canaday" <
<>> wrote:
Screwed up the topic. All better now.
Linux build of Snowglobe-2.0 svn doesn't like spaces in the build path.
find: `/home/glen/Programs/Second': No such file or directory
No such file or directory
Bright side - got thru my fist build! Least - compiling and linking
worked.... lol
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